Hello Guys!
I just came by to share something with you.
I’ve been bored of the game in the last 1-1,5 years, occasionally i skipped a few months then returned to the game for a few weeks to leave it for months again.
During this 1-1,5 years mainly I returned only for the story, but nothing else.
What I would like to share is that I found a new way to enjoy Guild Wars 2 which is using a controller for the game. I know the game doesn’t have support for it, so i used xpadder and i must say it is amazing way to learn the game again.
Since I cannot skip everything in the game, I watch and listen to everything in the game, and started experiencing it again as a newcomer would.
Probably I won’t be a Master PvPer (I wasn’t with Keyboard + Mouse) but it’s fun in PvE and WvW.
I just started a new character to learn everything from the basics, which is a ranger because my pet tanks everything until I learn how to use my fingers on the gamepad
Then probably I’ll go for harder class like thief (where it’s important where you look from my experience) and engineer/elementalist where you can barely avoid using AoE (i must say it’s not easy to call targets with a controller with the settings i’m using
If you would like to try it out yourself I followed these instructions: