all weapons to all classes
ANet has talked about adding weapons to each profession. I don’t see every profession being able to use every weapon, though.
While a larger selection of weapons would be nice, I would not want weapons to feel forced. Scepter on thief? Focus on warrior? Dual pistol guardian? It’s much easier to adapt physical weapons to magical professions than vice versa.
I’d rather have the addition of new weapons and increased availability of current weapons make sense.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
All classes should be able to use all weapons with their own set of skills. We can understand why an elementalist wouldn’t use a heavy weapon like a 2H hammer, but let’s think again. Look at the mesmer for example, do you find strange that he can use a 2H sword ? No, because the mesmer uses 2H sword like a magical weapon, and we could do the exact same thing with all other weapons. Stafff for example, for warriors, could be used as melee fighting staff. 2H sword for elementalist could be used as a magical weapon. Rifle or bows for guardian could be used as support weapons or something else etc.. All classes could be able to use all weapons and at the same time the skills would stick to the spirit of that class. This would give a lot more different choices to players. What do you think ?
The main reason is simply because it would take a lot more development and testing to implement skill sets for weapons that are not normally used by existing classes. It’s likely they will allow for more useable weapon types for different classes in the future but it will take time.
I can think of one reason, specifically. Warriors are described as the weapon specialists. The class that can use the most weapons.
Not that anet has stuck to the class descriptions all that closely since the game was released but the fact remains that one of the warriors class mechanics is that they can use more weapons than other classes.
While I think Scepter Warrior would be ridiculous and silly, I think it’s pretty much a given that people would like to see more weapon options eventually. (If not every weapon for every class.) It would just take a lot of development time and resources, since those abilities would have be designed, animated, balanced with existing abilities, and implemented.
You DEFINITELY can’t give all weapons to all classes.
Elementalists and engineers would get way more skills. As they have attunements, kits and toolkit skills.
From less to more, this lists shows how many weapons professions should have in proportion to the others.
- Engineer.
- Elementalist.
- Thief
- Necromancer/Mesmer
- Ranger.
- Guardian
- Warrior.
This doesn’t mean that you can give warriors more weapons, but can’t give engineer any. It means that when you give weapons to all professions, engineers and elementalists should get less than the rest.
But it’s true that all professions could use more weapons.
I would start with one to engineers and elementalists, and two to the rest.
The main additions people seem to agree with are hammers for engineers and necromancers, main hand pistols for mesmers and offhand swords for thieves.
I personally would love to see a rifle designed to fit a thieves relying less in in stealth and criticals, for occasions like when you are on top of a tower and could use a 1200-1500 range weapon to eliminate key targets from the battlements, or when you have to deal with a world boss. You know, with a snipe skill that gives the target one of those “you are being targeted” effects on their feet like the one “On My Mark” gives and causes 10 second revealed on activation, so one can’t shoot and hide.
And main hand torches, foci and shields would be something really nice to have. I never liked the idea of offhand-only items.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
I could go for some Shortbow Guardians, or Greatsword Necro. Both are solid weapons that anyone would use given the chance.
Warrior with Scepter ?
—> Mageknight !! Awesome.
Warrior with Staff ?
—> Shaolin type ! Also awesome.
Guardian with dual Pistols ?
—> Exorcist ! Sounds badarss.
Warrior with Scepter ?
—> Mageknight !! Awesome.
…So, a guardian?
(Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Assumably, a scepter warrior would be more offensively-oriented, making it distinct, but it still seems strange to me.)
I kind of want to see necro with a shield.
Warrior with Scepter ?
—> Mageknight !! Awesome.…So, a guardian?
(Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Assumably, a scepter warrior would be more offensively-oriented, making it distinct, but it still seems strange to me.)
For some weird reason, I thought you said ‘a Gundam ?’ And I was like ……. what ?
Ranger should be able to use Pistol & Rifle because those 2 weapons are range type
I’m sure if ANet could they would, however since ANet attempts to make every profession / weapon combo unique (and more importantly balanced) a lot of effort has to go into creating these combos. Giving one weapon to one class at a time would probably come off as favouritism. So from my assumption I concluded the following (which is usually not advised creating assumptions on-top of assumptions): They will add more weapons combos, the effort involved however and since they’d have to do this across all professions means that we won’t be seeing all weapons for all classes anytime soon, likely they’ll release them in stages very slowing after a very long period of time.
EVERY weapon would be silly. Ele with Pistol = Mesmer, Warrior with Scepter = Guard and so on.
However adding a few weapons is going to happen and it makes sense and is cool (Engi hammer, Ranger rifle, …)
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I could see maybe a SB Guardian, and I know a lot of us have been waiting for MH pistols for Mesmers. Now a Hammer Ranger would be just funny.
[…]Ranger rifle[…]
Rangers should NEVER, EVER get firearms. Harpoon guns usually work without powder mechanisms (e.g. strong rubberbands), so those are just in the limit, although it would have been better if it was an underwater crossbow.
The limit is the theme. ‘Ranger’ comes from “to range”, not from “ranged attack”. They aren’t also something like Texas Rangers, they should not go around shooting anything that moves.
Rangers are supposed to range in the wilderness without startling animals. Their theme specifically bans complex technology and firearms.
EVERY weapon would be silly. Ele with Pistol = Mesmer, Warrior with Scepter = Guard and so on.
I think you’re wrong.
Ele with pistols:
Fire and ice bullets. Lightning gun. Quake barrage.
Warrior using a scepter:
“Want to see a magic trick?”
(edited by Azure Prower.8701)
I could see a warrior with a quarterstaff, but not with a scepter. The scepter is a channeling for magical energies.
Even a ranger or an engineer could use a scepter and make some sense. One to channel nature magic, the other as a tool to channel magical energies generated with technology.
Hell, with the excuse of technology any weapon would work in the hands of an engineer, unfortunately, they are designed in a way that makes them the ones that should have less weapons, unless someone decided to give them extra slots for weapons and make it so kits get linked to the weapon in their respective weapon slot, and do nothing other than holding onto the weapon in them unless their corresponding kit is equipped.
For example:
- Torch slot: Bomb kit use stats and sigil from torch, and the torch appears in offhand if the slot has a torch.
- Mace slot: Tool kit uses stats and sigil from mace, wrench is replaced with the mace’s appearance.
- Focus slot: Grenade kit uses stats and sigil from focus. Thrown grenades have the model of the focus. (This one example is mostly for giggles. Imagine throwing adams, courages, anomalies, X7-10 Alphas or books. Hilarious).
And so on.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
list of potential weapon
Shortspear or javelin: (out of water of course and as a ranged weapon to most) to be used as a 1 handed weapon
Scythe: no seriously give us that back i miss my Derv
Two handed axe: just why our warrior DOESNT have that weapon yet?
Lance: could be fun
New engy weapon kit: is it so hard to give us a cryogen cannon or a tesla?
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Ranger should be able to use Pistol & Rifle because those 2 weapons are range type
Another uninformed person that doesn’t get it, that Ranger, the Class Term doesn’t have the slightest bullcrap to do with RANGE.
Its really poor for people, that have English as mother language, when even they self fall for this logic mistake, that it looks like, that they even don’t know in their own language, what the difference between range and a Ranger is.
A Ranger is also a Ranger, if he would fight only with Melee Weapons, because Ranger is a profession, that gets defined by what tasks the profession is doing, not by the definition of how that profession fights >.>
When will alot of people finaly learn this…
in regard to the topic:
No, I am totally against the suggestion, this would turn this game into a balancing nightmare, especialy due to the Elementalist and the Engineer.
Every Class should use only those weapons, that also truly fit to the Class.
Scepters for example absolutely don’t fit to Warriors, as like Staffs with magic like effects and skills wouldn’t fit to a Thief.
A Staff defined as Quarterstaff for the Thief together with martial artistic Melee Skilsl is somethign totally different again then.
Claws for a Warrior would also be totally unfitting, but for Classes like Thiefs, Rangers and Necromancers on the other hand again, they would totally fit to these 3 classes.
I think some classes are designed to not have certain weapon types.
But i think some weapons can still fit in classes.
Warrior with Dagger
In the offhand only. Like Rambo. There are a lot of heavy armors that actually make one look like Rambo, and Rambo has a survival knife.
Ranger with Hammer
Very popular build in GW1 known as the Bunny Thumper. Besides, it would not be strange for mossman to be wielding a hammer.
Ranger with Staff
Druids are a well loved class in other MMOs.
Necromancer with Greatsword
And bring the chainsaw greatsword back too. This would fit amazingly well. Necros are creepy, and there is nothing more creepy than seeing somebody with a chainsaw ready to mutilate your body and then raise it into a minion. Think about it.
Thief with Staff
Also very popular builds in GW1, such as Shadowform sin, or Asacaster(double s removed because of kitty filter). Ninjas used sticks to fight as well.
Guardian with Sword
In the offhand. Dual Wielding Paladins was a favourite class in Final Fantasy Tactics/Advance/Advance2.
Guardian with Longbow
We already have a spirit weapon bow, and Light/Holy Arrows exists in many many games.
Elementalist with Pistol
That shoots out bullets of different elements.
Engineer with Hammer
Mesmer with Pistol
In the main hand. Phantasmal Duelist already has dual pistols.
(edited by Turtle Dragon.9241)
god I’d have to laugh if every class for all the weapons.
You imagine handing an engineer a scepter or a focus?
[…]Ranger rifle[…]
Rangers should NEVER, EVER get firearms. Harpoon guns usually work without powder mechanisms (e.g. strong rubberbands), so those are just in the limit, although it would have been better if it was an underwater crossbow.
The limit is the theme. ‘Ranger’ comes from “to range”, not from “ranged attack”. They aren’t also something like Texas Rangers, they should not go around shooting anything that moves.
Rangers are supposed to range in the wilderness without startling animals. Their theme specifically bans complex technology and firearms.
Ranger does not come from “to range” and has nothing to do with ranged fighting. O.o Ranger actually comes from “Ranger” the title/person. One who is a traveler (usually as some sort of officer, official, or “warrior”), hence their affinity to nature and having a pet companion. Lone Ranger, Texas Ranger, Park Ranger, etc. are not people who use bows and arrows. In fact, historical, fantasy ‘Rangers’ most often weilded swords and shields or spears (Aragon the Ranger ring a bell?) Wilderness Survival, Nature Magic, and Beast Mastery all highlight this exact thing very well as a ‘traveling warrior’ who is in touch with the very earth that he roams. A Ranger is no more ‘one that must use ranged weapons’ than a Guardian is ‘one that must stand at a post and guard a door’.
(edited by Tman.6349)
The complete headache that this proposal would cause is too much to be practical. This idea would amount to nearly an expansion worth of content. The animations to go with all these weapons, the weapon skill sets themselves, the huge amount of new traits that would have to be jammed into the trait lines in order to augment the new weapons and skills, and last, but certainly not least, the huge expenditure of testing and balancing that would have to go into such a massive addition to the current system would take ages and we’d likely be seeing new professions added to the mix before such ideas could be implemented. This brings me to the point that it would be much easier to just implement a new profession than to undertake the mission of making all weapons available to all classes. Plenty more diversity can be achieved with the existing setup through new traits, utilities and other skills, or any other vast number of ideas apart from taking away the unique bag of tools that each profession brings to the table.
Warrior with Scepter ?
—> Mageknight !! Awesome.…So, a guardian?
(Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Assumably, a scepter warrior would be more offensively-oriented, making it distinct, but it still seems strange to me.)
I tend to think a scepter-wielding Warrior would be like a guy with an escrima-stick or maybe a truncheon wielding cop beating you down all night-stick-style.
Owie, owie, owie!
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Yeah thats one of the things I miss from Guild Wars 1. I would sometimes equip a shield on my necro and my Warrior had a scepter and focus offhand for an emergency energy boost. Anybody remember Bunny Thumpers? lol (Ranger with Hammer)
I personally think that giving all the weapons to all the classes wouldn’t be an issue. I don’t see any reason to limit anyone just because of class or style.
I’m surprised by the fact that nobody mentioned the obvious Warhorn to the Guardian that I still don’t understand why it wasn’t implemented from the very beginning.
I’d rather the existing weapons all be viable rather than obvious meta builds dominating. Different weapons should offer different playstyles not differing levels of efficiency like they currently do.
Hammer ranger? TRIBUTE TO THE OLD GW1 BUNNY THUMPER! Do it anet give rangers hammers.
I could see maybe a SB Guardian, and I know a lot of us have been waiting for MH pistols for Mesmers. Now a Hammer Ranger would be just funny.
They could use it to hammer in tent pegs.
Rangers are supposed to range in the wilderness without startling animals. Their theme specifically bans complex technology and firearms.
You don’t have to worry about startling it once it’s dead. One shot, one kill.