am i doing this wrong skin's
It says on it before you buy it. What more do you need in terms of hand holding.
The game has 3 armor weights and the skins are tied to the weights (check your wardrobe). If you look at the gemstore skins (which that is) it says what armor weight it’s good for. That one is for medium. It’s been this way since the game launched and there’s not going to be a change anytime soon.
Edit: the light armor is a separate purchase (each armor skin weight is bought separately) and looks like this. What you have is actually in this game’s medium armor style.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Because that’s not mage armor? That’s literally a retexture of the Mist Walker medium armor. It’s a leather coat that’s on fire. Medium classes wear leather coats.
Yes, it’s a shame that ANet designed the game to have fixed armor weights, it’s a technical limitation they they imposed upon themselves that they can’t easily undo. At this point in the game’s lifespan we should probably give up on them ever addressing it and hope they don’t repeat this mistake in GW3.
i dont need someone to hold my hand so stop looking for a date Yargesh.4965
the point im making is if im buying something with real money like this then haven to pay again to use said item aka transmog charges i cant see why they would make it so you cant use it on any toon
Errr, you don’t have to pay twice. Transmutation charges can be obtained in game, no charge.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
Outfits are usable by all classes. Armor skin sets are not, and they’re clearly labeled as either heavy, medium, or light. You don’t have to “pay” to reapply the skins, though. You can get 6 transmutation charges very quickly simply by exploring the six city maps (Divinity’s Reach, Black Citadel, The Grove, Hoelbrak, Rata Sum, and Lion’s Arch). You also have a chance of getting them for completing any other map. They’re also a pvp reward, a daily log-in reward for specific days, and are in some AP reward chests (among other things).
i dont need someone to hold my hand so stop looking for a date Yargesh.4965
the point im making is if im buying something with real money like this then haven to pay again to use said item aka transmog charges i cant see why they would make it so you cant use it on any toon
You can’t use them on any toon because the game isn’t designed that way. As said above, it’s designed with 3 armor weights and each armor weight has its own set of skins it can use. It’s an unfortunate design, but because the different armor weights have seams in different places it’s not something they can change.
Gemstore skins come with one use. After that you’ll need to get more transmutation charges. Free ones can be gotten by doing PvP reward tracks, mapping cities (and regular maps) and you get 3 every 28 login days.
ANet may give it to you.
Not to belabor a point, but still make sure you’re not confusing that Flamewalker medium skin with the "mage" wearable Flamekissed light skin before worrying about transmog’ing anything.
You don’t need to worry about spending transmutation charges to apply a skin you can’t use because it simply won’t let you do it.
If you open the wardrobe on a light armor character (elementalist, mesmer or necromancer) you’ll only see light armor skins to apply. If you have the skin in your inventory (which would be free to apply) your only options will be to preview it or destroy it.
If you used to have a skin you were able to use on that character which was similar to that one it must have been the Flame*kissed* skin, not Flame_walker_ and I’d suggest contacting Support again to see if they can swap it over.
If you bought the wrong one to begin with then unfortunately you’re probably stuck. It does say on the gem store description what armor weight it is.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
i dont need someone to hold my hand so stop looking for a date Yargesh.4965
the point im making is if im buying something with real money like this then haven to pay again to use said item aka transmog charges i cant see why they would make it so you cant use it on any toon
also when you buy the skin for a medium armor you can apply it free of charges.
and yes it’s not an outfit, it is a skin for a medium armor
Join the Rainbow Pride
ok am i doing this wrong or is the the stupidest thing iv ever seen
ok the GW2 team kindly gave me back a skin that had vanished and that was great of them but when i go to use it it says not for your profession now this is a skin that im paying twice for to use once to buy the skin then to buy transmog charges to use it
soo why in the hell is it profession locked this is clearly a mage outfit yet i can only use it on a thief or ranger why would ether of them use this style thief would be seen from a mile away this is perfect for my mage but i cant use it
now am i doing it wrong or is this something that needs to be changed by GW2 devs
Let’s see:
Wide brim hat with feathers.
Animal/beast type skull on shoulder.
Leather straps over a leather trenchcoat.
Leather pouches on said trenchcoat.
That there is a full-on standard issue medium outfit with flames.
You, sir, need to get your eyes checked.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
i dont need someone to hold my hand so stop looking for a date Yargesh.4965
the point im making is if im buying something with real money like this then haven to pay again to use said item aka transmog charges i cant see why they would make it so you cant use it on any toon
The point you are making is moot: they have decided to make it so you can’t use some skins on any toon. It doesn’t matter whether any of us think that they should have or not.