anniversary dye pack & permafrost dye
I don’t know if it will or won’t, but with the anniversary being so close by, I don’t see any reason not to wait to find out.
Either way it will be an account bound dye.
Te Nosce [TC]
Last year, the two most recent dye sets didn’t make the cut. I imagine the same thing will happen this time. Still, it’s only two more months to wait.
I agree with Illconceived. I’d love for it to be in this August’s gifts, but I’ll be very (happily) surprised if it is. I will generally buy one 5-pack of new dyes if I like them, and hope, and rng has usually given me one of the dyes via that method. Not this time, alas. I’m certainly not in a position to pay hundreds of gold for a dye, so it’s birthday gifts or bust.
My five launch-weekend alts are ready, though!
I did some more looking around and found these two threads on Reddit.
Looks like there is no real consensus either way. I’ll probably wait and see. I would hate myself if I paid 600 gold for something I could get for free 2 months later.