clean up your bot infestation..

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jaserion.1506


cant stand playing this game at this stage anymore!

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

I feel your pain … It got me turned off from the game to the point that I only do daily achievements and rarely sPvP.

Wherever I would go PvE bot fest there …….

(edited by Liliana Moore.4237)

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


Any evidence to your statement? I haven’t yet seen a single bot in the game. (Lvl 80)

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amethe.1438


clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

Any evidence to your statement? I haven’t yet seen a single bot in the game. (Lvl 80)

be sure to check the unique search results

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zantesuken.5318



Still the same people botting, and my reports do nothing. It’s spreading though. Why should I bother playing this multiplayer game when there are bots to do it for me?

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Any evidence to your statement? I haven’t yet seen a single bot in the game. (Lvl 80)

You probably just couldn’t identify them. They’re everywhere.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


For starters, Anet has made their stance clear that they are only going to punish legitimate players. Hence, the entire premise of this thread is flawed.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zantesuken.5318


For starters, Anet has made their stance clear that they are only going to punish legitimate players. Hence, the entire premise of this thread is flawed.

I’ve not seen any evidence or statements from Anet on botting. What they plan to do about this rampant behavior (which is even spreading to levelling areas and WvW) should be clear as crystal. Could you provide a link to this clear stance?

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voqar.2349


Any evidence to your statement? I haven’t yet seen a single bot in the game. (Lvl 80)

I never really saw any while leveling my 80 but you definitely see plenty of farmers AT 80 if you go to cursed shore or the like. Those bots aren’t the teleport hack variety since they’d get eaten alive by the overzealous heavy hitting risen infestation. In the 80 zones, they just camp nodes and log in/harvest/out. You sometimes see them parading a node if you’re out gathering yourself.

If you make alts, and level, and I don’t see how you could miss the bots. Their behaviors are so blatantly obvious and they are all over the freaking place.

Check out the river just outside DR, where the skales are. On my server there’s 2 bots teleporting up and down the river killing mobs.

The kessex broken bridge has been a bot haven since day 1, it’s like the vegas of botting, a nonstop party. There are so many bots parked there that if you try do DO the events there you can’t see mobs until they are right on you (normally you see them spawn about 100yds out and head to the bridge).

Gendarren fields should be renamed the fields of botting. The orchards with bats there have bots. The island with drakes have bots. The open fields with no “red” mobs and lots of “yellow” mobs have roaming bots.

Just some examples.

When you see unguilded, often naked characters chasing around the same mobs 1000x over what any sane human would do, with erratic movement, poor choice of actions, as if they were a complete moron, it’s not a poor layer, it’s a bot.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


I see a few bots here and there. I report them and move on.
No need to make a fixation on them. I’d rather play than spend my time being mad and raging.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBob.9863


Aren’t these bots hurting the economy the longer they stay in the game without being banned?

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Aren’t these bots hurting the economy the longer they stay in the game without being banned?

Yes. Ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oulan.8956


While waiting for the dragon to spawn I reported 10 bots that looked like they were a doing ballet with perfect moves and it was all perfectly timed for all of them. After logging off I came back 1 hr later and all of them were dead whether it was the hand of God or monsters that got them I’m not sure. So what happens a guy comes along and rezs all of them after 5 people told him to leave the bots where they lay. He claimed to be all of their friends or perhaps he meant money farmer boss.

Today I went back to look and see if they were still there and there were at least 20 that we picked out and reported. If Areanet does nothing I guess I will be leaving If they need a bot cop let me know and I will volunteer for the job.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masher.8051


Just over a week ago i had never actually heard of the term botting. Now on BlackTide i see them quite often, i even recorded a video of a bunch of bots teleporting to every mob in the area over and over. Although i reported them in game rather than upload the videos.

Still have the videos though if ArenaNet ever decides to use them in helping identify which accounts are botting.

The sad thing is, you can Google GW2 botting and easily find a forum where all the botters discuss openly about their botting,.. How they are not banned yet is beyond me.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazmira.5408


Anyone else ever play a game that hasn’t had bots? As much as I agree with getting rid of them I think we should all just keep reporting. If in a couple of months they seem to be over populating or staying the same then yeah, there’s something wrong, but for now only time will tell.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jaserion.1506


Anyone else ever play a game that hasn’t had bots? As much as I agree with getting rid of them I think we should all just keep reporting. If in a couple of months they seem to be over populating or staying the same then yeah, there’s something wrong, but for now only time will tell.

yes, every game has bots. however, it seems like there are more bots than players at the moment. i’m sick of reporting them without seeing any results.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mantis.2850


Indeed, most every MMO has bots of some sort. But this one is getting pretty bad. I haven’t seen botting this bad since my days on Diablo II.

While I never played it, I heard Lineage II was pretty bad for awhile there as well.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


Aren’t these bots hurting the economy the longer they stay in the game without being banned?

Economy, game play, and player goodwill. Where once I would rush to the aid of another player, now I wait and observe to see if they’re a bot – and if I see a dead player in the middle of bots, I assume “bot”. So no Rez there.

Also, players can’t steal kills from players by game design, but a bot who can teleport, kill a mob, then teleport to the next one before you can move 10 feet, certainly can.

“Infestation” is definitely the word.

Only real complaint I have about this game.

“I’m always achieving greatness!”

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


The internet will be booming with this information soon. already has an article about it coming out this Wednesday, should be interesting to see if it spreads to other sites spreading the word.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ben Hurt.6195

Ben Hurt.6195

I saw a more passive form of botting today. An engineer in the Fields of Ruins near the Charr mining cave was lying dead, so I did the humane (nornane?) thing and rezzed him. He came back to life without any visible gear and neither acknowledged the rez nor moved an inch, but a couple of seconds later he created a rocket launcher. Suspicious, I stood back and watched, and sure enough a Charr attacked him and died to the rocket launcher. After a few minutes, a DE escort mission walked by him. I watched him for about 15 min and he died two or three times, each time getting a friendly rez and then auto-spawning a rocket launcher.

He never responded to /whispers, /says, or /emotes. I’m sure he was picking up a fair amount of exp and karma just from the occasional Charr kills and the passive DE awards. Dying was meaningless since he was either naked or wearing completely ruined armor.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

The internet will be booming with this information soon. already has an article about it coming

I would like to see a TV station interview with Mrs. Regina Buenaobra – what ArenaNet has to say about their game being overrun by bots.
She owe us a response.

(edited by Liliana Moore.4237)

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juiceman.2870


I think if a person is reported more then once by a few different people it should just auto ban them until its investigated. I really dont see a lot of actual players getting falsely reported for being a bot its pretty easy to tell if you watch them long enough.
You have to keep in mind though people go afk I know I do so I might sit at an event and not reply to messages.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Downstairs Eddie.8125

Downstairs Eddie.8125

Honest question, why do bots bother people so much? I mean obviously they should be banned, but I don’t see why there’s so much anger about them. Are they killing everything in the area before you can, do they stop you from playing the game somehow? What’s the major issue?

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kungkonung.6758


The incompetence on ANet’s part is mind-numbing. Get some kitten GMs to go around and ban botters if another solution is too hard to come up with. Christ.

(edited by Kungkonung.6758)

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Honest question, why do bots bother people so much? I mean obviously they should be banned, but I don’t see why there’s so much anger about them. Are they killing everything in the area before you can, do they stop you from playing the game somehow? What’s the major issue?

They’re an infestation, as the title states. From what I’ve heard, a good number of the accounts were obtained illegally through hacking for sinister purposes. They’re also contributing to ruining the economy by driving prices down to ridiculous levels, making it even harder to make a profit on a great many items.

Furthermore, it leads certain enemies to be killed as soon as they appear, which makes portions of the game world awkward to traverse. It’s also unsightly and can ruin immersion when players suddenly teleport around or lay naked for hours in a location after being killed over and over again by strong enemies.

It’s a glaring issue that needs to be addressed and swiftly, both to deal justice and restore faith in the systems put in place. I realise Arena Net are working hard, though if need be they should consider hiring someone to actively monitor the situation and ban those caught engaging in such behaviour.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


I agree. This problem needs to be dealt with.

In the past, ANet has banned accounts in mass. This prevents bots from actually figuring out exactly HOW ANet has figured out that they were definitively “bots”.

However, with the sheer mass of bots in this game, I think that they need to do these mass bannings more frequently, perhaps on a biweekly basis.

And I have a feeling its not just the bots that are going to be banned. They may be after the gold sellers and buyers as well. Still, something needs to be done quickly.

They obviously aren’t just sitting on their thumbs; they’ve been working hard on the last patch. However, I think bots need to be addressed immediately and definitively.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reihert.1509


It needs to be dealt with by the anti farm procedures also affect them.

clean up your bot infestation..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamescowhen.1562


I agree. This problem needs to be dealt with.

In the past, ANet has banned accounts in mass. This prevents bots from actually figuring out exactly HOW ANet has figured out that they were definitively “bots”.

However, with the sheer mass of bots in this game, I think that they need to do these mass bannings more frequently, perhaps on a biweekly basis.

And I have a feeling its not just the bots that are going to be banned. They may be after the gold sellers and buyers as well. Still, something needs to be done quickly.

They obviously aren’t just sitting on their thumbs; they’ve been working hard on the last patch. However, I think bots need to be addressed immediately and definitively.

The botters already made enough money (if they sell/mail) to get new accounts, and they don’t care if you ban them. They already profited and hurt the game economy. Anet waited way too long.