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I don’t mean to offend anyone at Areananet but every time I try and watch the livestream for upcoming content I turn it off within 5 minutes. The people doing the streams are always either too boring speaking very monotone not excited about the stuff they are presenting or they are really bad at it and the party wipes 4 times before they get to the end.
I think you should get some of those energetic gw2 streamers to help you guys out and have different people guest each stream playing alongside the devs (google hangout style)
LoL yeah indeed they are quite boring but dont forget their job is not to entertain you through the stream but through the game!
They are developers, not entertainers or PR-people.
Colin and Ree should be the only ones who do livestreams, as they’re the best Anet video narrators. IMO of course.
They definitely need better entertainers to do the streams. The last one I tried to watch, the guy just kept say “umm” every couple seconds, which was rather annoying.
It was fun to watch them not be able to complete the Temple runs due to the game bugs making it impossible.
You forget that they’re essentially re-feeding the same information to you that they probably just said to their internal group. After-all they likely have to communicate to them as well.
Why not just divide the stream:
1 Narrator
A group of GOOD players
Because seriously, almost every player would agree that the group is really, really bad.
And I don’t mean bad like “bad setup”, no, bad like they can’t play their class/the game in general
Sure they want to show the new content is somewhat hard at 39, but if I wouldn’t know the game as good as I do, I’d think 39 is impossible for pug-groups
(even 70+ was far away from impossible or as hard as it looked in the stream -for one who doesn’t know better)
They need to choose between one of two things – 1) Play easy content casually or 2) showcase difficult content with competent players. Watching them fail a level 39 fractal over and over because the dev was playing without a weapon swap or using any of his utilities besides heal, was simply painful. As was said above, if its too distracting to play and livestream, but they want to show the harder mistlock levels, just have the devs commentate.
They are developers, not entertainers or PR-people.
They can try, maybe?
So should they start demanding that all their developers are awesome at the game then?
Because that is basically how it sounds right now. People bashing them because they are not “good enough”.
They are doing it as a JOB, not for entertainment, and especially not for OUR entertainment.
So should they start demanding that all their developers are awesome at the game then?
Because that is basically how it sounds right now. People bashing them because they are not “good enough”.
They are doing it as a JOB, not for entertainment, and especially not for OUR entertainment.
According to your logic It would be perfectly reasonable for me to have our programmer give our final products presentation to thousands of people, regardless of whether or not he is a good presenter or not, as long as he has knowledge of the final product.
This is why your posts are so demeaning to others, you degrade their opinion on whether or not they agree with something. Players are having a hard time watching the live streams due to the quality of the presentation. Kudos to all of the presenters giving it their all, but if players are having a hard time following, a suggestion to change the presenters is not invalid.
They are developers, not entertainers or PR-people.
It seems like the devs just manages to get some time over to show us something that they think we’d appreciate a lot. I’m grateful that they do it, since I’m always interested in what they have in store for us!
. . . And it is a kittenarming to see them fail =)
Edit: I can’t say c h a r m i n g?
(edited by Phadde.7362)
I wan’t to thank Anet Devs for doing something and so much that not many other game companies does.
You show us you are also human beings and does mistakes and isn’t Entertainers, Elitists, Programers, Engineers, gods or Rangers all in the same time.
I am happy that you give so much time to the community, thanks employees of Anet.
I would rather see Developers as regular players, than make it look easy, when, in fact, it may not be for many people.
Hey, for all those good players, this way they can say: I’m better than the Developers who know the game intimately! Win/win for them. =)
I think their approach to Dev streaming gives a ‘We are just regular people like you, having fun, succeeding sometimes, and failing sometimes, as well. We understand how you might feel about the game.’
I appreciate their efforts to show us parts of the game I may never see. =)
For me the MC needs to be a little more lively. If you are promoting your game you should sound better. I am not saying they don’t know what they are talking about because they clearly do, that is what your PR department is for.
I like that they can run into the same problems and show the same abilities as normal human beings though. They could have run though in god mode and killed everything, never got downed. This just leads to frustration for the players when they actually meet the content.
I miss the livestreams CoH did. The devs would interact with the community, have a laugh, talk about up coming things and general stuff to get the community going.
Here they come on say something in a meh way, show stuff (which is nice) and then cut off without much warning.
Its abit of a moan but also feedback for any devs reading this.. This game from the devs side needs a lot of things tbh and interacting with the community once or twice a week on a livestream is a great way to go about it.
Well, based on the extremely toxic spam in the chat during the live-streams and also all the toxic towards them here on the forums it is logical that they try to do as little interaction as possible via live-streams.
Is toxic the new “troll”? Finally that’s over…
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