dailies are forced atm
Guild Wars 2 dailies are the gentlest dailies I’ve ever seen in an MMO. You only need to do 5 of the 9. Most of them you’ll get doing whatever you normally do.
If they were any easier, you might as well just get them for logging in.
I guessed I missed the memo that said I HAD to do my daily. Through normal play you should get it.
The dailies are so simple its not even funny :P I usually get 3-4 done while just randomly playing each day. Nobody needs to focus on them at all lol
Where is it written that I am required to do my Dailies? Link pls. Thanks!
The dailies are a problem. They are meant to award you for “playing how you want to play”. Being online several hours a day I rarely get 5/9 dailies from playing how I want to play which includes doing most of the world bosses (Kills, veterans, mentor, kills in area X) and doing explorable dungeons (dungeon daily). I do not like WvW zergfest which is 2/9 every day and I certainly don’t eat 25 foods or use the toilet 5 times a day. Dailies ARE forced if you want laurels – But that is okay because they award you for how you want to play.. Oh wait.
The dailies are a problem. They are meant to award you for “playing how you want to play”. Being online several hours a day I rarely get 5/9 dailies from playing how I want to play which includes doing most of the world bosses (Kills, veterans, mentor, kills in area X) and doing explorable dungeons (dungeon daily). I do not like WvW zergfest which is 2/9 every day and I certainly don’t eat 25 foods or use the toilet 5 times a day. Dailies ARE forced if you want laurels – But that is okay because they award you for how you want to play.. Oh wait.
So you basically want to get the daily completed by simply logging in?
Because that is really the only way that would reward everyone playing “the way they want”.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
The dailies are a problem. They are meant to award you for “playing how you want to play”. Being online several hours a day I rarely get 5/9 dailies from playing how I want to play which includes doing most of the world bosses (Kills, veterans, mentor, kills in area X) and doing explorable dungeons (dungeon daily). I do not like WvW zergfest which is 2/9 every day and I certainly don’t eat 25 foods or use the toilet 5 times a day. Dailies ARE forced if you want laurels – But that is okay because they award you for how you want to play.. Oh wait.
I’ll summarize for you:
“I do not want to do effort but I want reward.”
or if you feel like a boss:
“I want to do what I want to do and net the reward I want.”
Pretty accurate huh?
So you basically want to get the daily completed by simply logging in?
Because that is really the only way that would reward everyone playing “the way they want”.
@knives, the reply answers your post as well.
That is kind of ignorant to assume and a bad attempt at invalidating what I wrote. I wrote exactly what we were told though that we should be able to complete dailies by “playing the game how we want” – By playing how we want, one must assume an average players online for maybe 2 hours on an average day. I’m pretty sure just about no one comes online for 2 hours to go kill 30 mobs in Shiverpeaks, then go kill 10 people in WvW, then do a dungeon, then eat 25 foods and go craft 10 items. Dailies should be a smaller thing. If you come online for 2 hours to kill some people in WvW and cap a few camps, maybe a tower that should be a daily. If you go do 3 explorable dungeons, maybe even a few different ones, then that should be a daily.
Try comparing it to daily PvP (which awards you a much easier laurel) – No matter how you play PvP you WILL get the daily. You can’t not finish 3 matches if you stick with a game. Capturing points and getting kills are pretty much tkittenence of PvP. You are rewarded for playing daily.
PvE does not do this. You have to do very specific things to complete the daily and time investment is way higher than PvP (Usually).
I’ve said this multiple times in multiple threads before: the daily system is flawed.
I’ll tell you why. Because they force you into certain aspects of the game by punishment of being gated from other aspects if you don’t do them. Ascended amulets are a gear gate to higher level Fractals. Yes, you can complete 40+ with only 30 AR if you want to, but it’s a lot more comfortable if you have more AR.
I don’t do open world events, I don’t chop down trees, I don’t do any of that crap ever. I also don’t like doing it.
I don’t mind having to do some effort for getting that Laurel, absolutely not. Make me do all dungeon paths in a certain dungeon, or do 3 dungeon paths in 3 different dungeons. Stuff that I would enjoy. Right now if I want my dailies to be completed ‘by just playing the game’, I would have to plan which dungeon I want to in order to get the needed events/veterans, and if I’m lucky there might be a dungeon path in the requirements etc. But I’m usually pretty lucky if I get 3/5 by playing the game. I usually get up to 1/5, which sucks, because then I’m forced to go out of my way to look for stupid tasks to do if I ever want to get an Ascended amulet on my Thief.
The problem with dailies and the Ascended Amulets is that there is only 1 way of acquiring them, which is a very flawed mechanics, because that way you are forced to get them that way. I don’t care that they added ascended gear outside of fractals, but they should have made it possible to acquire the gear through fractals as well. I mean, it makes sense, no?
I hate dailies because afterwards I always feel like punching a pile of bricks. And not all people enjoy doing open world PvE.
They should either make more possibilities to get your dailies so they can truly cater to all players, or they should add additional options to get ascended gear.
Screw dailies, I kittening hate them.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
25 food is one of the easiest ones.. just order 25 of the cheepest consumable and eat them. comes to at most 2s, normally around 1.
5 uses of the Mystic forge is just a case of throwing your greens in the mystic forge. Which at the moment is far more profitable than ever before as the price of Ectos has went up again. You get about 1 rare for every 16 greens. So any green under around 1s 60c is fair game as far as I’m concerned
Karma spender, buy a single Orrian Jewelry box. They give OK returns, and you will probably get a fair chunk of your Karma back as Karma bottles.
Jumping Puzzle, Troll End in the NE of LA is very short.
Reviver, The Reactor in Metrica Province.
Kill Variety, Also the Reactor in Metrica Province.
In other words almost all of them can be done fast. If you just play normally just keep an eye on what you need and if you are running low on time just use one of the fast ways to get the remaining few.
There are also some really good places to get the Veteran slayer in seconds. But also not the Dungeons count as the areas in question. So Ascalon Slayer can be got from AC or CoF. Shiverpeaks from HotW and SE, Meguuma from TA or CoE. Kryta from CM.
(edited by Ratty.5176)
Honestly? the dailies in this game are the easiest things and yet people still complain! They, if anything, give you something to do so you don’t have to complain you have nothing to do. You’re never forced to do a daily, if you don’t want to then don’t. Laurels aren’t needed as much as wanted for ascended but even ascended gear is in no way necessary and only a slight improvement over exotic. Seriously if you consider dailies “forced” then you might need to reconsider how you play this game, and in my experience they don’t take much effort at all. And on a last note no PvE daily will require you to PvP or WvW they are simply optional and there are a lot more than 5 PvE dailies to choose.
I disagree that you should be able to do ALL the dailies by playing the way you want.
Suppose I’m an RPer and I don’t like to kill anything. That’s how I like to play. Should I get a laurel for staying in character?
Games have achievements for different things. If you don’t like dungeons, you don’t do a dungeon master…because that achievement is all about dungeons.
The dailies are easy enough. You can play the game any way you want. You don’t get to pick your rewards for playing that way.
I mean some people just like to stand around and chat in LA. Should they get the daily chatter?
@knives, the reply answers your post as well.
That is kind of ignorant to assume and a bad attempt at invalidating what I wrote. I wrote exactly what we were told though that we should be able to complete dailies by “playing the game how we want” – By playing how we want, one must assume an average players online for maybe 2 hours on an average day. I’m pretty sure just about no one comes online for 2 hours to go kill 30 mobs in Shiverpeaks, then go kill 10 people in WvW, then do a dungeon, then eat 25 foods and go craft 10 items. Dailies should be a smaller thing. If you come online for 2 hours to kill some people in WvW and cap a few camps, maybe a tower that should be a daily. If you go do 3 explorable dungeons, maybe even a few different ones, then that should be a daily.
Try comparing it to daily PvP (which awards you a much easier laurel) – No matter how you play PvP you WILL get the daily. You can’t not finish 3 matches if you stick with a game. Capturing points and getting kills are pretty much tkittenence of PvP. You are rewarded for playing daily.
PvE does not do this. You have to do very specific things to complete the daily and time investment is way higher than PvP (Usually).
Exactly, and some people want to play the game by simply standing around in Lions Arch talking to people. Therefore in order for them to be able to get their dailies by “playing the way they want” they would get it by simply logging in. Don’t you see the issue with that?
Hmm? It would actually be impossible to complete the PvP daily if you focus only on roaming and fighting the enemies. Since they also require capping, which would not be done by a roamer usually.
I usually complete a PvE daily in about 30 minutes at most, and that is by playing as usual (and maybe craft 10 planks or whatever), so clearly it is quite possible to complete the dailies without actively working on it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
The dailies are a problem. They are meant to award you for “playing how you want to play”. Being online several hours a day I rarely get 5/9 dailies from playing how I want to play which includes doing most of the world bosses (Kills, veterans, mentor, kills in area X) and doing explorable dungeons (dungeon daily). I do not like WvW zergfest which is 2/9 every day and I certainly don’t eat 25 foods or use the toilet 5 times a day. Dailies ARE forced if you want laurels – But that is okay because they award you for how you want to play.. Oh wait.
Are you serious? The dailies are as easy as they can be. You can do them within an hour of just… well, doing what you described. I have no idea how you manage to not get them especially when playing several hours a day. I give you that occasionally there might be combinations of tasks that don’t work well for you. But you still should be able to get them easily most of the time.
Exactly, and some people want to play the game by simply standing around in Lions Arch talking to people. Therefore in order for them to be able to get their dailies by “playing the way they want” they would get it by simply logging in. Don’t you see the issue with that?
I do indeed. The philosophy was to “play how you want” not “chat how you want”. Chatting does not affect anything in the game in any way and can not be considered playing.
Hmm? It would actually be impossible to complete the PvP daily if you focus only on roaming and fighting the enemies. Since they also require capping, which would not be done by a roamer usually.
If you manage to roam and kill people without ever capturing a point that is pretty impressive seeing that most fights take place on objectives. I haven’t ever seen a roamer who goes to a point, kills the bunker who is defending it, just to leave the point. And I sure hope I won’t meet one! Eventually you should get the captures.
I usually complete a PvE daily in about 30 minutes at most, and that is by playing as usual (and maybe craft 10 planks or whatever), so clearly it is quite possible to complete the dailies without actively working on it.
Clearly! Do however also keep in mind that the way you play does not represent the other 3 million players
So you basically want to get the daily completed by simply logging in?
Because that is really the only way that would reward everyone playing “the way they want”.@knives, the reply answers your post as well.
That is kind of ignorant to assume and a bad attempt at invalidating what I wrote. I wrote exactly what we were told though that we should be able to complete dailies by “playing the game how we want” – By playing how we want, one must assume an average players online for maybe 2 hours on an average day. I’m pretty sure just about no one comes online for 2 hours to go kill 30 mobs in Shiverpeaks, then go kill 10 people in WvW, then do a dungeon, then eat 25 foods and go craft 10 items. Dailies should be a smaller thing. If you come online for 2 hours to kill some people in WvW and cap a few camps, maybe a tower that should be a daily. If you go do 3 explorable dungeons, maybe even a few different ones, then that should be a daily.
Try comparing it to daily PvP (which awards you a much easier laurel) – No matter how you play PvP you WILL get the daily. You can’t not finish 3 matches if you stick with a game. Capturing points and getting kills are pretty much tkittenence of PvP. You are rewarded for playing daily.
PvE does not do this. You have to do very specific things to complete the daily and time investment is way higher than PvP (Usually).
I don’t have the data of the majority – but I believe most play PVE. A simple, short diversion on their daily routine won’t hurt – trust me, I know. I have work and can only play a few hours a day.
You are taking the “play the way we want” too literally. I play usually by chatting – so I guess ANet should make a daily task “Type 100 letters on a chatbox” eh? I also play by jumping from high places, guess ANet should make a daily task “Fall 1000ft or more”.
I believe the “play the way we want” is like general slaughtering monsters/do pve content, going to wvwvw, dungeon, pvp.
ANet should make a daily task “Fall 1000ft or more”.
That would actually be awesome
I do indeed. The philosophy was to “play how you want” not “chat how you want”. Chatting does not affect anything in the game in any way and can not be considered playing.
If you manage to roam and kill people without ever capturing a point that is pretty impressive seeing that most fights take place on objectives. I haven’t ever seen a roamer who goes to a point, kills the bunker who is defending it, just to leave the point. And I sure hope I won’t meet one!
Eventually you should get the captures.
Clearly! Do however also keep in mind that the way you play does not represent the other 3 million players
So people are allowed to play the way YOU feel is right, but not other ways?
GW2 is a MMORPG, RPG suggest roleplaying. Roleplaying does not always include fighting and killing. Therefore in order to shout about people playing the game the way they want you should also give those people the right to play the way they want. And therefore they should also, by your logic, get the dailies by simply chatting.
Hmm? It is quite usual for roamers to waylay people away from the cap-points, that is after all the point of a roamer. To roam around and disturb the enemy movements.
Exactly, and yet you don’t accept that people don’t play the same way you do
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Are you serious? The dailies are as easy as they can be. You can do them within an hour of just… well, doing what you described. I have no idea how you manage to not get them especially when playing several hours a day. I give you that occasionally there might be combinations of tasks that don’t work well for you. But you still should be able to get them easily most of the time.
It’s quite simple really, not everyone play the same way. For example I have no clue what I want to do that includes killing 3 veterans in Maguuma today.
Are you serious? The dailies are as easy as they can be. You can do them within an hour of just… well, doing what you described. I have no idea how you manage to not get them especially when playing several hours a day. I give you that occasionally there might be combinations of tasks that don’t work well for you. But you still should be able to get them easily most of the time.
It’s quite simple really, not everyone play the same way. For example I have no clue what I want to do that includes killing 3 veterans in Maguuma today.
Regardless of that, whether you know or not, it doesn’t even take 4 minutes to kill those veterans. There are several places you can go and literally kill 3 maguuma veterans in two minutes. Literally. It’s that easy.
So if two minutes is too much out of your way to get the daily…I’d say the problem is yours.
Of course dailys are forced. When the reward gives you the ability to purchase power (ascended) yes, you make sure you get them done. I am logging in this early in the morning to get mine done.
Sure, there are those in this very thread that will say “Just play the game, youll get them done. Dont even think about it”. But thats not necessarily true. If all you wanted to do was farm, you probably wont get them done. If all you wanted to do was dungeon run, you probably wont get them done. You might, but unlikely.
Yes, they are forced. While the dailys are easy enough to complete and are incorporated into every day game play, they are still forced because of the reward given.
Laurels for ascended gear was a bad idea.
Laurels for ascended gear was a bad idea.
This is the message I’m trying to get across.
I’m not so much against the dailies, because admittedly, they’re relatively easy and quick to get.
The problem is that the thing most people want with their Laurels is exclusive to Laurels, which is a bad design.
If you wanted max gear or certain things in GW1 you needed money and materials. You could get those any way you wanted: farm the materials, or farm the money for the materials. And in GW1, farming money wasn’t limited to 1 dungeon because all other places in the world were absolutely terrible. Although, admittedly, the amount of money you made in DoA in a good DoASC guild made everything in the game outside of top-tier PvP look like trash for cash, but at least DoA had a good Risk vs Reward ratio, so not many people complained.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
The problem is that the thing most people want with their Laurels is exclusive to Laurels, which is a bad design.
the only ascended item exclusive to laurels in the amulet. That’s all.
Laurels for ascended gear was a bad idea.
This is the message I’m trying to get across.
I’m not so much against the dailies, because admittedly, they’re relatively easy and quick to get.
The problem is that the thing most people want with their Laurels is exclusive to Laurels, which is a bad design.
If you wanted max gear or certain things in GW1 you needed money and materials. You could get those any way you wanted: farm the materials, or farm the money for the materials. And in GW1, farming money wasn’t limited to 1 dungeon because all other places in the world were absolutely terrible. Although, admittedly, the amount of money you made in DoA in a good DoASC guild made everything in the game outside of top-tier PvP look like trash for cash, but at least DoA had a good Risk vs Reward ratio, so not many people complained.
What really began to irk me about the daily system was the fact that if I wanted to buy the ascended accessory slot, it would be something like 40 or so laurels(OK no problem), but then 50 ectos. What!? Im saving those ectos for my legendary. But I also want best in slot gear for fractals. Oh so now I have to join a guild if I want both?
I then remember coming here to vent, and saw a post by Isiah Cartwright I believe..he said they wanted to “encourage” us to join guilds and participate in guild missions because you can get the items via commendations(without ectos). Thats why the ecto pricetag was placed on the laurel acquisition option…to encourage us to run guild missions instead.
So I said, woah woah…wait a second. What happened to play as I want? This whole time I was not compelled to be part of any meaningful guild, just a small group of friends. Now youre telling me that if I dont want to empty my bank of ectos, I need to join a guild to obtain that BiS slot? What a crock.
The way I wanted to play this game was the following(in order)
-Get as many toons to 80 as I could stomach(I got 5)
-Pick two or three as mains. (Picked three)
-Gear up those mains with best in slot.
“Oh no, ascended?! Sigh, OK lets try gearing up these three toons”
-After trying to gear them up as much as possible, then just enjoy the game and slowly go after that legendary. By enjoy, I mean maybe run a dungeon? Maybe some WvW? Maybe some farming? But..
-Now I have to make sure I get the daily done for laurels…that alters my gameplay slightly.
So in multiple spots, I am taken away from what I WANT to do, and encouraged into a new direction.
No amount of optimism from this thread or anyone else will change that.
So people are allowed to play the way YOU feel is right, but not other ways?
GW2 is a MMORPG, RPG suggest roleplaying. Roleplaying does not always include fighting and killing. Therefore in order to shout about people playing the game the way they want you should also give those people the right to play the way they want. And therefore they should also, by your logic, get the dailies by simply chatting.Hmm? It is quite usual for roamers to waylay people away from the cap-points, that is after all the point of a roamer. To roam around and disturb the enemy movements.
Exactly, and yet you don’t accept that people don’t play the same way you do
You are putting a whole bunch of words into my mouth that I never wrote, so I’m going to lay off the conversation after this, as I already stated my points.
Sending messages is not playing the game, and you can argue all you want but fact is
- You do not change anything in the game.
- You do not affect the game in any way.
- The game does not respond to your chatter in any way.
- You do not interact with anything in the world.
That does not mean that I want to decide how people play. That is entirely their choice.
…Also what!? Are you AFK when all players are battling at points, waiting for someone to get out of spawn? Even if you roam there will be times where you can not do anything without going to a point. Seriously the game revolves around capturing these points. If you ignore them and only chase down players whenever they are off points.. Well either they will run to a point and you will have to chase them (But oh wait you roam so you can’t go to the point, he’s safe there ) or you will have to run around mindlessly waiting for more players to be off point. In other words you’re losing.
I will have to correct myself; While the daily philosophy was to be awarded for how you play, I really wouldn’t want that to include
“Lose 3 matches in tPvP”
“Die 5 times”
“Have your party wipe 3 times in an explorable dungeon”
“Die while trying to defend a keep in WvW”.
…You get it..
Clearly I’ve been playing the wrong way… I haven’t done daily every day. Focused on it some times… got it randomly at others and not gotten it at other days cause I simply didn’t feel like it.
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
That is one item, how is that a problem?
I didn’t find out about dailies until after a month when I started and already got 25 when I noticed.
Anyway, plainly put dailies is work. You have to put in the work to get something in return (Laurels). If you don’t want to work for it you are not entitled to me. That is life.
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
That is one item, how is that a problem?
You can also lower the cost by doing a bit of WvW now. In a month you can make 40 Laurels and 500 BoH and buy 2 of them.
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
Ah, I was under the impression that those was obtainable from Guild Mission, my mistake
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
Do the Monthly.
I hope devs are reading these kind of threads.
Dailies were meant to reward players that were just “playing the game normally”, but there’s a few problems that prevent dailies from working like that. One of the biggest reasons for that, is how uneven dailies are.
From my experience, doing gathering + leveling + daily kills, plus a few other stuff like that, can take between 20 minutes and an hour or more, depending on what other side-stuffing you are doing, where you decide to go, etc. That’s fine. You can explore the world while doing dailies, and in this sense, the devs have acchieved what they wanted.
Likewise, recently-added wvw dailies also allow wvw players to get dailies done by just playing normally.
However, doing fractals, or a dungeon, takes about as much time as doing 3-6 other taily tasks. And THAT’s unfair. If someone wants to spend 40 minutes doing a dungeon (cof1 is the exception, let’s ignore that abomination), that player will only get 1/5 of the dailies done (sometimes, depending on the day, 2 or 3 dailies, and sometimes even none). This FORCES a dungeon/ fractals player to do stuff they don’t want to do, which is annoying. There needs to exist more dungeon dailies, or the current ones should be worth more.
Also, dailies are very restricting and punishing to players who can’t log in everyday. There should exist some sort of system that allows you to finish the dailies from the last 1-2 days. That’s because sometimes, depending on each player’s mood and time, there are days where they might not feel playing GW2 much (or just doing pvp or a dungeon or something), and there are days where those same players spend hours in the game. Dailies currently treat those players unfairly: they should get the same amount of laurels for having the same dedication to the game, but they don’t, because the current daily system has a very strict schedule.
Fix those issues, and dailies will truly feel what they were intended to be: a reward add-on for doing normal stuff, instead of something that forces you to do side-stuff and takes away from your precious time.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
That is one item, how is that a problem?
The problem is that I’m gated from that item unless I do things I don’t find enjoyable. If they offered alternatives that don’t include mindless chores that make me want to start cutting myself and start listening to Japanese Noise, I would be fine.
I’m arguing that only 1 option to acquire a certain item is a flawed game design. Especially if that only option includes doing boring tasks. If the items were at least sellable, I could just grind cash and buy them, but I can’t.
You can also lower the cost by doing a bit of WvW now. In a month you can make 40 Laurels and 500 BoH and buy 2 of them.
Yeah, but the only thing I hate more in this game than doing my dailies is probably doing that Zerg v Zerg crap people dare to call PvP. If doing dailies makes me want to punch a pile of bricks, WvW makes me want to punch a Tiger that hasn’t eaten for a week and is on her period.
In fact, after they removed WvW from the monthlies, I haven’t set foot in that hellhole.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
Do the Monthly.
Yes, because taking 3 months to acquire an item you want on multiple characters is such great game design.
Oh wait…
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
I hope devs are reading these kind of threads.
Dailies were meant to reward players that were just “playing the game normally”, but there’s a few problems that prevent dailies from working like that. One of the biggest reasons for that, is how uneven dailies are.
From my experience, doing gathering + leveling + daily kills, plus a few other stuff like that, can take between 20 minutes and an hour or more, depending on what other side-stuffing you are doing, where you decide to go, etc. That’s fine. You can explore the world while doing dailies, and in this sense, the devs have acchieved what they wanted.
Likewise, recently-added wvw dailies also allow wvw players to get dailies done by just playing normally.
However, doing fractals, or a dungeon, takes about as much time as doing 3-6 other taily tasks. And THAT’s unfair. If someone wants to spend 40 minutes doing a dungeon (cof1 is the exception, let’s ignore that abomination), that player will only get 1/5 of the dailies done (sometimes, depending on the day, 2 or 3 dailies, and sometimes even none). This FORCES a dungeon/ fractals player to do stuff they don’t want to do, which is annoying. There needs to exist more dungeon dailies, or the current ones should be worth more.
Also, dailies are very restricting and punishing to players who can’t log in everyday. There should exist some sort of system that allows you to finish the dailies from the last 1-2 days. That’s because sometimes, depending on each player’s mood and time, there are days where they might not feel playing GW2 much (or just doing pvp or a dungeon or something), and there are days where those same players spend hours in the game. Dailies currently treat those players unfairly: they should get the same amount of laurels for having the same dedication to the game, but they don’t, because the current daily system has a very strict schedule.
Fix those issues, and dailies will truly feel what they were intended to be: a reward add-on for doing normal stuff, instead of something that forces you to do side-stuff and takes away from your precious time.
Sorry, but I only want to do dungeons doesn’t really cut it. This game has 8 dungeons, but it’s not the entire game. The dungeon itself also has rewards were are generally greater than just playing in the open world.
Much of the time, even when I do a dungeon I get 2-3 dailies out of it. Not all the time but much of it.
The other comment I have has to do with this being unfair to people who can’t play every day. I have two comments for that. If you play less, you should get stuff slower. That’s just logical…but more…
From a business point of view, the whole purpose of dailies is to get people to log in as often as possible. If you take away that ability, you take away the reason Anet has them in the game from a business perspective. Because that’s what they’re there for.
It means more people in the game, so more events spawn so that people playing have more people playing with them. That’s good for them game.
I wouldn’t expect Anet to change that.
Ah, but the Ascended items gained from Laurels are in no way exclusive to Laurels and are obtainable by doing other stuff.
So, how do I obtain Ascended Amulets without doing dailies again?
Do the Monthly.
Yes, because taking 3 months to acquire an item you want on multiple characters is such great game design.
Oh wait…
Don’t get angry because I gave you an alternative that isn’t doing the daily.
Sorry, but I only want to do dungeons doesn’t really cut it. This game has 8 dungeons, but it’s not the entire game. The dungeon itself also has rewards were are generally greater than just playing in the open world.
That’s funny, because as far as I know, and I like to think I know a thing or 2 about dungeons, there are only 2 dungeons that give decent rewards for the time spent…
Tell me again how you can get 4 rares by standing afk and using autoattack in dungeons in only a couple of minutes?
Much of the time, even when I do a dungeon I get 2-3 dailies out of it. Not all the time but much of it.
That only works if you actually plan which dungeon you’re doing, and the dungeon in question for example contains “Events in X” or “Veterans in X” . You actually have to go out of your way to pick the right dungeon for that.. Which I don’t mind, but many people I know for example would rather not do CM to get Kryta events/vets.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
To be honest, if they just fixed the XP you get for dailies (you used to get about a full level for completing your dailies), I wouldn’t mind doing them and would just spam them on the characters I’m leveling at the moment. But as it is right now, even the xp is absolute trash…
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
The problem is that I’m gated from that item unless I do things I don’t find enjoyable. If they offered alternatives that don’t include mindless chores that make me want to start cutting myself and start listening to Japanese Noise, I would be fine.
Ouch. Valid answer actually. I do not mind gating in the sense that if you want something it will take you time to get. But I agree that as long as dailies are not what they are supposed to be it is a problem. Question is whether you set the “problem marker” at the laurels or the dailies. I think laurels are fine. Dailies on the other hand..
Sorry, but I only want to do dungeons doesn’t really cut it. This game has 8 dungeons, but it’s not the entire game. The dungeon itself also has rewards were are generally greater than just playing in the open world.
That’s funny, because as far as I know, and I like to think I know a thing or 2 about dungeons, there are only 2 dungeons that give decent rewards for the time spent…
Tell me again how you can get 4 rares by standing afk and using autoattack in dungeons in only a couple of minutes?
Much of the time, even when I do a dungeon I get 2-3 dailies out of it. Not all the time but much of it.
That only works if you actually plan which dungeon you’re doing, and the dungeon in question for example contains “Events in X” or “Veterans in X” . You actually have to go out of your way to pick the right dungeon for that.. Which I don’t mind, but many people I know for example would rather not do CM to get Kryta events/vets.
As I said much of the time. Some dungeons do give you events. Some dungeons do give you veterans. And some days veterans and events aren’t linked to specific areas. There’s all rezzer, which I get in dungeons pretty often. There’s condition applier, condition remover, daily dodger, not to mention the days when they just have kills.
It won’t happen every day, but it does happen often.
Also, dailies are very restricting and punishing to players who can’t log in everyday. There should exist some sort of system that allows you to finish the dailies from the last 1-2 days. That’s because sometimes, depending on each player’s mood and time, there are days where they might not feel playing GW2 much (or just doing pvp or a dungeon or something), and there are days where those same players spend hours in the game. Dailies currently treat those players unfairly: they should get the same amount of laurels for having the same dedication to the game, but they don’t, because the current daily system has a very strict schedule.
Fix those issues, and dailies will truly feel what they were intended to be: a reward add-on for doing normal stuff, instead of something that forces you to do side-stuff and takes away from your precious time.
Just to make it clear, dailies are not meant as an “add-on reward”, they are meant to force people to log in everyday and develop the habit of doing so (for psychology majors you know what i mean). This is good for the game as makes people come regularly (rather than have people come once every 2-3 days) and increases the population of active players. I can guarantee you this will never change.
Yes, it takes precious time but it is work. Dailies and Monthlies are a system designed to reward participation, it is not a reward for being present.
They are a pain in the kitten but unless you are a super casual player it shouldn’t be much of a problem.
What exactly would be better dailies that require effort? For me it would to be able to do 5 dungeons for the daily or 5 skill points. They are kinda of like “I really don’t want to do 5 events in Maguuma so I’ll just go to WvW and zerg for 15 mins.” I think the dailies are meant of give you as many options as possible without making it effortless.
If you stand in LA all day I believe there are 2 achievements for that, JP’s and Laurel Vendor or Salvaging, pretty easy in my opinion. :P
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I’ll tell you why. Because they force you into certain aspects of the game by punishment of being gated from other aspects if you don’t do them.
I don’t do open world events, I don’t chop down trees, I don’t do any of that crap ever. I also don’t like doing it.
I don’t mind having to do some effort for getting that Laurel, absolutely not. Make me do all dungeon paths in a certain dungeon, or do 3 dungeon paths in 3 different dungeons. Stuff that I would enjoy.
This whole topic is stupid. And this post summarizes it perfectly.
You would force people to HAVE to do 3 different paths in 3 different dungeons because YOU enjoy it. So the people who enjoy the daily now and it works for them? Screw them, I guess? It’s not what YOU want, so who cares?
See the flaw here?
It doesn’t matter what ANet does at this point for the daily. There will be people who don’t like it. It’s impossible for them to cater to the varying needs and entitlements of every single player in this game. There is no system that will make everyone happy with it.
Am I 100% happy with it as it is? No. If I can’t get it done for whatever reasons real life imposes or if I feel like doing other things, guess what? It doesn’t get done.
I also realize that it’s not game breaking if I don’t. I don’t fall hopelessly behind other people, I’m not missing out on key aspects of the game. Absolute worst case scenario is whatever I wan to spend laurels on is pushed back a day or two.
Sorry, but I only want to do dungeons doesn’t really cut it. This game has 8 dungeons, but it’s not the entire game. The dungeon itself also has rewards were are generally greater than just playing in the open world.
The other comment I have has to do with this being unfair to people who can’t play every day. I have two comments for that. If you play less, you should get stuff slower. That’s just logical…but more…
It does cut it. It’s what the devs want, and they have very clearly said it. They want players to finish dailies while doing the stuff they most like. So if a player likes doing challenging, team-driven content (dungeons, fractals) over exploring the world, they will get punished for it. Currently, dailies reward world exploration more so than anything else, and only recently did they start rewarding wvw participation decently.
Also, just because you don’t log in everyday, doesn’t means you’re playing less. If you don’t log in a single day, and play for 4 hours the following day, you’re playing more this game than someone who logs one hour each of those two days.
I can understand the psychological idea of dailies creating playing habits, but when the game needs to force down your throat a daily habit, then something is wrong.
Vayne, youre points contradict everything this game is supposed to stand for. Play as you want. IF all he wants to do is dungeons, let him do dungeons. But with the daily system, that will kitten him. He probably wont get the daily done.
Your point about “if you play less you get rewarded less” is also contradictory of the core of the game. What happened to “take a break if you want, play when you can..dont worry you wont be behind”. Well if you take a weekend long vacation, you are two or three days behind in laurels.
This whole topic is stupid. And this post summarizes it perfectly.
You would force people to HAVE to do 3 different paths in 3 different dungeons because YOU enjoy it. So the people who enjoy the daily now and it works for them? Screw them, I guess? It’s not what YOU want, so who cares?
See the flaw here?
Having fun putting words in my mouth? I never said I want that to be the sole way of acquiring the Laurels. I just want alternatives to the existing ones, because they bore me to death.
Make them sellable for all I care, so I can make the money to buy them.
I’ll say it again, because apparently, some people have trouble reading words: Only providing 1 way to acquire a certain (semi-crucial) item in game is bad game design. I just want an alternative that doesn’t want me to book a flight to Seattle and crap on their doorstep.
It doesn’t matter what ANet does at this point for the daily. There will be people who don’t like it. It’s impossible for them to cater to the varying needs and entitlements of every single player in this game. There is no system that will make everyone happy with it.
Then make them (or the amulets) sellable. That way anyone that wants to get the gear can get it any way he/she wants.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Sorry, but I only want to do dungeons doesn’t really cut it. This game has 8 dungeons, but it’s not the entire game. The dungeon itself also has rewards were are generally greater than just playing in the open world.
The other comment I have has to do with this being unfair to people who can’t play every day. I have two comments for that. If you play less, you should get stuff slower. That’s just logical…but more…
It does cut it. It’s what the devs want, and they have very clearly said it. They want players to finish dailies while doing the stuff they most like. So if a player likes doing challenging, team-driven content (dungeons, fractals) over exploring the world, they will get punished for it. Currently, dailies reward world exploration more so than anything else, and only recently did they start rewarding wvw participation decently.
Also, just because you don’t log in everyday, doesn’t means you’re playing less. If you don’t log in a single day, and play for 4 hours the following day, you’re playing more this game than someone who logs one hour each of those two days.
I can understand the psychological idea of dailies creating playing habits, but when the game needs to force down your throat a daily habit, then something is wrong.
Originally there are X numbers of options and you had to do all of them. But it was the same thing every day. People forgot about them, so they didn’t serve the purpose.
Anet changed it by making the daily more specific, and in doing so, people had to go out of their way to get them.
Anet changed it so that there was a choice out of so many, so people could choose the one they did.
Anet isn’t likely to make a dungeon only one, no matter what you say. They’ve done what they said out to do for MOST of the playerbase. The five guys that can’t finish the dailies now, too bad.
That’s what you don’t get. A dev says something he’s talking to EVERYONE not just you. And because of that, it’s not going to fit EVERYONE, and someone will complain. But it’s really not reasonable.