...and then something bad happened...

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


…and a hero was needed…

So, I’m thinking back through some of the past events…
We had Christmas, where a flying toy ship came to fly over each of the major cities…and then something bad happened…
We had the dragon festival, where a celebration of sorts was to be held…and then something bad happened…
We went south to a new island…and then something bad happened…
…which we fixed, and people were happy…and then something bad happened…

I think I’m seeing some form of a theme here.

I also recall vividly the face of a kid (not in any game), after a ‘…and then something bad happened…’. His eyes were bright. He had a bright smile on his face. He was ready to go help save people – he wanted that something bad to happen. Oh, how I wish that I had smacked him. Helping save people is good, but wanting to help them to the point of wanting to have things to save them from is bad. Very Very Bad.

I wonder if all these ‘…and then something bad happened…’ happenings are a result of a similar mentality. Don’t get me wrong, you can’t have a story or things to fight if bad things don’t happen, but there there is a time and a place for them, and we don’t need to wrap every single event in the game with a ‘…and then something bad happened…’. You can have Olympian style challenges, where nothing bad need happen, just someone gets a reward (or not). You can have epic style campaigns to resolve a single bad occurrence.

Seriously, there should be time to unwind between these bad things. Time where players can settle down into a rhythm and work on their long term goals.

The thing I’m really looking forward to is the moment where something bad happens, and the NPCs say “Shoo. We don’t need you heros here, we’ve got this covered.” Not because they have it covered (Eep, that big bad critter just ate 20 NPCs whole…), but because the NPCs carry a strong sense of duty.
//Portable Corpse

Tybalt, you were a great Charr. Would that others could carry your sense of duty.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Well nothing bad happened during the Super Adventure Box…

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Well nothing bad happened during the Super Adventure Box…

A princess got kidnapped. That’s something bad that happened.

@ OP if something good happened what would we do? Sing and dance around a campfire? Seriously though if you can come up with some scenario where something good happens and we can do something interesting, I wouldn’t be against it.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Man In Zero G.8312

Man In Zero G.8312

Nothing bad happened during the Zephyrites visit.
Except politics. Ok, never mind, something bad happened.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Nothing bad happened during the Zephyrites visit.
Except politics. Ok, never mind, something bad happened.

Evil champs/vets spawned and… just kinda sat there… and that’s BAD!



There was also some plane crash and we needed to steal the loot from the plane or something… idk… wasn’t paying much attention.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Well nothing bad happened during the Super Adventure Box…

A princess got kidnapped. That’s something bad that happened.

@ OP if something good happened what would we do? Sing and dance around a campfire? Seriously though if you can come up with some scenario where something good happens and we can do something interesting, I wouldn’t be against it.

If something good happened we could go out and kill baddies to celebrate!

I agree with the OP here, there does NOT always have to be a “something bad happened” theme to insert new playable content.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Well nothing bad happened during the Super Adventure Box…

A princess got kidnapped. That’s something bad that happened.

@ OP if something good happened what would we do? Sing and dance around a campfire? Seriously though if you can come up with some scenario where something good happens and we can do something interesting, I wouldn’t be against it.

If something good happened we could go out and kill baddies to celebrate!

I agree with the OP here, there does NOT always have to be a “something bad happened” theme to insert new playable content.

Doesn’t that make us the bad guys though… I mean… we had something good happen… and we react with violence. For shame.

Ya’ll mother kittens need to find Dwayna.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Well nothing bad happened during the Super Adventure Box…

A princess got kidnapped. That’s something bad that happened.

@ OP if something good happened what would we do? Sing and dance around a campfire? Seriously though if you can come up with some scenario where something good happens and we can do something interesting, I wouldn’t be against it.

If something good happened we could go out and kill baddies to celebrate!

I agree with the OP here, there does NOT always have to be a “something bad happened” theme to insert new playable content.

Doesn’t that make us the bad guys though… I mean… we had something good happen… and we react with violence. For shame.

Ya’ll mother kittens need to find Dwayna.

Lol seriously it was a joke, and you can’t tell me you are not out there killing things regardless anyway. When was the last time you killed a poor defenceless ambient creature for daily or just because you felt like it? What about those poor Jotuns, Skritt and Grawl that you kill along the way just because they look slightly scary? Honestly all they are trying to do is live their lives.

Besides all that we ARE the bad guys, jut like the real world Humans are and have ALWAYS been the bad guys. Look at all the poor creatures from the animal kingdom we are killing off, look at the environment. It’s the same ingame. Those poor dragons were just sleeping and woke up, what did they discover? Humans (and other semi intelligent races) everywhere, ruining the world. Name one bad thing these dragons have done to us besides rise Orr? They have been awake 250 or so years and yet very LITTLE of the world has been effected (since their original awakening and that was just unfortunate), we still have our cities and areas of control yet we are so determined to WIPE THEM OUT.

Again Sir I say we ARE the bad guys.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


A bunch of animated Lions (no not Charrs) were party’in it up b/c the King’s son was born. Then something Bad happened b/c of a jealous uncle

Hamlet was in party hard mode and about to tap some Ophelia until something bad happened b/c … lol

..Beowulf was havin’ a party, and then something bad climbed out of a cave b/c of the noise…

etc… etc..

(edited by ilr.9675)

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


The gauntlet could’ve had nothing bad happen, instead of this weird clockwork cheesy super villain thing.

Would’ve just been a friendly arena/competition type deal, which is what happened in the middle ages when wars weren’t happening, arenas and tournaments.

The Happening : It’s happening.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


You are supposed to be a hero that runs around to solve bad things that happen. What really do you expect a hero to do? No sorry nothing here? Lots of places in the world (game) you can sit and not do a thing if that is your desire.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


For the longest time, this forum was full of threads to the tune of “OMG so sick of parties! When something kewlz gonna happen!” This is a bit of a change of pace.

If nothing else, I’m betting nothing terrible’s going to happen for Halloween (barring the Mad King’s usual mischief, but that’s the heart of the holiday)

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

The Happening : It’s happening.

Calling it now, this is the sylvari master plan for Tyria.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: locoman.1974


The same “and something bad happened” could be applied to almost any game, movie, book or almost any work of fiction. The whole reason we see movies, go to plays, play games is because of conflict, if there’s no conflict, there’s just no story.

Nobody is going to watch a movie about a tea party where nothing bad happens and everyone just have polite conversation from beggining to end.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


The same “and something bad happened” could be applied to almost any game, movie, book or almost any work of fiction. The whole reason we see movies, go to plays, play games is because of conflict, if there’s no conflict, there’s just no story.

Nobody is going to watch a movie about a tea party where nothing bad happens and everyone just have polite conversation from beggining to end.

Hate to say it, but you are only correct if you maintain a narrow mindset.
People can struggle, but the struggle doesn’t need to be against ‘bad stuff’. It can be a friendly competition against each other. It can be a struggle to achieve something great (oooooOOOOOOoooo – pyramid) or technical (Woots – power armor with ZHC condensors and tripple-charged arcane core!) or simply to reach a goal before the other team, for the simple glory of being first (Raaaaa! We’ll get to the Kessex Wizard’s Tower first!)

And yes, I do expect bad stuff from the Mad King. But he’s mad. We kind of expect that from him. He’s also quite temporary. Besides the story there was more of a “Bad stuff happened, and then…” which makes for a pleasant variation.

I’m here to have fun and enjoy the game. A constant parade of angst does not do that for me.
//Portable Corpse

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


The thing I’m really looking forward to is the moment where something bad happens, and the NPCs say “Shoo. We don’t need you heros here, we’ve got this covered.” Not because they have it covered (Eep, that big bad critter just ate 20 NPCs whole…), but because the NPCs carry a strong sense of duty.

Ah yes the patch where we, as heroes, all line up at the DMV to finally take care of our errands while the Seraph save the day!

Oh heck no, I’m not letting them try taking down that Champ in the field. Give me my axe, I’m gonna break its face.

Unless I can cast Meteor on the DMV, then I might enjoy that.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Master.2893

The Master.2893

…well in a Video Game that is GW2 in which the only way apparently to deal with “conflict resolution” is to kill everything on site no questions asked… it makes sense ArenaNet is making this game this way.

It gets seriously annoying as well: Who are the Aetherblades? IDK lets go kill the leader and find out… O wait we killed the leader and we got nothing: What do we do now? What? A new leakitten ops up? Lets go kill her too.

This whole game has devolved into a big game of “Wack-A-Mole” whereas we go around mindlessly killing stuff, whether in dynamic events or instanced areas, without any shred of intelligence. Feels kinda like Obama’s UAV program… just firing Hellfire Missiles into populated areas and killing “terrorists” without care about what happens. No room for “intelligence gathering” of Aetherblades: Just shoot on site.

We the players will never understand anything about this Living Story if everything we do is to kill everything on site. There are more peaceful, and more effective, strategies but I guess we are just not smart enough to make it happen…

Indeed it is so…


...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


The same “and something bad happened” could be applied to almost any game, movie, book or almost any work of fiction. The whole reason we see movies, go to plays, play games is because of conflict, if there’s no conflict, there’s just no story.

Nobody is going to watch a movie about a tea party where nothing bad happens and everyone just have polite conversation from beggining to end.

There’s a difference between your typical plots where stuff goes wrong, and using the formula “announce an event – cause a disaster at the event” every time.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Woodbine.2514


But… what would Trahearne say?

This will end well.

...and then something bad happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamagawa.5941


The thing I’m really looking forward to is the moment where something bad happens, and the NPCs say “Shoo. We don’t need you heros here, we’ve got this covered.” Not because they have it covered (Eep, that big bad critter just ate 20 NPCs whole…), but because the NPCs carry a strong sense of duty.

Ah yes the patch where we, as heroes, all line up at the DMV to finally take care of our errands while the Seraph save the day!

Oh heck no, I’m not letting them try taking down that Champ in the field. Give me my axe, I’m gonna break its face.

Oh heck no. That’s the one where the hero’s say “Well, I could help here but it’d only hurt their pride and devolve to lots of yelling at the funerals. These critters came from somewhere. Lets go bring the fight to them on their turf, and see how they like that!”

I’m also reminded of something I ran into recently in real life. It can be summed up as:
“…and then something good happened…and I said ‘Oh kitten! this is going to be a bear of a kitten to deal with’”. Good things can bring their innate problems. Got tons of a new resource? Cool. Where you going to put it? In those silos you use for grain? Well, then where do you put your grain… Got a new product that’s selling like hotcakes and everyone wants two dozen? And each one takes a week to make? Eep, you’re going to have to up-scale your manufacturing. That means a bigger building, more staff, moving to that building, training that staff, finding the investors to pay for everything until you can realize that first bit of revenue

— good stuff can have problems that are pleasant to have, and can be far more diverse than killing stuff. Not everything needs to be “kill the villain of the week.”

//Portable Corpse