Zephyr sanctum dungeon.

Zephyr sanctum dungeon.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yuta.9487


So I really enjoyed both the zephyr sanctum as the queens pavilion and I am very glad Anet decided to bring exactly these two events back to live. In my opinion, especially for the zephyr sanctum, it would be a big waste of a great concept and a huge amount of hard work to remove it and leave us with just the memories.

Wouldn’t it be great if the area would be open for everyone, where zephyr sanctum will be filled with both harder and easier content for both the less experienced as well as the elite player .

For example I had the idea of implying the zephyr sanctum tunements into a dungeon. How awesome would it be to solve coordinated puzzles, run for your live in jumping races and conquer interactive boss rooms where one have to use both the zephyr sanctum tunements as well as original skills to survive.

EA: ground getting electrified so you have to jump up platforms, the platforms are breaking after a little while where you have to use lightning strike to get to the next platform, hughe AoE’s which may only be avoided trough using the sun tunement. And all of this while fighting the boss. A dungeons where the boss fights are quick, and the death rate is high.

I’m curious how you, gw2 community, think about this concept and its many possibility’s.

(PS: No longer temporary living story content, but permanent content brought to you trough living story’s!!!!)