are you unhappy with armor customization?
I don’t see the need for this. Toggle-able head, shoulders, gloves is already more than most MMO’s allow. But who knows, maybe you’re onto something…
New gem store item: Invisible Armor – ONLY 800 gems! “Hang out with your wang out!”
I don’t see the need for this. Toggle-able head, shoulders, gloves is already more than most MMO’s allow. But who knows, maybe you’re onto something…
New gem store item: Invisible Armor – ONLY 800 gems! “Hang out with your wang out!”
it would give “Junkwars” a whole new meaning.
I’d like to see a visibility toggle option for boots since for some light armours they look clunky against the rest of the armour set and various races like the Sylvari and Asura don’t even wear shoes, but then I’ve wanted this (and gloves) since beta. At least we got to hide the gloves in the end.
One thing I would love to see is a sleeves/leggings hide option for shirts and pants. This wouldn’t literally hide the chest or the pants but would basically hide any part ‘sticking out’ from the main body, as well as bits removed from the chest portion. This would help with a lot of issues where neck items clip with shoulder items as well as allow players to choose whether they want to show sleeves or gloves and boots or pant legs with any armor set rather than certain ones.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
yeah but its like if you can hide some stuff why not hide the rest of the stuff and it look cool if you do it right!
and lets face it… its…. well ummm….
I think the armor customization is great. I only wish they would allow us to customize the colors of our weapons as well. It would truly give people that unique edge instead of seeing a thousand people running around with the same looking Twilight.
Honestly, we could just do with more armor sets, more.. swappable armor sets.
Its like, we need more leather armors without the trenchcoats, we need more “softer” looking or cloth covered plate (kinda like human T3 heavy) and we need a bit heavier looking cloth. We also could use several basic sets of each armor class that “bridge” easily when matching between different sets. While we’re wishlisting, the male form of ascalonian pants and inquest chest (minus the shiny bits maybe) as a standard ANY CLASS style set (form-fitting plain chest/pants).
I think the armor customization is great. I only wish they would allow us to customize the colors of our weapons as well. It would truly give people that unique edge instead of seeing a thousand people running around with the same looking Twilight.
I want to abyss the blue in my zodiac armor because I want to wear twilight when I swing around twilight :P SpaceCharr to the Rescue!
I’d be happy with a wardrobe or even a PvE skin locker.
I wish I could buy parts of the gemstore armors instead of the full set.
I’d be happy with a wardrobe or even a PvE skin locker.
This, especially when it comes to gem store bought armors.
EXTREMELY unhappy.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Looking at the variety of armor we can choose from, I am quite happy. If I want a character to show some skin, I can. If I want my (female) character to be fully clothed/armored, there are options for that too. If I want a healthy combination of both, that is also possible.
We can hide gloves, helmet, pauldrons and backpieces.
Is more customization good? Yes, of course yes. I per example would love to be able to choose if my gloves or boots will go over the pants/shirt or not. But overall; I am quite happy with the armor and customization options we have!
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”
I can’t say I’m particularly unhappy with the options. More options is almost always better, and I hope they keep bringing in new skins (besides just gem store ones), but the dye system is certainly far and away more advanced and customisable than in nearly any MMO or game I’ve played to date, bar maybe Champions Online. The sheer number of dyes in GW2 is staggering.
It’s not a perfect system (yet?) but it’s pretty good on the whole, I think.
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
To the OP’s question, yes I’m very unhappy with the amount of choice in game. Especially when my taste in art and fashion varies greatly from whomever is running the Art Dept.
There are a few pieces I think dye awkwardly (cabalist set skirt, for one), but other than that I think the selection is magnificent.
If you can’t find at least one thing for your character to wear in Guild Wars 2, then it’s you, not the game.
I wish they had just added “vanity” slots to match the equipment slots.
That way we could design our characters looks to how we want them.
I can usually find something decent, but I do tend to think the majority of armor looks like something I would not wear. Medium Armor in particular has a weird fixation on a style of fashion I like to call “pirate hobo”.
I’d like to see it done like in GW1 with the costumes. I’d like to look nice even in combat. Stop this stand around in LA. That way it’s worth buying.
As someone that used to play City of Heroes, I find GW2’s armor customization laughable, at best.
I can make some good looking outfits here, but by and large it’s ungodly limited. And being unable to mix the three armor types for one outfit? I have no idea why they did that!
There’s steps they can take me make big improvements, such as a PvE skin locker. It will never match what I’ve had and lost, however. Considering that cosmetics are supposed to be “endgame” here, that’s pretty depressing.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
How is it “laughable”? City of Heroes was graphically simplistic (even for its time period) making it far easier to design for.
It’s not comparable in the slightest.
Medium Armor in particular has a weird fixation on a style of fashion I like to call “pirate hobo”.
Medium armour looks like something Johnny Depp would wear.
Being able to toggle more armour on / off would be nice.
A skin locker would probably be the best, I’m sure there are plenty of skins I never paid notice to while leveling skins which in the right combination might give me the look I want.
Yes, but not for the reason OP is thinking. I just find the whole transmutation system a clunky money grab. In particular that they shower us with stones from level 1 to level 79, but then come level 80 and all of a sudden we need crystals.
It causes all kinds of issues, like how a transmuted back piece will revert to the skin of its stat source if run through the mystic forge for infusion.
It would be much better for everyone if Arenanet offered us one cosmetic outfit tab, and allowed us to purchase more pr character, were we could drop armor pieces to overlay the look of the worn for stats armor.
Right now, if we want to maintain the same look across say a PVE build and a WVW build, we may have to maintain two full sets of transmuted armor. And some pieces are pretty much impossible to get multiples off.
digowl for some you can explore a map segment and unlock those hard too get 80 lv crystals so its not a money grab because you can juts make a new char and get more
I wish they had just added “vanity” slots to match the equipment slots.
That way we could design our characters looks to how we want them.
Would be nice, but unfortunately isn’t very likely, that would significantly reduce transmutation stone sales.
What I can see happening is additional gear tabs; Spend some gems to unlock an additional ‘page’ of armour, trinkets and weapons. You’d only be able to have one page active at a time, and can only swap when out of combat. Everything else would remain as is.
This approach would allow us greater cosmetic and build freedom, with the potential to stimulate gem store sales.