condition damage in pve
So ANOTHER Condi thread……/facepalm
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
So ANOTHER Condi thread……/facepalm
Who honestly expect those to stop?
The Dhuumfire thread
So ANOTHER Condi thread……/facepalm
Why not? The older ones are dead. We need to keep talking about it so Arenanet knows how much it means to the player base.
“Conditions in PVE” is a black spot in the game. One that we haven’t heard any plans of fixing it.
Did anyone expected them to stop?
I’ll create a dozen my self if there is a chance of putting it higher in their priority list.
Conditions will never be a thing in PvE until they’re allowed to crit and can scale with ferocity, or ferocity is removed and a baseline crit damage bonus goes for all abilities.
It’s not about condition caps, get it in your thick heads. Caps are just a quality of life issue, the real problem is the damage scaling.
Conditions will never be a thing in PvE until they’re allowed to crit and can scale with ferocity, or ferocity is removed and a baseline crit damage bonus goes for all abilities.
It’s not about condition caps, get it in your thick heads. Caps are just a quality of life issue, the real problem is the damage scaling.
Has anyone said anything about condition caps in this thread?
Good day OP,
If Arenanet is buffing condi dmg or applying changes to it, I’m positive they will let us know.
For now, I think we should just wait and see..
Good day OP,
If Arenanet is buffing condi dmg or applying changes to it, I’m positive they will let us know.
For now, I think we should just wait and see..
Not even the infamous:" Soon…".
The Dhuumfire thread
Good day OP,
If Arenanet is buffing condi dmg or applying changes to it, I’m positive they will let us know.
For now, I think we should just wait and see..
Not even the infamous:" Soon…".
I could say: “soon”, but honestly I don’t know.
i dont even see why we shouldnt talk about it, and please dont ruin the thread with naysaying or these superficial “solutions” like everyone is a game designer now, it only makes a thread cluttered, hard to read and tbh it turns the thread into “just another complain thread we can skip”. I only asked if they said anything about their plans to fix it, because it DOES need fixing since it is pretty flawed
but so yea, no word well thats a crying shame
So ANOTHER Condi thread……/facepalm
yeah, if only it wasn’t a problem with the game limiting people’s options huh? people who want their dots to be a viable playstyle, the nerve! they never considered your personal feelings, i mean it’s so taxing having to NOT read and NOT comment on a thread like this that you just felt you HAD to. i feel ya brother…
So ANOTHER Condi thread……/facepalm
Why not? The older ones are dead. We need to keep talking about it so Arenanet knows how much it means to the player base.
So keep fighting the good fight I guess
Conditions will never be a thing in PvE until they’re allowed to crit and can scale with ferocity, or ferocity is removed and a baseline crit damage bonus goes for all abilities.
It’s not about condition caps, get it in your thick heads. Caps are just a quality of life issue, the real problem is the damage scaling.
Conditions are not for critting, they are for damage over time. If you want to burst something down with ferocity, you are going to go Berserker/Assassin no matter what. That’s the design behind them. Conditions aren’t useful because they can’t do their job well in large groups, that job being damage over time. Every time a Guardian’s Virtue of Justice applies a burning, interrupting the Elementalist’s burning and lowering his DPS for 1 second every fifth attack.
So ANOTHER Condi thread……/facepalm
yeah, if only it wasn’t a problem with the game limiting people’s options huh? people who want their dots to be a viable playstyle, the nerve! they never considered your personal feelings, i mean it’s so taxing having to NOT read and NOT comment on a thread like this that you just felt you HAD to. i feel ya brother…
No, I had to comment because the other threads died for a reason….take the hint.
Your concern for my personal feeling is touching, however (see…I can do sarcasm as well!).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
i dont even see why we shouldnt talk about it, and please dont ruin the thread with naysaying or these superficial “solutions” like everyone is a game designer now, it only makes a thread cluttered, hard to read and tbh it turns the thread into “just another complain thread we can skip”. I only asked if they said anything about their plans to fix it, because it DOES need fixing since it is pretty flawed
In general conditions aren’t that bad in some situations as a lot of people make them out to be I think. But yes they definitely need something to make them more viable at worldbosses, destroyable objects and dungeons. I like condi builds and it’s kinda sad I don’t get many chances to use them in those respects. Let alone feel effective enough.
Good day OP,
If Arenanet is buffing condi dmg or applying changes to it, I’m positive they will let us know.
For now, I think we should just wait and see..
You know by the time they mention it I’ll be on ESO on my Xbox or playing NWO so, at this point they’re silence is really giving me a clue about the lackluster updates about the game coming. I had high hopes about condi damage but I may have to write off this game as a bad investment if nothing else happens. I’ve gone over all of the content they’ve released explaining things every interview I can and they’ve been quiet too long after getting the hype train started the way they did. It’s almost like dealing with a bipolar person one second they are manic the next they are quiet in a dark room and tell you nothing.
Condis need scaling, crits, burst crits, proper stacking, proper availability across all weapons I doubt this game is going to be able to get all of those things if they release the expansion by the summer as some have speculated. Sad too they had a good thing going before Nov 2012.
I like playing condi characters, but as a PvE player i’m geting hit by a truck when i get my courage to use them (except fractals). The current “zerker only” meta is too monotone for me. I know this game isn’t about the holy trinity, and never should be, but the tact is that missing the diversity. ok, u can say “u can play as u want, just find a group for urself”, but i’m talking about a diversity on the same effectivness.
For example (and just stone me for it) WoW. ok, it has a hard headede trinity system, and i prefer GW2 over my 6 years of WoW, but tere was a fine diversity. U had a tank for taking hits, healers to keep the team alive and dps in the for m of direct dmg AND dot (condi here) too (on the same lvl of effectiveness). there were no stacking , but f.e. 2 death knight could have the same dot on the boss at the same time without negating each other AND condi dmg could crit. i know gw2 has a different system, but some points would be worth to think about it.
1: no need for trinity, but use of dfferent “roles” cold be rewarding thing: easier survive with support. ok, u are slower, but without it just die as u are pls. this means well scaling healings on other targets (selfheal could be just a red button for secondary emergency healing) and a tank stat could mean u survive realy more of the boss hits than a zerker, not just +1 hit.
2: change in condi scaling and stacking system: max 10 stack per player for unlimited stack on boss with well scaling condis and min. flat crit dmg (ferocity condi would be maybe to op i think)
there changes could mean that other than zerker are the same effective and hybrid builds too.
this is my opinion and experience on these
No, I had to comment because the other threads died for a reason….take the hint.
Your concern for my personal feeling is touching, however (see…I can do sarcasm as well!).
And yet new ones pop up… take the hint
I’m always looking out for my fellow man. Your mental condition is very important to me. As all conditions are… so.. lets find a solution to the condition problem.
And the thread of course got moved to a less relevant part of the forum.
This was a question about condition damage changes in heart of thornes, what is your incentive to move this to the regular forum… great work again with the surpression of questions and opinions mod i’m surprised it’s not closed because imagine people talking about this.. might cause a riot
Conditions will never be a thing in PvE until they’re allowed to crit and can scale with ferocity, or ferocity is removed and a baseline crit damage bonus goes for all abilities.
It’s not about condition caps, get it in your thick heads. Caps are just a quality of life issue, the real problem is the damage scaling.
Right now condis aren’t viable because you can do more in a shorter time with the current zerker meta. Anets approach has been to slightly reduce the damage from the meta by things like the ferocity change. So essentially they are closing the gap from the top down instead of buffing condis. A buff like you mention would be nice but honestly the procs shouldn’t be based on normal crit chance but something like a condi crit chance that scales differently with precision. The logistics for this would probably suck. If condis procced more and more often then I can see that becoming OP quickly.
Vial of Salt [VoS]
Isn’t happening anytime soon. Maybe next year.
Has there been any word about fixes in hot that would make condition damage in pve a viable option for group content in dungeons and fractals? my engi would very much like that
Conditions are viable and have been since launch. Whether they are optimal is another story.
Has there been any word about fixes in hot that would make condition damage in pve a viable option for group content in dungeons and fractals? my engi would very much like that
Conditions are viable and have been since launch. Whether they are optimal is another story.
Not viable compared to stat like healing power, toughness etc, they are blocked and are limited. Someone can give/create as much as healing as they can and not be blocked in the process that’s viable and not optimal, conditions are not even close to that.
And the thread of course got moved to a less relevant part of the forum.
This was a question about condition damage changes in heart of thornes, what is your incentive to move this to the regular forum… great work again with the surpression of questions and opinions modi’m surprised it’s not closed because imagine people talking about this.. might cause a riot
This so much, old content is at a lesser priority,this thread should have remained in HoT section.
The Dhuumfire thread
Has there been any word about fixes in hot that would make condition damage in pve a viable option for group content in dungeons and fractals? my engi would very much like that
Conditions are viable and have been since launch. Whether they are optimal is another story.
Not viable compared to stat like healing power, toughness etc, they are blocked and are limited. Someone can give/create as much as healing as they can and not be blocked in the process that’s viable and not optimal, conditions are not even close to that.
And the thread of course got moved to a less relevant part of the forum.
This was a question about condition damage changes in heart of thornes, what is your incentive to move this to the regular forum… great work again with the surpression of questions and opinions modi’m surprised it’s not closed because imagine people talking about this.. might cause a riot
This so much, old content is at a lesser priority,this thread should have remained in HoT section.
Variable means it’s capable of working or feasible. You can complete all content using condition builds as I have when I played my necro and many others still do. Optimal is where you compare one thing to one or more other things and go with the best.
EDIT: I’m making the correction because they’re two entirely different things and I don’t want people to be given the idea that they cannot use conditions and are thus limited.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
As expected this is also dying, faster in this section, let’s wait for the next one to pop up as we get closer to HoT.
The Dhuumfire thread
Maybe we should just make a new one with a better title ( with heart of thorns in it) so its EVEN MORE obvious where this thread belongs.
And people please try to stay on point for once, read the question and discuss that question, whether or not conditions are PVE viable or not in your opinion and how it could be fixed is an entirely different question, save that talk for those threads. The purpose of this thread is to try and gather enough people that want clear answers on the matter.
Maybe we should just make a new one with a better title ( with heart of thorns in it) so its EVEN MORE obvious where this thread belongs.
And people please try to stay on point for once, read the question and discuss that question, whether or not conditions are PVE viable or not in your opinion and how it could be fixed is an entirely different question, save that talk for those threads. The purpose of this thread is to try and gather enough people that want clear answers on the matter.
You can try.
Haven’t heard any recent comment on it whatsoever not even in the interviews, especially the one with AngryJoe , the closest was:“There is a lot of zerkers so what about that?” and it got dodged gramatically, not :“How do you feel on conditions pve wise?” even tough it was a repeated suggestion. It might be just me but most if not all of those interviews were staged and censored to prevent that specific topic,none had a close question to it ,none… Seriously what’s their give a kitten factor on that?
The Dhuumfire thread
When will people just accept that conditions and PvE don’t mix? They’d be saving themselves a lot of pain in the long run because it’s clear that the condi cap isn’t going to be changed any time soon.
When will people just accept that conditions and PvE don’t mix? They’d be saving themselves a lot of pain in the long run because it’s clear that the condi cap isn’t going to be changed any time soon.
We didn’t get any time notice or infamous “Soon..” ’s, they tried with Silverwastes. They have a turtle like attitude about it.
The Dhuumfire thread
When will people just accept that conditions and PvE don’t mix? They’d be saving themselves a lot of pain in the long run because it’s clear that the condi cap isn’t going to be changed any time soon.
removing the cap isn’t really necessary. they can make ‘em additive, with each new added attack contributing with or without diminishing returns to the tick for each condition. there are things they can implement to make conditions viable. or at least more viable. at the very least they can implement a priority system were strong conditions aren’t removed by the weaker cause they’re the most recent …
or they can be frank about it, say tough kittene we’re not doing anything about it and live with the consequences…