Zerg trains in Queensdale

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bastien.1645


I think it’s pure courtesy to just call out the champions or not disrupt a train… the way I see it is, if you see 30-50 people doing something, why be a jerk and ruin it for them…? I don’t get where this anti social /anti team work behaviour comes from, I don’t know if people are too young but surely any one who’s had a real job understands the importance of team work and communication…

Before the train became a thing- this is exactly what everyone did.

Now on the other hand you have a massive train of 80’s running through a starter zone and heaven help a new player who disrupts the train because
1 they don’t know it exists
2 they are just leveling
3 don’t know how the champs can be set off.
4 learn really quickly all GW2 is about is killing champs all day in rotation and that the people are really rude to new players.

So pure courtesy would be not to ruin a starter zone for low levels and to take your train to Frostgorge Sound

Team work and co-operation has nothing to do with it- easy lootz has.
I am 42 and this is completely toxic to the game.

I highly doubt a level 5 new Elementalist to the game can solo a champion like Troll/Spider, I mean perhaps they are mechanically gifted but I know I’d probably get 1 shotted if I was just starting the game and the troll champ came at me.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I just found my new hobby: wp to queensdale, say ‘Troll is at 50% hp’ then leave. The best part is that you don’t even have to be near it
A few weeks ago I soloed the underwater wurm in frostgorge. Guild had just completed the rush, so it was convenient. I kept waiting for the zerg to show up and help out but after like 10 minutes no one showed and I killed it alone. a few minutes later people were groaning in chat about the wurm already being dead. I have no sympathy for them. If anyone ever yelled at my directly, I would block and report them.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


People do it for the karma and xp.

Karma/xp- Queensdale zerg train.
Loot- Frostgorge Sound zerg train.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I just found my new hobby: wp to queensdale, say ‘Troll is at 50% hp’ then leave. The best part is that you don’t even have to be near it
A few weeks ago I soloed the underwater wurm in frostgorge. Guild had just completed the rush, so it was convenient. I kept waiting for the zerg to show up and help out but after like 10 minutes no one showed and I killed it alone. a few minutes later people were groaning in chat about the wurm already being dead. I have no sympathy for them. If anyone ever yelled at my directly, I would block and report them.

The jerk store called, they’re out of you.

I’ve never heard anyone moan about a champ being down in FG, they just wait for it to repop or skip to the next one.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oenanthe.6549


While I don’t have a problem with a well behaved train, I do think that having it in Queensdale can give a bad experience to new players and ANet need to do something to spread the train over the various zones.

Yesterday I was in Diessa Plateau and noticed the giant champ was up, put out a call in map chat and there ended up being three or four of us taking him on. For me it was a much better experience of a champ fight than the Queensdale zerg is now.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


I just found my new hobby: wp to queensdale, say ‘Troll is at 50% hp’ then leave. The best part is that you don’t even have to be near it

I am sure your joking, as you must be aware that players have been reported for doing just that? For some strange reason, Anet seems to think that is called “griefing”.

And like others have said, I have never heard anyone complain in the FG trains about anything being dead. They spawn so quickly if you take the time to complain in chat, you would miss the next one as well.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I just found my new hobby: wp to queensdale, say ‘Troll is at 50% hp’ then leave. The best part is that you don’t even have to be near it
A few weeks ago I soloed the underwater wurm in frostgorge. Guild had just completed the rush, so it was convenient. I kept waiting for the zerg to show up and help out but after like 10 minutes no one showed and I killed it alone. a few minutes later people were groaning in chat about the wurm already being dead. I have no sympathy for them. If anyone ever yelled at my directly, I would block and report them.

The jerk store called, they’re out of you.

I’ve never heard anyone moan about a champ being down in FG, they just wait for it to repop or skip to the next one.

You’re their all-time best seller!

Oh yea? Well I had sex with your wife!

I urge everyone now to troll the QD train. I’m going to make it a point to kill every champ I see up in QD just for the hell of it. It will be glorious.

QD farmers need to get some self-respect and go to FGS where the mature people farm champions. Queensdale is for new players.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


I just don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

I farm champs in queensdale once or twice a month to get my monthly events. They’re quick and easy to find, though boring as all get out and the loot is typically sub-par for a lvl 80. I do this because finding events that I can solo in higher level areas is near impossible.

I farm champs in frostgorge for loot daily. I have NEVER seen any person be rude there, even if a champ had been killed “out of rotation”. There have been a few guild rushes and the guild people were super nice and so was the train. Sometimes we get to a champ and it isn’t there, we just move on. Yesterday morning it was super fun in the frostgorge train because one of the people in it was posing riddles the whole time and everyone had a great time with it

None of you should be rude. People should not deliberately grief other players. Period. A few bad apples on both sides are giving the whole thing a bad rep for no reason. ANYONE being rude should grow up and “play nice”. It is appropriate and appreciated to call out events/champs, so please do so. If one is downed before the zerg gets to it, just move on. Why is this so hard to accomplish???

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


I like champ zerg. It’s relaxing, I can chat with friends running, I still earn money, and I can quit whenever I want to. I haven’t seen any any rudeness comments but I only run in frostgorge. There are times a champ got killed due to anything, miscommunication, guild mission, whatever. Often we just confirm the situation and move on killing the next one.

Things maybe different in queensdale as it being a leveling map. I don’t know why people choose to level with champ zerg, or earn gold there. Leveling, it’s slower than map completion in 1-15, slower than event chain 15+. Gold it’s worse than frostgorge. So I don’t quite understand that. But people can do whatever they want, same for OP. If you feel offended, just report.

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I just found my new hobby: wp to queensdale, say ‘Troll is at 50% hp’ then leave. The best part is that you don’t even have to be near it
A few weeks ago I soloed the underwater wurm in frostgorge. Guild had just completed the rush, so it was convenient. I kept waiting for the zerg to show up and help out but after like 10 minutes no one showed and I killed it alone. a few minutes later people were groaning in chat about the wurm already being dead. I have no sympathy for them. If anyone ever yelled at my directly, I would block and report them.

The jerk store called, they’re out of you.

I’ve never heard anyone moan about a champ being down in FG, they just wait for it to repop or skip to the next one.

You’re their all-time best seller!

Oh yea? Well I had sex with your wife!

I urge everyone now to troll the QD train. I’m going to make it a point to kill every champ I see up in QD just for the hell of it. It will be glorious.

QD farmers need to get some self-respect and go to FGS where the mature people farm champions. Queensdale is for new players.

I’m guessing that your childhood profile said something to the effect “doesn’t play well with others.” I’m not justifying the abuse that sometimes comes from Queensdale train, but you getting your kicks from kittening with other people in an MMO says quite a bit.

By the way, if I want to join a champ train I almost always do it in Frostgorge, but you do realize that the champs in Queensdale count for events whereas the ones in Frostgorge do not, right? I suspect not. It makes a difference if you’re trying to finish up your monthly.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Zerg trains in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way.