cultural armour costs

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweetie.5897


There may already be a thread about this, if there is, please merge but….
why does the lvl 80 “order” armour cost 15x less that the cultural armour? 1g 88s as opposed to 30g for cultural – the cultural armour for t3 is waaaayyyy overpriced for what it is… this really needs looking at.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.5269


This has been discussed in depth in many many forums. Not to be snide but this armor can easily be obtained in 2-3 weeks of playing provided you budget yourself & make the effort to work for it. Prices are fine as is.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yoshihito.5928


No Snow, the prices are not fine as is. Look at the difference between the tier 2 and tier 3 prices, the tier 3 is grossly overpriced. Sorry to burst your bubble but even to someone like me who has had no trouble making money thinks the tier 3 prices are absurd.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorana.2468


i like the prices for it the way it is, it’s prestige gear, no different from 15k armour in GW1 albeit it could atleast be Exotic quality, but everyone getting this is transmuting it onto exotics anyhow.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surinen.9684


I have t3 and I think that prices are too high, close to mindwracking if you are not using TP and play game only ( as there is no daily and mobs drop or dont drop money at all ). People and their “prestige”, let other people enjoy game and pixels they want, if you are only doing it for show off then something is probably not right with your head and you need a good therapy. Playing a game should fun, not everyone is a student/neet/social walfare leech and have all the time in the world to play a game. After work some people would like to go and play a game instead of engaging in other form of work.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


Based on what?

What evidence exist in the game the presents the assumptions that the design is to have it be an easily affordable amount with in the first 2 months of launch date?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.5269


No Snow, the prices are not fine as is. Look at the difference between the tier 2 and tier 3 prices, the tier 3 is grossly overpriced. Sorry to burst your bubble but even to someone like me who has had no trouble making money thinks the tier 3 prices are absurd.

If you have no trouble making money than why is this a issue? I only make 5-6g a day & have full T3. I had to work at it but guess what, I never need armor again in a game that just came out less than 2 months ago. As I said, its fine. Budget yourself & set it as a goal.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pennry.9215


I think the real point is the great difference in price compared to the other gear. If it’s to be so “rare” and full of “prestige”, why are the other sets so cheap?

EDIT: The lower prices and scaling of the previous tiers sets the expectation of the T3 to be cheaper than it is.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zii.4578


As some of you said, it’s for prestige only. Like a title is prestige, like a legendary weapon is too.
Someone having a T3 cultural armor can show to his guildmates, friends and quest companions that he invested time in the game to achive this goal.
When the game will get updated more expensive armors will appear and T3 will seem like a not so expensive one, trust me

[LIFE] Zii Lodia

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


Takes about 3 weeks to grind give or take your playtime.

Worth it for me. I really wanted to represent the human race. The cost IS really steep, and I’d be okay with a small price drop, but not a drastic one. Maybe like 80-100g for the full set instead of 120g.


cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


As some of you said, it’s for prestige only. Like a title is prestige, like a legendary weapon is too.
Someone having a T3 cultural armor can show to his guildmates, friends and quest companions that he invested time in the game to achive this goal.
When the game will get updated more expensive armors will appear and T3 will seem like a not so expensive one, trust me

I’m (slowly) working on T3 Cultural for my Norn Guardian. Yes it’s overpriced…by a lot. No, it’s not prestige…could you buy store currency with real $$ and convert it into gold in GW1? No. You can buy your way to most of the “Prestige” Items in this game…making them, well, not prestigious.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


The price is pretty insane when you could grind 2-3 or more full Lv.80 dungeon sets+weapons faster than you could make that much gold. The Nightmare set looks cooler than the T3 Sylvari too, imo.

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cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Cultural sets are there for looks and looks alone, which is why they aren’t of exotic quality. If you don’t like the looks then go after something else. You are representing your entire culture with that armor, hell it’s what your culture’s hero is wearing for crying out loud. If you want it, save up for it.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


just a question: does the t2 cultural armor also glow or does only the t3 glow? I looked at the asura medium one and i liked the t2 more than the t3.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guldur.6502


If you have no trouble making money than why is this a issue? I only make 5-6g a day & have full T3.

Only?? How the hell do you make so much gold in a day?

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The Order armors are there as a (relatively) cheap way for players to access level 80 exotic armor. All other Exotic armors are obtained purely for their aesthetic value, and have been given a high price so as to give players a goal to strive for. If you like an armor’s look, go for it! If you don’t, you can spend your money/karma/time somewhere else. Everything at level 80 is basically a fashion choice.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximelene.6794


What is the meaning of “overpriced” ? Is it “it’s too expensive because I can’t afford it”, or “it’s too expensive because other sets I like less are cheaper” ?

How do you judge the price of such items ?

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatara.1042


If you have no trouble making money than why is this a issue? I only make 5-6g a day & have full T3.

Only?? How the hell do you make so much gold in a day?

He does that by lying.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I don’t really get it to begin with.

I mean it’s not some super awesome armor it’s just another skin…except this one has the price hiked way up for no real reason. Nothing really prestigious about it.

It’d be like if one of the unique mid level karma appearance items just had its price raised pointlessly to 750k karma.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gungan.7365


i like the prices for it the way it is, it’s prestige gear, no different from 15k armour in GW1 albeit it could atleast be Exotic quality, but everyone getting this is transmuting it onto exotics anyhow.

It’s prestige gear with awful stats that you should never use. Vigil heavy armor has better stats and costs 15x less.

Only reason to ever buy the cultural armor is to transmute it.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gungan.7365


Based on what?

What evidence exist in the game the presents the assumptions that the design is to have it be an easily affordable amount with in the first 2 months of launch date?

The fact that the first 2 tiers are affordable. You could never buy tier 2 before 80 either, and tier 2 is level 60? gear.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


I had full tier 2 heavy on my asura by lvl 65, and I had tier 1 too. After buying tier 2 though, I decided not to spend money untill lvl 80. But right now I don’t see myself getting enough money for a tier 3 set for at least 4-5 months of saving

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


It is kinda to late to be changing costs. Many people have already bought these items.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


@ Jnaathra – um, what? Because prices never, ever change in real life? yeah…

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i like the prices for it the way it is, it’s prestige gear, no different from 15k armour in GW1 albeit it could atleast be Exotic quality, but everyone getting this is transmuting it onto exotics anyhow.

errrrr nope. 15k armor in gw1 is not as expensive as the gw2 cultural armor.

plus the gw1 15k armor is readily wearable and does not need to be transmuted.

just make them exotics to justify the ridiculous price.

and make level 80 vigil / whisper / priory orders armor exotics too.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rook.8102


I wish they made Ferrari’s $20,000. I’d buy one in a heartbeat.

Cars are made to take you from point A to point B, that is all. If you want a faster/stylish car you’ll find that it will cost a lot more for those extra features.

This is the same point made here. If you want something good looking, you better expect a higher price and more hard work from yourself.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


I got mine in only 5 days of Cursed Shore farming (2 – 4 hours a day).

When gold is that easy to make, it’s not that bad. I’d still even say 100g for it would be acceptable.

And I thought I’d be one of few to actually have it. But it seems every human girl on my server is wearing it in Cursed Shore


(edited by spacemayu.4817)

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eurosdown.6072


Glad I don’t like the way any of those armor sets look, or I might be mad too…that’s a rather exhorbitant price for some average-looking armor.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mickey.4207



You really expect us to believe that you made 120 gold in 5 days just by playing 2 to 4 hours a day in cursed shore? how stupid do you think we are?

Unless you had rare dropping like candies which is impossible please don’t BS us.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

(edited by Mickey.4207)

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Depotboy.6204


I got mine in only 5 days of Cursed Shore farming (2 – 4 hours a day).

When gold is that easy to make, it’s not that bad. I’d still even say 100g for it would be acceptable.

And I thought I’d be one of few to actually have it. But it seems every human girl on my server is wearing it in Cursed Shore

Bull.****. Don’t know why people think it’s cool to come in here straight lying. So you’re making 20-25 gold a day while playing for only 2-4 hours? Who do you think you’re fooling?

(edited by Depotboy.6204)

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kelvin.8217

Lord Kelvin.8217

The real point is that 120g for a rare armor are senseless if compared with the price of an exotic one. Prestige ok (buying the gemstone where is the prestige), but you have to obtain an exotic armor for that price… then you say, ok I buy/craft an exotic and then I trasmute it with the cultural, but why? Only to spend some golds more?? Where is the prestige again? A cultural top tier armor has to be exotic, nothing more nothing less.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fixintothrill.1067


It’s something to work towards people. Why is it that you can’t be patient or put the time/effort into obtaining it? Fissure armour in GW1 was ridiculously expensive but it gives long term goals. Albiet, Fissure armour looks a hell of a lot better then some of the cultural armours but eh, you win some you loose some.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Satakal.6971


I think you only want it because it’s expensive. If it was cheap you wouldn’t think it was all that special. It’s the exclusivity that’s creating the demand.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I agree the cost is pretty high, but I dunno about changing it. It honestly is just a huge goal you set for your character. There isn’t much else to do with your characters at 80 other then to set goals for “fancy” gear.

A little over a month at making 2g a day, which is usually pretty easy in high level zones, you can get a majority of the tier 3 set.

I worked hard for my set, farmed for quite a while. It was pretty daunting at first, but small goals have always helped me. So thats why I set to making 2g a day for it. Was totally worth it for me.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spacemayu.4817



You really expect us to believe that you made 120 gold in 5 days just by playing 2 to 4 hours a day in cursed shore? how stupid do you think we are?

Unless you had rare dropping like candies which is impossible please don’t BS us.

Bull.****. Don’t know why people think it’s cool to come in here straight lying. So you’re making 20-25 gold a day while playing for only 2-4 hours? Who do you think you’re fooling?

Calm down.

I meant I got my chest-piece (30g), not the full-set

Yeah, it will take much longer to get the fullset

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

I actually like how it is high since it makes it more unique. Simply get your piggy bank out and start saving…too many have forgotten how to do that

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


It’s like Vabbian armour in GW1. It’s prestigous because it’s expensive. There’s no rush to get it, and until you have enough there are the 2 other cultural tiers and the order armour. It’s a long term goal.

Some people said they don’t think it looks that good, it doesn’t matter – the cost matters. Same reason people buy £500 designer handbags that are actually quite ugly.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pennry.9215


To people making references to Guild Wars, stop. Not everyone played the crap out of that game.

Again, I compare it to everything that is like it: every dungeon set and the previous Culture Tiers. It just doesn’t fall in line. Either T3 Culture Armor needs to be cheaper or everything else needs to be more expensive. AND I’m okay with the latter.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


@ Pennry

Huh? Why does everything have to cost the same? They’re catering to all price brackets so there are cheap and easy to get items, items that take a bit of work and expensive items for those who like a long term goal. What’s wrong with having something for everyone?

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


@ Jnaathra – um, what? Because prices never, ever change in real life? yeah…

The prices never changed on the GW1 equivalent and they have no reason to change the price of these outside of a few forum whines.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tup.1803


This has been discussed in depth in many many forums. Not to be snide but this armor can easily be obtained in 2-3 weeks of playing provided you budget yourself & make the effort to work for it. Prices are fine as is.

Zomg I know you in-game. Guess who?

But I agree with what WB said. It’s not hard at all making money, we make plenty just running dungeons on the daily. No one is forcing you to buy it either. You simply buy it for the look because YOU like it, or just don’t. I recently decided instead of getting my T3 human pants (medium). That I would just spend like 2g and get Vigil. Not because I was trying to save money but because I liked the look more.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psilocin.1435


I seriously don’t get why people are so upset with the price of the T3 set. I mean, if they lowered the price then people would complain that there are no cool-looking sets to work towards anyway. There needs to be some exclusive sets that are expensive so people can set long-term goal. Most T3 cultural armor are kind of good looking, thus the high price. If you care for it, then take a bite of the sour apple and just farm that gold, if not, then stop complaining and let the people who do want it do so in peace.

There are two things humans will never observe; infinity and nothingness.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


It’s a goal to work towards, not something you should be handed.

It’s rare because it’s purely for cosmetic purposes, they would have to include sets for each different stat combination otherwise. Your meant to use transmutation stones. edit: and no, not a plot to get you to buy gems, you can buy them with in-game gold and it’s relatively cheap. If you’ve spent the time collecting the funds for your set a couple of extra gold won’t hurt

Yes it’s considerably more expensive than the order armours. Is that a problem? No of course it’s not, it’s a different set.

Let’s put it this way.

The order armour is something the soldiers in the orders wear.

The cultural armour is something your cultures heroes where. As it’s something heroes wear, it’s expensive.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guldur.6502


Calm down.

I meant I got my chest-piece (30g), not the full-set

Yeah, it will take much longer to get the fullset

Still that would mean 6 gold a day playing 2-4 hours, which smells of lies.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ageia.5843


It didn’t seem to matter to me what price either set is. My armor class in the Vigil (which I joined) Makes my character look like a Spartan Soldier’s grandmother, and the Norn set…Its fine, just not worth spending the gold for when the stuff that drops nearly everywhere looks better to me

Edited because I left out words that made it sound like I speak for everyone, and I clearly DO NOT.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kelvin.8217

Lord Kelvin.8217

I didn’t say to lower the price… the point is at that price the armor should be exotic! Otherwise I buy it only to show how cool I am, and when I’ve to fight I change to an exotic set… sad so sad…

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


I didn’t say to lower the price… the point is at that price the armor should be exotic! Otherwise I buy it only to show how cool I am, and when I’ve to fight I change to an exotic set… sad so sad…

No, you are meant to spend time saving up for it. By then you will already have an exotic set. You transmute the T3 looks onto your current exotic set.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pipra.7580


just a question: does the t2 cultural armor also glow or does only the t3 glow? I looked at the asura medium one and i liked the t2 more than the t3.

Same here! I’m really not a big fan of Asura T3 Medium.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pennry.9215


@ Pennry

Huh? Why does everything have to cost the same? They’re catering to all price brackets so there are cheap and easy to get items, items that take a bit of work and expensive items for those who like a long term goal. What’s wrong with having something for everyone?

A Gold grind with a built in Gem to Gold conversion is nothing “long term”. But that’s aside the point. The point is: Everywhere else one can get level 80 armor skins cheaper and a majority of them are actually Exotic and useful. All through leveling too, do they show you easy gear. AreaNet’s own campaign was that there would be no “grind” and getting armor, etc would be easy enough for everyone. Why then the sudden jump in price? Tiers 1 and 2 show a decent progression in price, why not keep to that scheme? Heck, they could even go as far as calculate how many dungeon runs it takes to get each piece and how much Gold you can get from those runs. That is of course if you want them cheaper. I’d actually like to see everything else made more expensive, but 30g for Rare 80s is just ridiculous. Make them slightly cheaper and make them on par as Exotics, or bring everything else to par with them.

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


@ Pennry

Huh? Why does everything have to cost the same? They’re catering to all price brackets so there are cheap and easy to get items, items that take a bit of work and expensive items for those who like a long term goal. What’s wrong with having something for everyone?

A Gold grind with a built in Gem to Gold conversion is nothing “long term”. But that’s aside the point. The point is: Everywhere else one can get level 80 armor skins cheaper and a majority of them are actually Exotic and useful. All through leveling too, do they show you easy gear. AreaNet’s own campaign was that there would be no “grind” and getting armor, etc would be easy enough for everyone. Why then the sudden jump in price? Tiers 1 and 2 show a decent progression in price, why not keep to that scheme? Heck, they could even go as far as calculate how many dungeon runs it takes to get each piece and how much Gold you can get from those runs. That is of course if you want them cheaper. I’d actually like to see everything else made more expensive, but 30g for Rare 80s is just ridiculous. Make them slightly cheaper and make them on par as Exotics, or bring everything else to par with them.

Getting armour is easy enough for everyone. They didn’t say all armour would be easy. There is no required grind gating you out of dungeons or any other content. And yes the cheaper gear is useful, this gear isn’t useful because it’s purely a vanity item to show that you have a lot of money.

As for gem conversions for gold, I suppose a few people might do it. Personally I think it’s insane to spend hundreds of pounds on game armour so I certainly won’t be doing it.

The useful, exotic armour is cheap and easily available in a short space of time. The weak, show-off armour is expensive. They’re rare and expensive because they only exist to display wealth. They have no other advantage or use.

If they change anything about the T3 it should be to make them work like the HoM skins, since they are just skins. Then maybe people won’t be confused by the rare stats any more.