consumable skills slots & underwater seige

consumable skills slots & underwater seige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunspear General.7964

Sunspear General.7964

So you know how there are consumable buffs…tonics, nourishment, boosters, and and so on and so forth. I know A LOT of people use nourishment some people use the same nourishment constantly and have like 200 stacks of it. And commanders and those heavily involved have countless of blueprints.

How about creating a UI slot for quick access to these buffs and blueprints. almost like a utility skill slot but for 2 consumables of your choice.

So i play Gaurdian A LOT and i’d key bind F4 for the birthday gun or mystery tonic which would be in 1 of 2 buff slots and then every time i hit F4 it would pull it up and i could use the skills or I could key bind F5 to use a sharpening stone whenever I needed. or if i went into wvwvw and had 20 catas in inventory I could put that on F4 instead and whenever I needed 1 i could press F4 and choose to drop the cata or put it away like you normally would be able to.

This way we don’t have to always be opening up the inventory every 9 minutes to an hour just to activate a buff.

Then any chance for underwater seige? And underwater defenses in wvwvw? Because there are several water gates…and not many efficient ways to take them down….plus it could lead to more interesting wvwvw stuff. and possibly encourage more underwater battles.

Also almost forgot….would be nice to be able to save trait builds too….like we could do with skills in GW1 you set a hammer trait save it and then can switch it out for another trait build so that way we don’t have to constantly reset these traits.

(edited by Sunspear General.7964)

consumable skills slots & underwater seige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

+1 to this idea

It may be a small QoL issue, but the birthday blaster really points it out. Since that buff only lasts 10 minutes, it means not only stopping to use the gun every 10 minutes, but the annoyance of having to open up the inventory and double click on the gun. Like I said, it’s a small thing but it shows a lack of polish in how consumables are set up to be used.

A keybind or a clickable set of buttons on the UI for consumables would be a nice little feature.

consumable skills slots & underwater seige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunspear General.7964

Sunspear General.7964

Yea the birthday cake is such a great buff, was kinda frustrating having to constantly bring up the inventory just to use it.

Just reminded me they need to set it to where the birthday cake can override other food buffs…because as of now if you already have a food buff you can’t use the cake to over ride it.