Zone 100% complete, yet unexplored areas?
No it is not a bug,
it mostly seems like they are small area’s often caves or other locations without hearts, Poi’s vistas or waypoints.
You could think of the strawberry farm in Diessa plateau, and likewise small eara’s on the fringe.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
There have been a few times when I would 100% complete a zone but the game tells me there is an unexplored area. Is that a bug?
No. To get 100% completion of a zone you need to get all hearts, POIs, WPs, vistas and skill points in the map. There are some areas of a zone that do not contain any of those things. Once one of your characters travel to those areas of the zone your account will be credited with having explored there and it will show up on the map of the character that did so with a name in white letters.
Also in the Lornar’s pass, I 100% completed it but there is an unexplored area to the Southeast in the mountains that border the next zone. I cannot figure out how to get there, anybody know?
Compare your characters map of Lorar’s Pass with this one looking for any areas grayed out and not labeled.
Ah! Griffonrook Run. I have not been there. How do you get to that spot?
Ah! Griffonrook Run. I have not been there. How do you get to that spot?
Go to youtube, type in gw2 griffonrook, choose the video yu want to watch. I like this one.
From under water :P Search on youtube, it`s a jumping puzzle.
Jumping puzzles are a pretty frequent culprit for this, since they require a decent amount of space and usually don’t have POI, waypoints, or hearts in them.
If you’re looking for unexplored areas where you have all the map items, it might be a jumping puzzle, and those can often have tricky entrances.
There are two types of mapping achievements. One is for world completion to get the Gift of Exploration and requires hearts/wp/poi/sp/vistas. There is a separate Explorer achievement for each zone that requires finding all areas within each map in the zone. The areas to be found include the jumping puzzles and mini dungeons. So, for example, Shiverpeak Explorer requires finding the 175 areas that make up the zone, including Griffonrook Run.
Griffonrook Run had me baffled for the longest time. Never knew it existed until a guildie mentioned it… discovered it and got my explorer achievement for the Shiverpeaks. I will often see nooks and crannies that I walk into just to see.
Accidentally completed a jumping puzzle without knowing it until the end chest because I was just wandering around..
You kids have it easy.
In GW1 we had to lick the walls of each map to discover map, as areas were not discovered all at once as asection, but as a ‘drawn area’, like a ‘fog of war’ in a RTS game.
You kids have it easy.
In GW1 we had to lick the walls of each map to discover map, as areas were not discovered all at once as asection, but as a ‘drawn area’, like a ‘fog of war’ in a RTS game.
So true.. often had to hack the map as well to get the last 1% completion. Yes Anet made us go to the dark side… some of us never came back. /cry