condition damage

condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robert.3475


i think tahat condition damage in pvp is weak.why you ask i’ll tell you .i put condition damage on a player he removes it i put it on him again other player removes it from him so i hit him with it again now his cooldown on his condition remover is back up so he uses it to once again remove point gw2 has made condition damage a stat but made it very weak and really not affected in pvp it can be removed by most players and then once you cant do it a other player can for you .condition damage remover needs a nerf

condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Ummmm no, try throwing on a bogus condition first so that once they waste their cond remover on that you can hit them with your main cond………

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Venraw.7952


I understand your sentiment, but you need to approach conditions in pvp from a different perspective. I play a pure conditionmancer in pve and pvp; he’s been my only toon until as of late. From what I’ve learned, you need to look at it as game of attrition. Sure classes have condition removers, and I’ve come to find that guardians do it extremely well but I can certainly apply them back just as fast as they remove them and eventually I have them worn down. Using rabid stats gives a great deal of self-sustaining capabilities, and at the same time you’re slowly ticking them down. Since they amped up the blood fiend life siphon by 80%, pets are very effective in spvp and you can trait you other pets to siphon life on hits from the blood tree. With a proper build that works in conjunction with your playstyle, you can certainly dominate with just conditions. I’ve played without pets and done exceedingly well too. You’re just looking at it all wrong and need to practice more with it.

condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Condition removers have long CD’s. Many conditions can be applied constantly. If people are removing conditions as fast as you apply them, you aren’t really trying.