cultural armour costs
My problem w/ the T3 cultural armor is not really the cost but, the meaning of it.
A character wearing T3 cultural armor – what does that mean to others?
1. Someone who farmed a lot of gold to buy it.
2. Had some spare change to get it.
3. Likes the look.
4. Had no other better use of the moolah?
I don’t know. To me, cultural armor should represent the deeds that the toon has done to benefit its race. It should not be “Hey, I am rich and I can sport a versace suit or a gown (Cultural Armor in case of GW2)” while others doing a lot of DEs to keep their homeland free of evil, keeping disorders at bay in dungeons etc. end up buying them from Wally world (Karma/Dungeon Vendors).
I wonder why the story-writers/designers went the gold route w/ cultural armors in the game. There could have been zillions of gold sinks in this game given how many there were in GW1. I expected GW2 rewards will be more achievement-driven rather than gold-driven.
Fine as it is.
If you don’t think it’s worth the price then don’t buy it. It’s in no way a requirement and won’t give you any stat boost compared to other armour of the same level / rarity.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
While I agree that the prices are high, it’s not the end of the world to me. I look at the armor sets be them tier 1, 2, or 3 and figure out what one I like the look of. In human heavy I like Tier NONE. So no money spent on them.
In asuran however I like tier 3 cloth… yes it will be expensive but it’s the only set of armor I could want. So what will I do. Leveling up my asuran mesmer and then when I hit 80 I should have around 10-15 gold. I will then farm up around 5 more gold (which won’t take too long on my game play) (between a couple days to a week) and then buy the headpiece which is one of the favorite pieces. Transmute it and then begin saving on the next important piece which is the chest. That could take a month and maybe even more (who knows). Once I get that I will get another feeling of achievement and I will be excited about it and then move on saving for the next.
It’s an achievement spending time to get a set you want.
If you don’t like the skin or find other skins you like then don’t spend the money on them. That’s the solution. Eventually in the game you will get gear you like and have extra money to spend on things and then you can work on the Tgear just for the achievement if that’s what it’s all about.
My statement on the cost… yes it’s a gold sink. Just figure out if it’s worth it to you.
Also keep in mind that as they are bought purely for the looks, there’s no advantage in getting the whole set unless you want them.
Personally I use the human t3 medium chest & legs but have no intention of buying the other pieces.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
I have t3 and I think that prices are too high, close to mindwracking if you are not using TP and play game only ( as there is no daily and mobs drop or dont drop money at all ). People and their “prestige”, let other people enjoy game and pixels they want, if you are only doing it for show off then something is probably not right with your head and you need a good therapy. Playing a game should fun, not everyone is a student/neet/social walfare leech and have all the time in the world to play a game. After work some people would like to go and play a game instead of engaging in other form of work.
Whoa. You need to simmer down there buddy. To begin with the people that have the most money in game so far aren’t even the people with the most time. Just the people that use their time wisely.
GW is about aesthetic progression. The way you display your accomplishments is by how your character looks. So yes, you can enjoy the pixels you want, as long as you have met the requirements to get them. You don’t just get an Arah dungeon set, or Armageddon, or T3 cultural without making an investment.
If you want to relax with the game instead of making an investment towards some sort of short or long term goal for your character, then by all means play that way. But don’t get upset when the game doesn’t just hand you all of the stuff you want when you have done less than the bare minimum to achieve it.
I earn 2-4 gold a day doing dungeons. I play on and off between 6-12. Dungeon → play with kids → dungeon → dinner → dungeon → put kids to bed → dungeon → watch tv or movie with woman → dungeon → bed. Sometimes I can get another run or two in there. Some days I only do one, play on an alt instead, or don’t play at all. The point is, I do those dungeons because they get me money at a decent rate and I have fun with them. I make easily enough to buy one piece of T3 gear a week (which is what im doing) and the most expensive pieces in close to two weeks, by doing things I would have been doing anyways.
As of now it’s the most expensive armor in the game. Sans maybe Armageddon, if you want to draw the karma/gold parallel. A few weeks of hardcore grinding out progress towards getting it, or a few months of just casually making progress towards getting a set is a more than reasonable amount of time.
You shouldn’t even be shooting for T3 unless you are already 80 and geared up, ready to transmute. And if you are at that point, there isnt really much to spend money on. If you are having trouble saving, then there’s a problem besides the scary looking price of the gear.