coming from WoW! which class suites me?

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jay.3409



So just found out that both of the class i wanted to tryout are either nerf to the ground or isn’t even viable in arenas… ( ele, thief )

i dont own hot, i want to give this game a few weeks before buying tbh..

A little background,

im a melee type guy, i love getting in your face and bashing it to death. Im a hardcore pvp’er i only do pve for fun or with guild mates

- Burst cannon
- High mobility
- Fast combo rotation ( like a rogue in WoW )
- decent survivability
- dont suck in duels? ( how warriors in WoW can’t win duels )

gw2 is downloading atm, so i cant research myself.. and i know play what i like.. but im a casual player.. so i wont be putting much time until i get hook into gw2.


coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mXz.4512


Just because melee class isn’t so good in one game, doesn’t mean they’re bad in another game. That’s just comparing apples to oranges. And both are two different games.

Warriors or any class for that matter is only as good as who is playing the character.
I have a few warriors out of 11-12 characters total, and they do have decent survivability and very high mobility. They also hit particularly hard if played well.

Many people would recommend playing that class before trying any other.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jay.3409


Just because melee class isn’t so good in one game, doesn’t mean they’re bad in another game. That’s just comparing apples to oranges. And both are two different games.

Warriors or any class for that matter is only as good as who is playing the character.
I have a few warriors out of 11-12 characters total, and they do have decent survivability and very high mobility. They also hit particularly hard if played well.

Many people would recommend playing that class before trying any other.

i rather play a class that requires high skill, so i can learn and progress instead of playing an easy class, anyone can pick up.. then went i want to try a hard class, its back to square one again..

im not comparing gw2 to wow, im just giving an example.. so its easier for me to give you guys an idea of what playstyle i enjoy.

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kusa.6438


To be honest all classes can be in your face mellee…
I play mesmer and revenant. Most the time I play them both full mellee, but both have a great range weapon to pull out and use when I need it… This game can’t be compared to wow… Considering every class can be mellee, range, glass, condi, tanky, ect….

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You could try looking through the Profession sub-forums for opinions on what profession might suit you. You could peruse the Wiki (link above).

Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.

(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Baiscly, you describe every class in GW2 lol. We are not locked down to a specific playstyle per class, you can built each tanky, dps, or hybrid.

Warrior is probably the best at the melee burst cannon thing though and they have ridiculously high survivability due to OP self healing. Whether it requires “skill” is debatable. All glass cannon builds on any class can be unforgiving if not played well but Warrior is probably the most forgiving (there is a reason its one of the best). Other classes can build for just as much melee burst, but they will probably have half the hitpoints.

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaaba.5672


I can’t give you advice on a good PvP fit for you, but wanted to mention that you can try them all out and figure out what you like. You can jump in PvP from level 1 and compete on a level playing field with the 80s. If you don’t like a class, there is no downside to re-rolling. Maybe start with a thief or warrior and see which other professions seem to have an interesting playstyle after seeing what they can do in-game. has a list of pvp builds for all professions. It’s a good place to start to learn how to play your character or to see what you will likely be facing. (although most of the builds will probably require HoT, there are probably some that use the core professions.)

(edited by Shaaba.5672)

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esquilax.3491


So just found out that both of the class i wanted to tryout are either nerf to the ground or isn’t even viable in arenas… ( ele, thief )

i dont own hot, i want to give this game a few weeks before buying tbh..

A little background,

im a melee type guy, i love getting in your face and bashing it to death. Im a hardcore pvp’er i only do pve for fun or with guild mates

- Burst cannon
- High mobility
- Fast combo rotation ( like a rogue in WoW )
- decent survivability
- dont suck in duels? ( how warriors in WoW can’t win duels )

gw2 is downloading atm, so i cant research myself.. and i know play what i like.. but im a casual player.. so i wont be putting much time until i get hook into gw2.


You just basically described a thief. There isn’t Dueling in this game, although in certain PvP situations you may fight 1v1, which thief can be built pretty well for. Look up Dagger + Pistol thief.

Please ignore forum complaints, everyone complains about their class, it’s meaningless.

You will be countered by classes which just have skills that counter you, unless you outskill them basically. Just like pretty much any decent MMO it’s a rock/paper/scissors scenario. Good luck!

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

It seems, by your post history, that you used to play (and love) Thief, and played Ele, and maybe Warrior?

Maybe you could try one of the other professions, if you have character slots, and just see which one suits your preferences. As noted above, you can try them all out at L80 in PvP, as I’m sure you know.

Good luck.

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


Play rev, exactly what ur looking for.

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jay.3409


Honestly, your best bet is to play for free and try every melee class in the starter zones to get a feel. From your post, if I had to guess, I’d say rogue, but you might find warrior or even mesmer to your liking.

Welcome to Tyria.

i have bought the game, but i havent upgraded to hot… do i need hot to use other weapons on class? like mesmer using swords,shield,gs?

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: abaddon.3290


the build your own class stuff applys to open world only. in raids and fractals you need a meta seem to want a rev. high skill based esp in pvp and well basically everything you want in a class. decent damage decent healing also check out for the best builds.

im bad at sarcasm

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Honestly, your best bet is to play for free and try every melee class in the starter zones to get a feel. From your post, if I had to guess, I’d say rogue, but you might find warrior or even mesmer to your liking.

Welcome to Tyria.

i have bought the game, but i havent upgraded to hot… do i need hot to use other weapons on class? like mesmer using swords,shield,gs?

How did you manage to buy vanilla GW2? O.o

HoT is the only version being sold, GW2 (old vanilla) is f2p.

Unless you bought it like two years ago and forgot to install it…

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jay.3409


Honestly, your best bet is to play for free and try every melee class in the starter zones to get a feel. From your post, if I had to guess, I’d say rogue, but you might find warrior or even mesmer to your liking.

Welcome to Tyria.

i have bought the game, but i havent upgraded to hot… do i need hot to use other weapons on class? like mesmer using swords,shield,gs?

How did you manage to buy vanilla GW2? O.o

HoT is the only version being sold, GW2 (old vanilla) is f2p.

Unless you bought it like two years ago and forgot to install it…

i bought it exactly before hot came out, wasn’t feeling the game at all back then.. but im burn out of other mmorpg.. and so far im liking gw2

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


Guardian, specifically Dragonhunter, sounds like your kind of class. It’s currently the flavor of the month and the most played class in pvp. High damage trap, in your face, decent survivability and mobility. Have at it.

Add “United Chi” to your friends list or guild!

(edited by UnitedChaos.8364)

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jay.3409


Guardian, specifically Dragonhunter, sounds like your kind of class. It’s currently the flavor of the month and the most played class in pvp. High damage trap, in your face, decent survivability and mobility. Have at it.

sry but dont have HoT, i wish they didn’t make it so only hot players get elite spec in pvp..

coming from WoW! which class suites me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: abaddon.3290


Guardian, specifically Dragonhunter, sounds like your kind of class. It’s currently the flavor of the month and the most played class in pvp. High damage trap, in your face, decent survivability and mobility. Have at it.

he also said high skill based

im bad at sarcasm