Zerker build has ruined this game !

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: voidwater.2064


Zerker gear + dungeon bug exploits.

Without this 2 requirements it is really hard to get a “pug” team to make dungeons, player gona be flamed and droped from party.

If I feel like doing a dungeon, I typically join/make PUG teams in LFG with no description beyond the path number(s).

The party fills up very quickly, most runs go pretty smoothly. I don’t think everyone or even most are running full zerker, but I rarely see someone who complains about what builds others are using.

If you join an ‘experienced’ run or something similar, people tend to be pickier, but that’s expected.

My anecdotal evidence is pretty different, it seems…

(edited by voidwater.2064)

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mazdan.2071


In every action MMO I have played, it’s always been a race to 0 hit points. First one there loses. This has made DPS king regardless if it’s GW2, DDO (where high HP frenzy Barbs rule the day) or whatever it may be. In fact, most videogames are won with fast, hard, accurate hits.

A problem is that in MMO’s a creature is drawn to the one doing the most damage. This allows for a tank type to grab agro from that DPS’er through some game mechanic(intimidation in DDO for example) and absorb intended attacks. This game doesn’t have that, thus no need for tank types or tank gear. The creature just hits whoever or aoe’s, so the race to get it to 0 HP is on. Zerker gear helps that. In other games it’s some other damage meta.

Hell even in tabletop RPG’s. DPR seems to win out in most situations.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyn.3295


I run a Zerker guardian. I have for a while. I don’t always run with other zerker groups. But I have been more and more lately.

For the longest time I was happy to join any old pug. Then here while back when I was bored and my nomral dungeon guild group wasn’t on I decided to run HOTW path 3. I got another two guardians, and Ele and a warrior. Right after the first boss fight, which took longer then nomral, the warrior says “I love been a regen warrior.” Right then I had this sinking feeling.

As I soon discovered I was the ONLY source of DPS anywhere. There is only so much time even the most skilled Zerker guardian can dodge/blind/block/dance/bake pies what not before he runs out of everything. Needless to say it wasn’t a fun night. I opened or I would have tossed the whole thing, and left.

Point is Zerker gear hasn’t ruined the game. Peoples unwillingness to let go of their past experiences have. We all know that Anet is changing zerker gear. But what we dont’ know is exactly by how much. Regardless of what happens there the Meta will change, even if its slightly. Then we will be running into these same problems. People will be complaining on the fourms that no one wants them.

Bad players will be bad players. It doesn’t matter what gear or build they use

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


Perhaps my point was too subtle. If the only bosses I could think of were a poorly scaled herd event champion and a perfect storm re placement of a chain AoE that’s not supposed to land in the same spot, that would tend to make the point that one-shots are rather rare, wouldn’kitten

Edit: As to instance only, changing berserker would affect persistent world and WvW play as well as dungeons, so I think those parts of the game are fair play — unless you want the thread to be moved to the dungeon sub-forum.

To be honest, I don’t think anyone would complain about berserker in the open world. It should strictly be about instances.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


How do you coordinate the behavior of someone you never even see in a zerg ?

Isn’t everyone complaining about berserker’s gear in dungeons?

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


You can’t really coordinate in an in promptu group, as it’s rather hard to type while keeping pressed several keys in the keyboard, and there’s no “nearby” in-game voice chat.

As for “trash mobs”, they would also be affected by the autobalance I mention, so they are a bit less trash as autobalanced CC kicks in if people just spams CCs on them.

Cntr+click on a skill pings it.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


Go into high level fractals. Everything does way to much damage (one of the main reasons people rage quit at dredge on the third), basically any champ or legendary will 1 shot down you during lvl50s.

I’ve done scales 70+ with the squishiest character possible and even there not every boss one shots you. If you build defensive stats you will no longer be one shot. Especially now, when Anet reduced the scaling.

Moreover, when people complain about one shots, they most often mean dungeon bosses. Fractals are also more often being run by teams not utilising berserker’s, at least that’s my experience with pugs. They don’t dodge perfectly yet they don’t die all the time.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


If you delete the berserker’s gear, you will replace the complaints with the next best optimal gears (assassin’s, knight’s valkyrie’s, etc.) ad infinitum until you’re left with one least optimal gear. Why is this a good thing?

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


zerker is not the problem not having holy trinity in the game IS the problem Geting ONE shoot from boss IS problem

List the bosses that one shot you, please.

Go into high level fractals. Everything does way to much damage (one of the main reasons people rage quit at dredge on the third), basically any champ or legendary will 1 shot down you during lvl50s.

It depends on heavily what class and gear you have.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


I guess anets agree with my Opinion on how berserk needed a nerf and here is my proof

Reducing the Maximum Attainable Critical Damage

One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.

The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


So it looks like berserker build is getting 10% damage nerf

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


I guess anets agree with my Opinion on how berserk needed a nerf and here is my proof

Reducing the Maximum Attainable Critical Damage

One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.

The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.

That is not proof because anet stated that berserker’s gear will still be the best and optimal damage of all the available gears. You will get your diversity when there’s room for more cc-oriented builds, all those visions anet had for support, control and DPS (or if somehow condition damage can ever be viable. I’m afraid with the max condition cap, anet has developed the players to be extremely skilled at playing the game without relying on condition in such a way that if condition damage is made uncapped, people would still opt for non-condi builds). Until that time comes, you’re stuck with the highest DPS gear is the best no-contest gear.

You want diversity, play more WvW and PvP.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


We’ve known about the Ferocity changes and 10% “nerf” for ages. It doesn’t save your argument from being a bad one i’m afraid OP.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pie Flavor.1647

Pie Flavor.1647

So it looks like berserker build is getting 10% damage nerf

old news

And I am become kitten, the destroyer of kittens

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189



Simply adding HP to bosses is not the answer. Neither is straight up nerfing berserker gear.

Every game is going to have its optimial straight damage gear. It’s condition damage gear. It’s second and tertiary straight damage gears, etc. This is normal.

What needs to be done require adjustments to the combat and foes themselves. Give foes full skill bars. Make it desirable to have support players in the party. Improve AI so that it has tactics, and perhaps adjusts/reacts in some way to larger groups attacking it. Punish the stacking gimmick (perhaps not in all instances, but in the majority). Make it so people can’t just ‘run through’ content, but actually have to play it to progress. Make control useful in pve – nix the defiance and make bosses reflect cc’s back at player, absorb them to heal, etc.

Lots of options for improvement out there.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Zerker isn’t the problem, it is a symptom.


I will admit, however, that as someone who runs regular dungeons/group stuff, the zerker thing has not affected me. If a group is asking for zerker only, ok, I don’t join them. They are looking for a certain style of play (speed runs). If you want to play in that particular style, then you will need zerker.

If you are like me and most other players, then there is no requirement for gear. I welcome all levels, builds, and classes when my guild and I run dungeons.

So, I wouldn’t quite say it has ruined the game. If anything it has ruined the PUG experience.

If speed running is your game, then there is absolutely nothing that can be done about one build being preferred over another. If they nerf Zerker gear, then whatever is the next best build will become the standard for speed running. There will always be a best set-up for speedrunning.

What is annoying are people that usually speed run spouting their elitism to a group that is not looking to speed run. OK, no one cares that you can do this dungeon in 7min if you have X build, we’re not here for that. We’re here to complete the dungeon successfully. If you are going to whine about the speed, leave the group and find a speed running zerker group.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605



I agree with you in some point but what ppl fail to understand or deny is that the berserker build is an exploit and let me explain why.

I am pure pve player I don’t do much pvp and all i do is run dungeons , so I am always seeking on the LFG and all you see is 80% of the time is LF heavy class and zerker only.

They main reason for this is because a group of 5 zerker build can actually down most bosses in a dungeon under 20 sec

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


Asking for heavy only is because what they really mean is I want 2 warrior and 2 to 3 guardian for the buff and survivability

You see a warrior has there banners, 2 warrior can offer the group 170 prec 15% , 170 tough and vit and 170 healing with 10% boon duration , now the 170 healing doesn’t mean much but the boon duration its great especially with a guardian next to you

Now you got the guardian who can offer boon and protection fields , 2 guardians can offer perma stack of might from 20 to 25 ,they can easy offer 20 sec of 33% damage reduction, both combine can offer 20 sec of reflect or even better 12 sec of sanctuary and if you have a 3rd guardian that’s 18 sec of sanctuary making the group immune to damage

Now if it took 40sec to 1min to kill a boss, all this buff wouldn’t help much at the end, but b/c of the zerker build players can down a boss under 20sec and with all this heavy class buff they are unstoppable , no need to use dodge no need to use healing skill no need to know when you are going to get hit just stand there and burn the boss down

This to me is a exploit and the reason zerk build deserve a nerf

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


I agree with you in some point but what ppl fail to understand or deny is that the berserker build is an exploit and let me explain why.


Berserker build is an exploit… seriously? Because if people are intelligent and know how to use abilities that keep them alive, that’s cheating the game?

Edit: perhaps the definition of exploit you’re using is different from the one commonly thrown about. What is your exact definition of exploit in this? (I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.)

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189



I agree with you in some point but what ppl fail to understand or deny is that the berserker build is an exploit and let me explain why.

I am pure pve player I don’t do much pvp and all i do is run dungeons , so I am always seeking on the LFG and all you see is 80% of the time is LF heavy class and zerker only.

They main reason for this is because a group of 5 zerker build can actually down most bosses in a dungeon under 20 sec

I too am a pve player, and yes I completely understand what you mean by the group ads in the lfg tool.

That said, berserker gear itself is not an exploit. It was, and is, intended to be the best straight damage set in the game. However, I doubt it was intended to so ‘much’ better than other sets as it was. With the adjustment to critical damage, it brings the set more inline with existing sets. Its a start, and they have to start somewhere.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


Asking for heavy only is because what they really mean is I want 2 warrior and 2 to 3 guardian for the buff and survivability

You see a warrior has there banners, 2 warrior can offer the group 170 prec 15% , 170 tough and vit and 170 healing with 10% boon duration , now the 170 healing doesn’t mean much but the boon duration its great especially with a guardian next to you

Now you got the guardian who can offer boon and protection fields , 2 guardians can offer perma stack of might from 20 to 25 ,they can easy offer 20 sec of 33% damage reduction, both combine can offer 20 sec of reflect or even better 12 sec of sanctuary and if you have a 3rd guardian that’s 18 sec of sanctuary making the group immune to damage

Now if it took 40sec to 1min to kill a boss, all this buff wouldn’t help much at the end, but b/c of the zerker build players can down a boss under 20sec and with all this heavy class buff they are unstoppable , no need to use dodge no need to use healing skill no need to know when you are going to get hit just stand there and burn the boss down

This to me is a exploit and the reason zerk build deserve a nerf

Because people can finish dungeons faster through proper coordination it’s an exploit? Where is it stated that the boss ought to be defeated in more than x seconds?

Besides, a team of all heavies aren’t necessarily the fastest runs. If you’re not happy with lots of lfgs looking for just heavies, make your own group (and from the general impression there are many others who are like you). So you won’t face a zerg-only group, no kicking for running non-meta builds, etc.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605



I agree with you in some point but what ppl fail to understand or deny is that the berserker build is an exploit and let me explain why.

I am pure pve player I don’t do much pvp and all i do is run dungeons , so I am always seeking on the LFG and all you see is 80% of the time is LF heavy class and zerker only.

They main reason for this is because a group of 5 zerker build can actually down most bosses in a dungeon under 20 sec

I too am a pve player, and yes I completely understand what you mean by the group ads in the lfg tool.

That said, berserker gear itself is not an exploit. It was, and is, intended to be the best straight damage set in the game. However, I doubt it was intended to so ‘much’ better than other sets as it was. With the adjustment to critical damage, it brings the set more inline with existing sets. Its a start, and they have to start somewhere.

which I am happy knowing that anet does feel that the critical damage in creating a unbalance to the game and they are doing the change

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


An exploit is when you stay somewhere and that way the boss has no way to damage you while you whittle the boss down to death.

You think this is on the same level as players maximizing their damage output to mitigate more damage bring thrown against them?

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuji.6284


I guess anets agree with my Opinion on how berserk needed a nerf and here is my proof

Reducing the Maximum Attainable Critical Damage

One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.

The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.

They didn’t do this because they agreed with you. They wanted to make other stats more valuable. However, it’s nothing more than an illusion. Other stats don’t simply become more valuable when you nerf one stat. I’ve seen it happened before in games and it either goes downhill or nothing changes. The problem behind why berserker’s is favored goes beyond just high dps. It has to do with content, monster mechanics, rewards, condition stacks, and so many more aspects of the game within PvE that makes berserker’s gear shine. Encouraging build diversity has always been one of the greatest challenges for games in general. It’s not a surprise that Arenet couldn’t completely get it right. The nerf to crit. damage isn’t changing anything unless it’s for the worst. Hopefully their new traits will though.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605



Because people can finish dungeons faster through proper coordination it’s an exploit? .[/quote]

Lol popping all your CD at a start of the fight and still having does cd effect by the end of the fight isn’t proper coordination

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


Because people can finish dungeons faster through proper coordination it’s an exploit? .[/quote]

Lol popping all your CD at a start of the fight and still having does cd effect by the end of the fight isn’t proper coordination


Is it? Requiring Eles to max might and vuln as soon as possible isn’t proper coordination? Sounds like a proper coordination to me than blindly popping CDs at different times blindly.

Pre-stacking is a coordinated preparation to a fight. I don’t know why this isn’t a proper coordination. I’m more upset when I’m an Ele that people never cared about setting up properly before a massive battle.

(edited by xallever.1874)

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


I think the word “exploit” gets thrown way too often, mostly when you don’t like something.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


I think the word “exploit” gets thrown way too often, mostly when you don’t like something.

Watch out, haviz. People might exploit you.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


An exploit is when you stay somewhere and that way the boss has no way to damage you while you whittle the boss down to death.

You think this is on the same level as players maximizing their damage output to mitigate more damage bring thrown against them?

Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


An exploit is when you stay somewhere and that way the boss has no way to damage you while you whittle the boss down to death.

You think this is on the same level as players maximizing their damage output to mitigate more damage bring thrown against them?

Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there

That is your own definition of an exploit. You think it wouldn’t be an exploit as long as the boss has his health tripled or something. This is the reason why it’s different from climbing a wall because you will never get hit whether the boss’ hp is tripled or increased 100x more.

The same people who advocates zerker builds, the best of them still do not require non-zerker stats through proper dmg mitigation. You think they will end up forgoing the zerker gears? Maybe the meta would simply change to requiring more guardians for a better coordinated aegis timings to completely mitigate the damage thus all those toughness vitality stats still won’t matter as much as you hope.

(edited by xallever.1874)

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Nerfing Zerker will do nothing at all. Zerker is king because there is no reason to use anything else.

- Support? The best support don’t need any stats, they come from your utilities.
- Defensive stats? With reflect, aegis, dodge, evade, block, invulnerable a good player don’t need any defensive stats. So these stats are only useful for ppl that are learning or casual.
- Condition Damage? They are great, but they are freaking bad the moment you have other ppl playing with you in the dungeon.

Until they change that, Zerker will be the only king of PvE.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


An exploit is when you stay somewhere and that way the boss has no way to damage you while you whittle the boss down to death.

You think this is on the same level as players maximizing their damage output to mitigate more damage bring thrown against them?

Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there

That is your own definition of an exploit. You think it wouldn’t be an exploit as long as the boss has his health tripled or something. This is the reason why it’s different from climbing a wall because you will never get hit whether the boss’ hp is tripled or increased 100x more.

Exploit is a flaw on the system that you use for your own advantage. I extremely doubt it that developer will create a gear set that would aloud you down bosses in mere seconds, because if that was the case they wouldn’t bother nerfing it like they are doing now

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azreell.1568


The problem is the content design and lack of any type of trinity.

The problem is not the gear set.

When you design a game based solely on dps – what did you really think would happen? The highest dps set would become the most used/desired and required.

No one should be surprised.

Azreell – Mesmer
Loyalty To None

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there

You’d be comfortable saying, then, that anything that allowed (not aloud, btw) you to avoid damage from a boss is essentially the same as “climbing a wall and attack the boss from there”?

So Aegis (100% damage reduction for an attack), Dodge (100% damage reduction for .75 seconds), Feedback/WoR/SotA/iWardens (100% damage reduction for some fights) would all be exploits? Perhaps we should just delete the entire Guardian and Mesmer class? Maybe in the next features update they can remove dodge?

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


People demand w/e they consider best. If it weren’t zerker, they’d demand you be in orange, purple or level 80. That doesn’t mean those are inherently bad things.

You can ignore these people of course and not join their runs.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there

You’d be comfortable saying, then, that anything that allowed (not aloud, btw) you to avoid damage from a boss is essentially the same as “climbing a wall and attack the boss from there”?

So Aegis (100% damage reduction for an attack), Dodge (100% damage reduction for .75 seconds), Feedback/WoR/SotA/iWardens (100% damage reduction for some fights) would all be exploits? Perhaps we should just delete the entire Guardian and Mesmer class? Maybe in the next features update they can remove dodge?

What you doing Is reading between the line or interpreting things on your own words,
CD to avoid damage should be use to help you avoid damage for a period of time not to fully stop you from taking damage, because the zerker build is making the fight so shorts all the def skill are being use as a way to make the group immune from any damage for the entire fight

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


The problem is the content design and lack of any type of trinity.

The problem is not the gear set.

When you design a game based solely on dps – what did you really think would happen? The highest dps set would become the most used/desired and required.

No one should be surprised.

The game wasn’t never design base on solely on dps, The gamer’s made it that way after they discover how OP the zerker build was that going for something else was making it harder and every 1 know how the majority love taking the easy path over the challenge one

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


The problem is the content design and lack of any type of trinity.

The problem is not the gear set.

When you design a game based solely on dps – what did you really think would happen? The highest dps set would become the most used/desired and required.

No one should be surprised.

The game wasn’t never design base on solely on dps, The gamer’s made it that way after they discover how OP the zerker build was that going for something else was making it harder and every 1 know how the majority love taking the easy path over the challenge one

It is possible you might have crossed the line by calling those speed runs as the easier one. You think the PuG is overcrowded with too many successful Arah speed runs?

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


What you doing Is reading between the line or interpreting things on your own words,
CD to avoid damage should be use to help you avoid damage for a period of time not to fully stop you from taking damage, because the zerker build is making the fight so shorts all the def skill are being use as a way to make the group immune from any damage for the entire fight

No. I’m showing you how illogical your argument is.

Intelligent use of skill to negate a monster’s damage does not equate to removing the ability of the monster to attack you.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


What you doing Is reading between the line or interpreting things on your own words,
CD to avoid damage should be use to help you avoid damage for a period of time not to fully stop you from taking damage, because the zerker build is making the fight so shorts all the def skill are being use as a way to make the group immune from any damage for the entire fight

No. I’m showing you how illogical your argument is.

Intelligent use of skill to negate a monster’s damage does not equate to removing the ability of the monster to attack you.

you are showing no logic on your argument:

I am speaking of the ability to make a fight so short that you can use the ability of negate monster damage with out the lack of any intelligent behind the use of it.

Having to use a ability at the best time possible to negate monster damage is a intelligent use of skill , but popping all your negate damage skill at the start of every boss fight is call a rotation which requires 0 intelligence from your part

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


I am speaking of the ability to make a fight so short that you can use the ability of negate monster damage with out the lack of any intelligent behind the use of it.

Having to use a ability at the best time possible to negate monster damage is a intelligent use of skill , but popping all your negate damage skill at the start of every boss fight is call a rotation which requires 0 intelligence from your part

And what happens when using the ability at the start of the fight IS the most intelligent time to use the skill?

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


You’ve basically equated using damage reducing/nullifying skills to using terrain exploits to prevent the monster from even being able to attempt to attack you. There is no logic in that.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azreell.1568


The problem is the content design and lack of any type of trinity.

The problem is not the gear set.

When you design a game based solely on dps – what did you really think would happen? The highest dps set would become the most used/desired and required.

No one should be surprised.

The game wasn’t never design base on solely on dps, The gamer’s made it that way after they discover how OP the zerker build was that going for something else was making it harder and every 1 know how the majority love taking the easy path over the challenge one

I am not sure how you can defend or say the game wasn’t designed as solely dps based.

Look at the last LS encounter if you think otherwise.

Look at most PvE content if you need further affirmation.

Most encounters in this game are DPS checks.

I will agree players will always gravitate to the easier path. But, when you don’t give them another path to go to at all – then the decisions become even easier.

I don’t per say have an issue with this because I am well aware of what it is. Sure, I wish it was different but at the end of the day unless they change mob ai, redesign all the content in the game and all the newly released content is not dps checks – then sure I would love to agree with you.

Azreell – Mesmer
Loyalty To None

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


I am speaking of the ability to make a fight so short that you can use the ability of negate monster damage with out the lack of any intelligent behind the use of it.

Having to use a ability at the best time possible to negate monster damage is a intelligent use of skill , but popping all your negate damage skill at the start of every boss fight is call a rotation which requires 0 intelligence from your part

And what happens when using the ability at the start of the fight IS the most intelligent time to use the skill?

Any kind on intelligent move requires a key moment is all about timing , if all you have to do is just click away with out a second thought , is just call a rotation and again that requires 0 intelligence from your part

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azreell.1568


I am speaking of the ability to make a fight so short that you can use the ability of negate monster damage with out the lack of any intelligent behind the use of it.

Having to use a ability at the best time possible to negate monster damage is a intelligent use of skill , but popping all your negate damage skill at the start of every boss fight is call a rotation which requires 0 intelligence from your part

And what happens when using the ability at the start of the fight IS the most intelligent time to use the skill?

Any kind on intelligent mover requires a key moment is all about timing , if all you have to do is just click away with out a second thought , is just call a rotation and again that requires 0 intelligence from your part

You do realize dodging could be considered part of a rotation in this game – right?

It’s reactive not proactive and is nothing more then twitch reflexes – not intelligence and also can be considered habitual once done enough.

Azreell – Mesmer
Loyalty To None

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrantis.8640


Those who perform flawlessly will have 0 waypoint fee and 0 repair fee. Those who dies a lot will rack up a ton of fees.

What?! TONS of fees?

We’re not playing the same game when you consider 6 silver “Tons of fees”

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


You do realize dodging could be considered part of a rotation in this game – right?

It’s reactive not proactive and is nothing more then twitch reflexes – not intelligence and also can be considered habitual once done enough.

Do you know that ppl almost never use dodge?

That was 1 of biggest problem that I stated on the beginning of this post, do the fact that a zerker build player is accustomed to down the boss so fast they never use dodge but if that zerker player is in a group that cant down a boss after the 20 sec time they start droping like flys

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azreell.1568


You do realize dodging could be considered part of a rotation in this game – right?

It’s reactive not proactive and is nothing more then twitch reflexes – not intelligence and also can be considered habitual once done enough.

Do you know that ppl almost never use dodge?

That was 1 of biggest problem that I stated on the beginning of this post, do the fact that a zerker build player is accustomed to down the boss so fast they never use dodge but if that zerker player is in a group that cant down a boss after the 20 sec time they start droping like flys

Perhaps we do different content or play with vastly different skill level people – but I will tell you this:

As a zerker in 49 fractals I dodge non stop and none of us die after 20 seconds.

Most of it is habitual now but it is required none the less.

The same can be said for many dungeon bosses. The reality is even as zerker most (not all) bosses take longer then 20 seconds – even running the meta.

Azreell – Mesmer
Loyalty To None

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xallever.1874


A lot of bosses in the game requires some form of dodging one way or another even if you’re a full zerker.

Take any group without an Ele, and the damage is not enough for a full zerker group to skip dodging. So I guess now your biggest problem is with the Ele.

Zerker build has ruined this game !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azreell.1568


A lot of bosses in the game requires some form of dodging one way or another even if you’re a full zerker.

Take any group without an Ele, and the damage is not enough for a full zerker group to skip dodging. So I guess now your biggest problem is with the Ele.

Actually I don’t have an issue at all.

But , Some people apparently do. The reality is simple – This game is a dps game first and everything else second.

Not sure why this surprises anyone.

Do I wish it was different? Sure – But , I also understand what I am playing.

Azreell – Mesmer
Loyalty To None