are games only made for casuals these days?

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spryt.8012




(i quit it because it was too much life consuming, never ending).

EVE is defiantly hardcore.

Spending weeks mining the same asteroid belt.
Jumping through gates for hours to sell the ore.
Then spend even longer jumping around buying a new ship and all the modules needed and get it down to null sec.

Spend 3 min get owned by a orbiting frigate you can’t hit. Priceless.

I love EVE Online. Seriously. It’s a great game, but not for everyone.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

If WoW was your first MMORPG, you are NOT hardcore. You never will be. You missed the boat entirely. Stop pretending to be something you are not. Unless you played UO pre-renaissance or EQ, you simply can’t comprehend what hardcore really is.

To be a hardcore player, the game has to be your number one priority. Deny it all you want, but it’s true.

That said, being a former hardcore player myself, I truly appreciate what GW2 has done for MMO’s. Sinking your entire life into a game just so you can stay on top of the power curve isn’t a healthy lifestyle. Being able to play these games for fun and remain competitive without a massive time investment actually allows people to enjoy the game and maintain their IRL responsibilities at the same time.

Personally, I’m thankful for the casual “revolution”. One day, you will be too.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Guess what? Guild Wars 2 has very little rewards for what it asks for. Good luck grinding for dungeon armors post patch when your a “casual player”.

What is the game asking us to do? For each activity provide what you think an appropriate reward is and what the current reward is (be specific)? My game has yet to ask me to do anything, but when I’ve chosen to do something I’ve found the experience to be rewarding.

You can answer the question here or there, what you shouldn’t do is spout the same stuff over and over again without demonstrating what you are talking about.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


The seething sense of entitlement of the so called “Hardcore,” is hilarious in this thread. It’s a video game people. If you’re truly as “hardcore” as you think you are, you’d have found something to do by now or given up and realized that this game might just not be for you.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


what does that mean?
what is the purpose/goal?

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


There ARE hardcore games. Where you delevel when you die. Where PK can take your stuff. Where to get max level will take you literally months of /played.

Lots of games like that. Go play them. They don’t tend to perform well in NA market, but are very popular in east Asian markets.

It’s very much not the game ANet advertised. Everyone instantly can have 80 fully geared. Play for months and you’ve still got the same stuff stats-wise as someone new.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nlgray.5846


Personally, I’m thankful for the casual “revolution”. One day, you will be too.

Maybe not for all…

These are the same people that think they are trendy by using terms such as “scrubs”, “noob sauce”, etc. It’s pretty sad when you find out some of these people are adults (25+ yrs) and have decided to embrace the attitude of despiteful raging video game tweens.

Rage on keyboard generals!

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: postman.6915


Us “casuals” are the ones that pay the bills, we have disposable income. We don’t eat ramen noodles because we have too. We are a late 20’s-30’s demographic of working professionals with families, careers, house payments etc. There are far more of us than their are of you OP.

Games “cater” to use because rather then spending 60hrs a week raiding dungeons, we spend 60hrs a week working in order to have disposable income to spend on our hobbies, like MMOs.

We complain less, we buy more, we are less of a burden on hardware/Customer Service resources. We buy the game, play when its convenient and leave quietly when we get bored.

There are plenty of games that cater to your needs of masochistic dungeon raiding and gear treadmills. As a casual (I actually prefer “softcore”) I’m pretty happy with:

Guild Wars 2: The working man/woman’s MMO

Undead Lords [UDL] Stormbluff Isle
Keepin it real since ’94

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


Edit: my definition of hardcore vs casual
I guess you could define hardcore as gamers that want to compete with eachother and casual as gamers that play just to amuze themselves.

Sure doesn’t match most of your post, competitve PvP requires a level playing field, facerolling undergeared/stated people isn’t competitive in the slightest, by removing gear progression in structured PvP (and taking it to a minimum in WvW) you get far more competitve PvP than most MMOs which have heaps of gear progression that does nothing, but make for terrible, lame PvP.

If you want a game that uttely lacks balance and favours not having a job and playing 14 hours a day, then I suggest something like Runes Of Magic.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator


Please refrain from off-topic discussion. A hardcore vs. casual debate or a discussion about whether games are “too casual these days” or not is beyond the scope of the Guild Wars 2 Discussion forum. Thank you.