charged lodestones
Before they do that, they should consider giant eye drops…
I’m never gonna get Immobulus…
(Well, I shouldn’t say never. I’m just not willing to fork over that much gold for the skin)
Charged Lodestone’s are one of the easier ones to get. They drop quite frequently in CoE. Got 1-2 on average from a full set of CoE runs (including cores that can be converted to lodestones). Still requires a long, long time to get them if you insist in just farming those directly than farming gold and just buy them off the TP – but I just wanted to point out a viable way to go after those directly.
Yeah, Charged is pretty hard to come by with normal PvE or WvW play. Even with the insane amount of hours I put into the game, I only have 25 Lodestones. I finally sold my stockpile of 172 cores last week. Pretty much been saving them up since launch.
Dry top dust farm usually get me 1-2 charged lodes/sandstorm
When I was doing the ambrite collection I discovered they are dropping pretty well in dry tops from the mites. Still takes a lot of time to farm such a high amount for the mjolnir.