cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BBMouse.6510


Hi, I was doing AC exp path 2 and training new char in field of ruin fighting ogres. My samples might not be enough to draw this conclusion, but I thought maybe I could post a topic and see if others have similiar feeling over other map/area.

As the topic suggest, I am feeling strongly getting knocked down, chained, crippled, or whatever cc that can be imposed upon you recently from general mob. Why does this matter? Well, I only have about 2 hours of a day that can play the game without interruption and I want to progress as much as possible or farm efficiently in dungeons.

While I sometimes want to skip mob by using shiftness + dodges + stability, now I feel I cannot run away often after been pin down to death and cannot do anything about it. I feel our stability cd time is long and duration is short comparing to the mob using their short cd cc skills on you.

I feel it more, especially when playing in meele. I got knocked down, then i use stability/condition removal, after few secs, got knocked down again by 2nd mob (my skills are at cd), when i finally stand up, the 3rd mob cast knock down on you again, when I stand up, the first mob is ready to knock you down :P So, I never have chance to attack or run away. Once you are inside this never ending cc chain, you are pretty much dead.

I understand the dev might want to make general PVE more challenge. I for one vote for casual gaming or consistant farming for PVE and leave the challenge in PVP or WvW. I am just starting to feel back when I play diablo 3 those ellite mob cc you so much and make it unplayable. It’s not that you cannot handle it but just too annoying. So much pain for so little gain is bad. I sincerely hope gw2 is not heading that way. Plus no one like to get knock down (human psychology), ‘cause it’s testing people’s patience.

Another thing about the dungeon, I think it’s harder now (I only played AC after the patch, don’t know about others). I had 120+ mf and hardly got anyting worth (other than good gold), playing 2 hours in 2 games daily. Now I spent 2 hours for 1 game only. I can understand why people wnat to play with experienced players posted in LFG like a job resume :p I usually don’t like to play with those people in that kind of attitude in the LFG comment, but it’s encouraging people to do that now when the difficulty is getting high. Whenever new stuff or difficulty are introduced, we are subjected to be getting called noob over and over again in the game, which hurts feelings.

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


I have noticed some of this. Seems there are mobs that have really low CD on cc abilities. Use a stun break, but then it is on cd and then you are just out of luck. It isn’t even like a fight, you really don’t get to do anything. As time goes on, I have learned there are some places that are just annoying.

Of course, there are the types of players who love this stuff, since they can hop in chat or the forums and get off on saying how easy and “faceroll” it all is and the game is too easy please make it harder….so on and so on.

Not they really think it is easy, even. It is just such a turn on for them to say how good they are and thus how everyone else is a “bad”. Anyone who has the opinion that something is overtuned, is like an aphrodisiac for these peple. They simply cannot restrain themselves from the trash talk.

So, I am thinking some areas, and eventually maybe the whole game, will be tuned up in such ways. Those who love the chance to complain that everything is too easy are a vocal lot, and maybe the devs will start catering to these complaints.

And such complaints will never end. The people who love to dismiss everything as being "faceroll’ will never stop. They never do and and never have. It is their thing, to seek opportunities to state their prowess and put down whom ever they can.

As it is now, I must say there areas I find just too irritating to go to. Too many mobs, so that dodging/evading/kiting will inevitably aggro more mobs….areas with silly fast respawns ( can be fun for a kill spree exp gain, but in generally just irritating…there is 1 spot I go to for a kill spree exp run but aside from that it is just annoying)…and these mobs with over-the-top cc abilities.

Maybe it is actually fun for some people.

Devs must have a hard job, trying to make something fun for most people. Not everyone will agree upon what it is fun.

But, I would hope that only certain places are made into these irritating tests of patience.

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

I don’t think the cool down time is shorter than it was; this problem has existed for a while. GW2 is the only game I’ve ever played where the mobs have a distinct advantage over players.

Maybe it’s ANet trying to force players to group; I don’t know; but I have this image of a ten-year old developer wringing his hands in glee that his “design” has caused another player death.

I doubt that it’s fun for any player; I don’t know of any player that likes to die, especially if that death is caused by broken mechanics in the game and not by any action on the player’s part; but, there are players who (a) always have a group of friends to play with and don’t encounter any problems of this sort; they love to insist that they are somehow “better” than other players; (b) have lots of money (or access to mommy’s credit card) and can buy the best gear, thereby minimizing the problem; they also love to claim that they are somehow “better” than other players; or (c ) are part of the lemmings who are absolutely afraid to say this sort of gameplay sucks, lest their association with the game lowers their standing in their own eyes and makes them acknowledge that they aren’t better than other players.

It’s like the fat little neighborhood boy who owns the football and insists that he must play quarterback or he’ll leave and take his ball with him… Unfortunately, there are always developers and elitist arrogant players in this genre of gaming who get their jollies by seeing the misfortunes of other players.

Kind of pathetic, really…

Hey, Anet; IT’ S A GAME!! It’s supposed to be FUN!! F-U-N... Look that up in your Funk and Wagnall… or eventually go bankrupt…

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aegis.9724


I’m fine with cc when its there for a purpose, to make a fight harder in a specific way, like forcing you to focus on adds.

However i do agree GW2 overdoes that. The least fun thing in a game is having no control over your character, taking your hands off the keyboard waiting for that 6 seconds KD to end, just be CC’ed again when you get up.

I feel its a cheap way to make areas feel more threatening then they really are, or padding travel times

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


40 years ago when my reflexes were sharper I could have handled those fast CC methods of stuns and knockdowns but as the OP stated now they are just annoying. At 58 my reflexes are just not what they once were and even though I am still in decent shape some things are just unadvoidable. However the squeaky wheel gets the grease and demographics probably show my age group is in the minority while the 18 year old group has the higher numbers so they cater to that group. What they fail to realize or perhaps the bean counters have all the answers is that my age group has the most disposable income.

It is annoying, extremely frustrating and aggravating when mobs can “chain knock” you down while your counter skill is on cooldown so by the time you get to do something it usually entails having to pop a heal versus an attack. If the trend continues in this fashion I for one will be moving on, not because I want to but because I have to.

Theftwind (HoD)

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


ANet has always loved mob mechanics other than just having the mob do damage. GW2 is nothing new in that regard. Some mobs do their CC effect faster than others.

I know some knocks were added to some graveling types in AC. I’ve experienced it and seen references in the dungeon forum to “Graveling Ping-Pong.” I’m not sure that I can agree that previously existing CC in AC is happening more often. Then again, dungeons have been CC and condition fests since launch.

A knock was also added to the Risen Wizard. That mechanic can come up more than once in a fight if the mob uses it first (they don’t always) and/or if you take time killing them (e.g., using mostly ST and there is a more dangerous mob to kill first, or are playing a character whose damage is not good).

On the flip side, the Risen Putrifier’s pull attack doesn’t seem to anymore, which might be a bug. Also, the Risen Farmer no longer knocks AND stuns. He now drops an undead arm turret, and then does his stun or knock (tbh, I’m not sure which CC he still has as I’ve managed to dodge it since the patch).

Other than the changes noted above, I have not seen anything else new in game with regard to mob CC.

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BBMouse.6510


Hi me OP again :P So, I was playing my lv 45 warrior in Balzeridge Steppes trying to fast clear the map over the hearts, poi, and vista, etc. I encountered the following.

As I was running nearby a cliff, some spider just chain me down (feel more like freeze), so I remove the condition and run away. But it won’t let go and keep chasing for a long distance, so I turned back to hit it and tried to finsih it off. Just before it is nearly going to heaven, somehow it de-aggroed and started to regen HP and left the area.

So, I didn’t bother chasing it back and turned around to fight the mob originally in my path. My warrior is kind of glass cannon. I often have so little HP left before I finsih mobs. While I was at it, that spider somehow came back for me and gave me a chain! (I think it’s caused by my bleed condition on it after it went back and thought I attacked it again and came back for me XD). I didn’t expect it chain me from behind and I ended up dead.

That’s not the end of the story… I had to go this path and encountered the spiders again. This time I met three, and got into chain luck to death. So, I tried again… This time I tried to dodge after the 2nd chain (1st chain was removed by skill) and I dodged into the cliff and died :P I know this 3rd try is my mistake. But it’s just so common that when you are trying to rush things up, it usually ends up taking longer. Because you’d lose patience and start making mistakes. So I totally raged quit. :P This beats the original purpose of playing a game, to have fun or to have thing under control.

So, I guess the same short cc mechanism was there even before this new patch. Maybe because I played a tanky guardian and didn’t feel as much of it. (This is not true for the new AC dungeon XD) I do kind of recall the earlier undead in curse shore could pull you down in a fast and furious manner. :P

Anyhow, I guess we will just have to live with it. And today is just my lucky day :P

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

40 years ago when my reflexes were sharper I could have handled those fast CC methods of stuns and knockdowns but as the OP stated now they are just annoying. At 58 my reflexes are just not what they once were… <snip>

Only 58? Snot-nosed punk! Get off of my lawn!

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Difficult encounters is not a problem, If you can’t do the content then you shouldn’t expect the reward.

If you have an issue, change your build to minimise your weak points.

Welcome to my world –

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


And so this thread has an example of what Brtiva mentioned…

What is even more hilariously tragic about all this is that ANet knew about the issue, and made sure that players can’t do the same to larger mobs by introducing Defiant.

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BBMouse.6510


Difficult encounters is not a problem, If you can’t do the content then you shouldn’t expect the reward.

If you have an issue, change your build to minimise your weak points.

It’s generally true that rewards should be earned through hardship. But this is not this thread is about. It’ about players are getting stun/KB lock to death in a general map area that you want to skip mobs. Surely, we can change 7-9 to stability skills for particular mobs. That is just troublesome and you will just lose the advantages of other useful skills and is a boring play style. Just my opinion. :P

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Professions built around more conditional and attrition playstyles get hammered by the CC immune and resistant buffs the most. Seems they want everything just to grow toward most DPS burst strategies which is a simplistic way of playing.

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


Professions built around more conditional and attrition playstyles get hammered by the CC immune and resistant buffs the most. Seems they want everything just to grow toward most DPS burst strategies which is a simplistic way of playing.

You really may be on to something. Each condition requires bandwidth, hence the stack limit on 1 enemy I think. This could be another way to discourage condition builds perhaps.

cc cd time for mob is shorter now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I seems that the issue with conditions are more server workload than network bandwidth. It is starting look like each unit of bleed is tracked internally as if they were individual conditions, complete with their own timer and pr tick damage calculations.