convert toys to skills

convert toys to skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyrebel.7492


well wouldnt it be nice to have a tab like finisher tab or pet tab and can use all we earned ? now i just store all the toys i have in bank …. wich are many

We are one , and one is all

convert toys to skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teniz.5249


Why do you think you can buy so much stuff that expands your inventory and account bags for $$$$$ …?

Sad but thats the only way they will deal with that problem.

convert toys to skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyrebel.7492


well true but players wont just buy space for toys …. i already maxed both bank and inv slots , also thats abit unfair …. if their reason was that they wouldnt make pets(minis) accountwide and skill like , tbh i think anet see these kind of things as very low priority minor things and they think they can spend theyr time on bigger things, also as u see no1 cares XD u r the only1 who reply and ye i guess these things are realy low priority !

We are one , and one is all

convert toys to skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


it is bad that they make us pay £30 in order to use items on other chars.

convert toys to skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyrebel.7492


idk what are u talking about XD but if u r talking about shared inventory or things like this , idk why people are offended by these kind of things , in other games even those 1 that u have to pay monthly to be able to play there r cash shops and they do worst ! and there u cant buy cash shop things with gold , here in gw 2 u can, and u know it was kind that anet did it and let us share things , mybe u play with 2 chars .. some people have more than 30 chars and play randomly on them should they go buy 30 of the same item and give it to each one of theyr char ?
people here realy get upset and … well offended fast, there r games wich u must buy the original game, pay each month to play- buy expansions too! and u will see a cash shop there wich have besttt looking things in it wich u can onlyyyyy use real money for them and they ragualary update cash shop there, even change name and ….services like that.
anet even encouraging people to do things wich give gold nowdays even pvp give gold ,
im not saying anet is a charity company to help gamers XD but im extremly agaisnt these talks that people say about anet, for a simple game wich u all heard ofc i paid literly 270 $ just to able to play for 11 months and u know the game , and u know what ?i did the best i could got one of best mounts i could get but guess what they added a mount in shop wich u could buy with 50$ i think wich looked amazing and far better than any mount in game,

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