damage output TOO HIGH!
almost 3k defence and a hell a lot of HP reg. and they just can kill me in one opening attack if i dont time my dodge.
At last we have some challenge in this game. Please leave it as is. I came across the Driftglass Springs event yesterday where you destroy the hordes of Karkas/nests.
As I ran along the outside wall I could hear the battle. When I came around the corner in view of the main gate our “zerg” was back peddling. I made it to the gate and the next scene was something out of Starship Troopers. This sea of red simply washed over our remaining zerg and poured out of the gates like water.
I of course screamed, peed a little, then died to the wave of red. It was a wonderful death.
The sense of danger or knowing you will get destroyed is something this game lacks outside of pvp.
ppl die in pve lol?
You mean to say if you face check 5+ lvl 84 karka on your own you will die?!?! Madness!!!!!
Leave it as is. Having some events failing is part of the fun. What the hell is the point of these events if they don’t fail?
I want to see The Shatterer completely decimate a group, and then progress to take over the entire map unless people band together to stop him. I want to login one day and be told in guild chat that the entire map is lost and we should help try to take it back.
That’s what Orr was like orginally, and see what happened, everybody hated it. Or did you ever try to get to the Grenth karma vendor lately? It’s almost permanently closed on all servers.
People hated it because it was only Risen, and the anti-farm algorithm kicked in too soon. Those areas are just too similar. 3 zones that look exactly the same, with exactly the same enemies is why people hated it.
You mean to say if you face check 5+ lvl 84 karka on your own you will die?!?! Madness!!!!!
Heh. Sure does make me miss my CoH tankers, though.
Leave it as is. Having some events failing is part of the fun. What the hell is the point of these events if they don’t fail?
I want to see The Shatterer completely decimate a group, and then progress to take over the entire map unless people band together to stop him. I want to login one day and be told in guild chat that the entire map is lost and we should help try to take it back.
I’d give my Asura’s left ear for this!
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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Visual documentation of damage reaching into the too high category.
There’s almost no one dead in your pictures and that’s not overwhelmed. Check how many dead from the first time the Karka swarmed!
Caveat to this is I have been running around in rare (not exotic) magic find gear cause I’m cheap. Also I play a guardian so you can maybe blame it on that too.
The only problem I have had with this island have been the drakes, but even them I can kill as long as I single them out and watch for the breath/tail swipe.
I am not built defensive, but I am using wall of reflection and shield of avenger for most projectile mobs, i.e. karkas and reef riders.
Also line of warding on staff has been amazing in this event too. I set up a line of warding and a wall of reflection at the doorway and the groups of mobs just decimate themselves. Then I leap in with a greatsword do a quick whirling wrath and get out to go back to spamming staff 1 for ae and kill credit.
I also have altruistic healing so that helps a ton on group event, but I can get one shot too. That happens when i run ahead of the group thinking I’m going to own everything by myself.
I don’t normally run this build but figured it was good for the content, which is why it is rare and not exotic. I bought it cheap and quick for a temporary thing and I"m doing well.
Maybe class mechanics or maybe some player awareness.
As to the first time karka swarmed and the masses of dead bodies. I remember that, and everyone died because they didn’t realize that the giant karkas would steamroll through the groups so they ran in and funneled themselves on the ramps with 2 or 3 veteran karkas…resulting in the above screen shot. A little bit of awareness and player reaction goes a long way. In the current event I see people getting rolled and stomped on by the champ karkas and I wonder why they never even attempt to roll =(
At last we have some challenge in this game.
Being oneshot without a chance to react is not a challenge, it’s bad game design. With the size of an event like this, it gets even worse, because while you normally see e.g. a young karka prepare it’s sting attack, it’ll be covered by other mobs, players or effects in such an event. It’s acceptable if you only go to downed, but in this case you’re usually going straight to hell. And there’s not even a waypoint nearby.
/e: I guess they just added crab toss so people were forced to practice dodging those roll attacks before the actual event went live :p
(edited by Iruwen.3164)
The amount of kitten wagging in here is staggering…
As the title say’s, I think the damage output is getting TOO HIGH! On what, well, many things actually. I think this is a systemic problem of being instagibbed in this game. Fights should last longer, not shorter.
Now, they raised the damage output of the “Crazed” creatures in Southsun. Being 1 or 2 shotted isn’t fun at all. Not too mention costly.
Dev’s…. lower the damage to defense ratio. You are out of control!
Put on some PVT gear. Dodge. Don’t stand in the red circles. Use your defensive abilities.
As the title say’s, I think the damage output is getting TOO HIGH! On what, well, many things actually. I think this is a systemic problem of being instagibbed in this game. Fights should last longer, not shorter.
Now, they raised the damage output of the “Crazed” creatures in Southsun. Being 1 or 2 shotted isn’t fun at all. Not too mention costly.
Dev’s…. lower the damage to defense ratio. You are out of control!
I think, cause this is “casual” game ofc, they should remove ability to attack from enemy. We should all hold hands, run around exploring and singing:“La la la”. Cause this is casual game ofc. God forbid if we get defensive gear or try to dodge, cause this is casual game ofc.
Sovta, remark’s such as these, unless funny, are not very productive. Anything constructive to add? What’s wrong with holding hands and singing btw?
Volkon, with the countless amount of hours in WvW that I have, you’d think I don’t have high armor? My builds are mostly bunker/support with 3k armor. I’m well aware of how to dodge too. With that I say, the damage output is too F’n high!!!
Of the gaming community, I believe only a small minority find dying though random circumstances fun. Thus, there should be more mechanical complexity than raw damage. It’s like thieves roaming in WvW. Being instagibbed by them certainly turns off new players fast.
Southsun will become a ghost town again if things aren’t changed. Two rares from the Karka Queen are not enough to prevent people from going back to the Dragons and other World Bosses. Which, as a WvW player, I don’t mind if it becomes a ghost town if the result is more come back to WvW to play
Tonight, I’ll probably run around playing like a monkey in Steampipe Steading. Hopefully people will see how you can traverse the wall and terrain to avoid the mobs. Though, for anyone thinking of it, karka climb so don’t stand idle!
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
What party am I with? The damage output is too dang high party
Try an engineer without grenades or mines, see how the damage output is then..
Full pvt gear on my warrior, 30 in vit and toughness line and the karkas still hit like trucks.
I’ll add my 2 copper of support for the OP. I too think the damage output is way to high. Whether it’s just a scaling issue or some fundamental problem with mob mechanics or a graphics issue… I think it’s a combination of all three. I find that mobs in this game tend to spam their special attacks over and over with a very small cooldown, and although they telegraph their moves, often the tell animation is very brief and obscured by particle effects or the seething mass of mobs. You get a group of them together, especially ones that have been scaled in power, and their damage output is greatly amplified.
I enjoy challenging content. What I don’t like, and the OP mentioned the same thing, is getting insta-killed. For example, here is a typical southsun event: Event flag appears on my mini-map. Then large group of angry karka suddenly decloak from culling. Then I’m down. Total elapsed time is maybe 2-3 seconds. Adding insult to injury I look at my combat log and find 5-8 critical hits for anywhere up to 15k damage each that all landed in a space of about 1 second. Ridiculous. I might add, this is with a level 80 thief in nearly full exotic/ascended celestial gear with shadow arts trait line maxed out.
I think three things need to be done: 1) Lengthen the cooldown on mob power moves. 2) Improve the telegraph animation or perhaps add an audio cue to warn the player when the 1-shot kill is coming. 3) Add an graphics option to turn off spell particle effects. I think these things would greatly improve the player experience.
By way of further illustration.
Wow they messed you up so bad you’ve blurred into graphical badness… you’ve gone to ludicrous speed…
Leave it as is. Having some events failing is part of the fun. What the hell is the point of these events if they don’t fail?
I want to see The Shatterer completely decimate a group, and then progress to take over the entire map unless people band together to stop him. I want to login one day and be told in guild chat that the entire map is lost and we should help try to take it back.
The problem is, the events aren’t really compelling enough for that to have the impact in-game that is conveyed when you say it.
I’d love it if the world-bosses were genuine world-level threats with huge event-chains spanning multiple zones, days of progression, etc.
But as it is, even if they did have the Shatterer take over the zone, it’d basically be, "3 minute DE where you take back camp X, 4 minute DE where you take back camp Y, etc. etkittenil you fight him pretty much as usual (and we all know how engaging that is). Then nothing major changes and he attacks again in 3 hours…
That’s what Orr was like orginally, and see what happened, everybody hated it.
What Orr was supposed to be (AFAIK, at least) was great. What it actually was? Not so much. Rather than being a huge warzone with wall-to-wall zombies and a back-and-forth battle to try and push inward, it was the same dull, disconnected cycle of events over and over, and obnoxious and tedious enemies laid out in a dragnet grid…
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
(edited by Dark Saviour.9410)
Leave it as is. Having some events failing is part of the fun. What the hell is the point of these events if they don’t fail?
I want to see The Shatterer completely decimate a group, and then progress to take over the entire map unless people band together to stop him. I want to login one day and be told in guild chat that the entire map is lost and we should help try to take it back.
The problem is, the events aren’t really compelling enough for that to have the impact in-game that is conveyed when you say it.
I’d love it if the world-bosses were genuine world-level threats with huge event-chains spanning multiple zones, days of progression, etc.
But as it is, even if they did have the Shatterer take over the zone, it’d basically be, "3 minute DE where you take back camp X, 4 minute DE where you take back camp Y, etc. etkittenil you fight him pretty much as usual (and we all know how engaging that is). Then nothing major changes and he attacks again in 3 hours…
Just like doing WvW in PvE. Yeah, take back camp x, y or z, then go whack the Shatterer, then when everyone is in bed, the Shatterer respawn and took back the map again because there was like 10+ players around and unable to hold the whole map down. Hence, when the “zerg” wakes up, we steamrolled the map and sent the Shatterer down to the ground. Rinse and repeat.
I see a lot of posts about this. And no posts from the developers, so I assume they don’t care.
Being killed in one or two shots is not fun. Basically its the game cheating to beat you.
Harder than Arah, this is hilarious.
I lol’ed at your numbers, then I remembered seeing this exact thing last night as I was lying on the floor in the fetal position drooling… O.o
I see a lot of posts about this. And no posts from the developers, so I assume they don’t care.
Being killed in one or two shots is not fun. Basically its the game cheating to beat you.
The worst part is the loot is sometimes terrible.
My first time beating the queen I was amazed, got 3 exotic drops and 10 shells! I was like OMFG I’m going to do this all night!
The next 3 times I only got blues and 4 shells, so I went to bed.
I was either super lucky the first time or super unlucky the 3 following times.
Storm, the better rewards are only once per day per account. That’s why you weren’t receiving better loot on the follow up’s.
I haven’t even been able to do it today. The event has been bugged on JQ and several other servers.
Storm, the better rewards are only once per day per account. That’s why you weren’t receiving better loot on the follow up’s.
I haven’t even been able to do it today. The event has been bugged on JQ and several other servers.
Ahhh, thanks for the info!
Ok, now that it’s working again, I went into Southsun about 2 hours ago. There is certainly something to the “bad design” discussion instead of the plain dmg output.
I just spent over an hour or so clearing the settlements. Then went to clear the Pride Point settlement for the 4/4 and the second it’s done, the Queen pops.
Now I’m racing to try and get there in time. I get there and everyone’s inside fighting her. Awesome, now it’s just me vs the 20 lvl 84’s in Steampipe Steading. As you can imagined, I was killed in about a second. WP’d to tried again, killed in about a second, again. Suffice it to say, they killed the queen in about 4 minutes. So… after all that effort clearing settlements, I got nothing.
Before anyone say’s anything, there was only one gimmick as a Norn Ranger I could have tried. That is if my Elite wasn’t on cool down from using it in Pride Point.
10 minutes later, while standing inside Steampipe Steading still, another event pop’s. A swarm of lvl 84’s simply de-cloak around me. I ZOMG…. Dodge, Dodge, and…… yeah, I’m dead I was spit at 13 times for about 44k damage. Those dirty lil Karka!!! The highest being 5.5k with my 2.9k armor at the time. So, there still is something to the damage output discussion too.
To me, that isn’t fun. I’m actually angry and have little desire to play the game. 2 hours spent doing a boring chore just to be denied, nope… not worth it. Thus, unless the dev’s want to lower the population of the game, this isn’t working as intended on many levels.
If you like dying, great enjoy. If you like event’s where a high percentage of the time you fail, great enjoy the suffering! For me, I don’t pay developers to annoy me like this. It’s not even about skill or challenge, it’s just more RNG. Because what’s the alternative, be a kitten and just park yourself in front of the queen and let someone else do the settlements?
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
Before anyone say’s anything, there was only one gimmick as a Norn Ranger I could have tried. That is if my Elite wasn’t on cool down from using it in Pride Point.
FYI, Ranger’s Whirling Defense is great against karka.
I don’t think that this is a problem at all. The events in southsun cove are harder than other events. But to be honest, I’m very bored with most other events, where you can walk into big groups of enemies with zero defense and slaughter them in seconds.
Use your defensive abilities! A well placed wall of reflection, feedback, daggerstorm, whirling defence or magnetic aura will destroy a whole group of Karkas on its own. Endure Pain, Shield stance, smoke screen, swirling winds, obsidian flesh or what ever lets you survive the initial burst and cc abilities will prevent the karka overrun!
Storm, the better rewards are only once per day per account. That’s why you weren’t receiving better loot on the follow up’s.
I haven’t even been able to do it today. The event has been bugged on JQ and several other servers.
Wait, you get loot more than once per day from Queenie K? I got in on the fight yesterday morning and got a couple of rares and some blues and greens (bleens? grues?), and then fought her again in the afternoon and got absolutely nothing but these cool screen shot of -
1. somebody’s impending doom
2. the doom that came to driftglass
Sovta, remark’s such as these, unless funny, are not very productive. Anything constructive to add? What’s wrong with holding hands and singing btw?
Volkon, with the countless amount of hours in WvW that I have, you’d think I don’t have high armor?
My builds are mostly bunker/support with 3k armor. I’m well aware of how to dodge too. With that I say, the damage output is too F’n high!!!
That’s nice. I also spend an extensive amount of time in WvW. Maybe too much. Damage seems fine to me, and I’m not even in full PVT gear. Damage avoidance and redirection work wonders for me. We’re not intended, no matter how you slice it, to stand there and absorb large amounts of damage. No, you’re not intended to be a tank, even in a bunker build. I run on a mesmer mostly. I dodge, I put out clones and phantasms to absorb and deliver damage. I have blocks, interrupts and terrain at my disposal. I’ll put up boons, or take the enemy’s boons and give them my conditions, or flat out remove any conditions that show up. I’m in cloth, about 2490 armor, 18.5K health or so (iirc), etc.
Damage is fine, because I choose to not get hit by as much of it as I can.
Use your defensive abilities! A well placed wall of reflection, feedback, daggerstorm, whirling defence or magnetic aura will destroy a whole group of Karkas on its own. Endure Pain, Shield stance, smoke screen, swirling winds, obsidian flesh or what ever lets you survive the initial burst and cc abilities will prevent the karka overrun!
I can also second this… Feedback does amazing things against any ranged mob. Cycle your immunities and really lay on the hurt and it’s not too hard.
If you’re a mesmer, don’t forget Mirror as your heal as well. You can use it offensively quite nicely. In addition, you can trait such that distortion also reflects. Main hand sword #2 ftw.
Sovta, remark’s such as these, unless funny, are not very productive. Anything constructive to add? What’s wrong with holding hands and singing btw?
Volkon, with the countless amount of hours in WvW that I have, you’d think I don’t have high armor?
My builds are mostly bunker/support with 3k armor. I’m well aware of how to dodge too. With that I say, the damage output is too F’n high!!!
Of the gaming community, I believe only a small minority find dying though random circumstances fun. Thus, there should be more mechanical complexity than raw damage. It’s like thieves roaming in WvW. Being instagibbed by them certainly turns off new players fast.
Southsun will become a ghost town again if things aren’t changed. Two rares from the Karka Queen are not enough to prevent people from going back to the Dragons and other World Bosses. Which, as a WvW player, I don’t mind if it becomes a ghost town if the result is more come back to WvW to play
Tonight, I’ll probably run around playing like a monkey in Steampipe Steading. Hopefully people will see how you can traverse the wall and terrain to avoid the mobs. Though, for anyone thinking of it, karka climb so don’t stand idle!
Bring ads to village, kill them, tada! (karka queen, i guess it’a about it)
Use your defensive abilities! A well placed wall of reflection, feedback, daggerstorm, whirling defence or magnetic aura will destroy a whole group of Karkas on its own. Endure Pain, Shield stance, smoke screen, swirling winds, obsidian flesh or what ever lets you survive the initial burst and cc abilities will prevent the karka overrun!
I can also second this… Feedback does amazing things against any ranged mob. Cycle your immunities and really lay on the hurt and it’s not too hard.
Ah yes, lets fight nukes with nukes. Face it, reflection is as messed up as these events. It uses the damage output of the mob against him after all.
And it becomes down right gratuitous when compared to its nearest relative, retaliation.
I just had a proper chance to check these out today and I must say I found it amazing fun. I have been doing most of the Southsun stuff on my Engi- pistol/ pistols, flamethrower and grenades, with Rampagers gear. I died maybe 2-3 times today. One of these was because I logged in from characterscreen at camp karka and the champ was on top of me. I am a very casual player and I have no trouble, the difficulty is just right imo. I can’ t wait to take my Mesmer. Please don’ t change it. I really don’ t think that Southsun will become a ghost town- it was one mostly because there was nothing there. The new meta event is fun, I think many people will stick around for it.
I admit that stuff hits hard, especially at SSC. Honestly I think SSC might need to be toned down a bit (still on the edge of this, some days I feel the difficulty is fine but then another day I get that ’can’t kill anything’ day). But I don’t really have much trouble there on my Ele. Reflect is obviously a huge role in my survival honestly. That and trying to stay as far away as I can from the lizards and stuff. SSC will really teach you to be on your toes for sure.
Personally I use a couple pieces of PVT gear and Berserkers in the high stat spots with some celestials thrown in there for decent measure and seem to do ok. My damage isn’t as high as others but I can still kill stuff before it kills. I will admit there will probably be zero difference in my survival if I went full berserkers but I like my current setup.
But there is nothing you can do about bad timing and getting overrun by large groups of enemies. Especially enemies that take away half your health in a hit. Other then being fully aware and trying your best to stay alive.
Of course the events are totally crazy out of hand at times. It’s kind of amusing to watch large groups of people get wasted from a wall of baby karka. But it does almost seem like there is no chance if everyone isn’t prepared for it.
Anywhere outside of SSC you can literally about face tank most stuff and get away with standing in an AoE or two excluding a few bosses and things.
Seems they may have toned down Steampipe in the recent patch. Or less people are camping the place waiting for QK to spawn. In any case, i didn’t see any waves spawning masses of upscale karka directly inside the place this time round. Maybe i was just lucky tho.
Now, they raised the damage output of the “Crazed” creatures in Southsun. Being 1 or 2 shotted isn’t fun at all. Not too mention costly.
Dev’s…. lower the damage to defense ratio. You are out of control!
Get better toughness and vitality. Solved.
If 100 of them spawn right on you, or are culled until after they kill you – you’ve got a valid complaint.
But if 100 of them are over there and you see them before they kill you and then can’t pick them off without going down, that’s your gear being too low on mitigation.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
(edited by Kichwas.7152)
I just spent over an hour or so clearing the settlements. Then went to clear the Pride Point settlement for the 4/4 and the second it’s done, the Queen pops.
Now I’m racing to try and get there in time. I get there and everyone’s inside fighting her. Awesome, now it’s just me vs the 20 lvl 84’s in Steampipe Steading. As you can imagined, I was killed in about a second. WP’d to tried again, killed in about a second, again. Suffice it to say, they killed the queen in about 4 minutes. So… after all that effort clearing settlements, I got nothing.
Before anyone say’s anything, there was only one gimmick as a Norn Ranger I could have tried. That is if my Elite wasn’t on cool down from using it in Pride Point.
Because what’s the alternative, be a kitten and just park yourself in front of the queen and let someone else do the settlements?
WP to the other side of the queen – or WP to the starting spot and run all the way west to the omelet vendor area, climb up, and run back. Will take about 3 mins with no speed boost. Less on a ranger with their 25% perma-speed boost skill going.
When you reach the queen, sneak into range of the settlement back there with all the karka and pull a few outside to the area with the queen…
- The practical purpose of which will slow down the time it takes for the queen to be taken out, so folks who arrive later from having to run the long run will be able to get kill credit.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
^TY…. that’s some great advice. Will give it a try. I’m still finding people getting locked out by the horde in Steampipe. Unless someone plays sacrificial lamb, no ones getting in from the south. Obviously, a lot or poster’s haven’t tried it to see what we’re talking about.
You nailed it with this post!!!!
The problem (and a rather predictable one) is that people are camping the Queen spawn point, leaving the Karkas to mass outside and block others from entering.
If the Karkas were intended to be fought (and there’s no reason to believe they weren’t) it was likely as a coordinated or semi-coordinated team. But people in their rush to get the chest don’t really care, since they’ve already got theirs. It’s hard to put the blame on ANet’s shoulders for this.
Though they should have expected players to do this, no?
I really like the challenge, my guild actually spend some time holding 2 camps for the map so that the queen would spawn. The only reason we did this was because it was a challenge. I also switched from my PvE Zerker gear to my WvW knights. People are right, you still get hit hard, but the extra life and toughness gives u enough time to retreat, dodge get off a heal etc.
I think I wasn’t clear enough on my first post. This complaint is pretty specific for the horde of level 84’s in Steampipe. The regular crazed hit for half to even less than half of those Veteran level 84’s.
I did the queen just before and it was a cake walk. We did camp Karka for the 4/4 and walked right up to the Queen. When she had about 25% hp left, I walked into Steam pipe to help anyone still needing to get in. But, there wasn’t any add’s in there at all! So, if this has been your experience, I can see why you feel the difficulty level is fine.
There are certainly different version’s of this fight. We’re bugged again on JQ and I’ll have to wait til later for more testing.
Yeah that horde in Steampipe is a pain. If the only issue was getting past it I wouldn’t care but half the time I die there because they’ve spawned on top of me as I was about to engage the queen…
The cheap difficulty mechanics of current game dev’s is lost on me. I quit playing Borderlands 2 after UVHM (tedium mode). I don’t find GW2 dungeons fun for the same reason. A billion HP’s is cheapness. If I start thinking about other things while I’m playing a game then…at least for me it’s testament to a game being boring.
(edited by Paul.4081)
Easy to avoid such death: don’t go Geronimo in a swarm of Karka! Also, the screenshot of dead people doesn’t show the full picture: many low lvl players are undergeared to handle the content, they are upleveled to lv80 but their stat, gear, trinket, and traits are far from Lv80s….
Just dont go to any swarm of Lv80+….it can happen to a bunch of Risen too with many CC skills….
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
I want to see The Shatterer completely decimate a group, and then progress to take over the entire map unless people band together to stop him. I want to login one day and be told in guild chat that the entire map is lost and we should help try to take it back.
That would be awesome.
What “Living World” should be
This is what I hoped for when they mentioned dynamic events that include the whole map. but reality was a lot less engaging.
The mechanics are in here, so make it great ANET!
Easy to avoid such death: don’t go Geronimo in a swarm of Karka! Also, the screenshot of dead people doesn’t show the full picture: many low lvl players are undergeared to handle the content, they are upleveled to lv80 but their stat, gear, trinket, and traits are far from Lv80s….
Just for your information. It took about 2 seconds for my bunker guardian (lev 80 exotic/ascended gear) to die to enemies i haven’t even seen until after i was dead. I wasn’t even trying to move through the outpost (i know better now than to run through it when queen’s event is going – way better to run from the other side). Instead, i was in the outpost when the event started – and the area turned into a charnelhouse within seconds.
Remember, remember, 15th of November