desperate plea on auto-targetting
The first thing I do, literally, and I learned this from others, is to disable auto-targeting in any game I play. With auto-targeting deselected, I now only acquire targets upon selection, usually via tab (target nearest enemy). Consequently, I have no problem with auto-targeting. BTW, auto-targeting is one of the ways hunters earned the distinction “kitten” in WoW dungeons. Having auto-targeting on is usually a prescription for unintended pulls.
Anyway, you might like to try this as well. In terms of targets with or without invulnerability, I would not want targeting to make a decision for me, I would want it to function consistently, i.e., target nearest enemy.
Yea, as a warrior I learned to place my greatsword swings without targetting.
But in some cases you dont have much of a choice and needa target. And if autotargetting were to select the Raving Asura, so would tab targetting. So i have to condition myself to doubletabbing at that boss. Especially annoying since targetting is automatically lost after 3-4 seconds so I end up constantly tabbing.
Why targetting is constantly lost I dont know, i think its lost when you use the mouse for strafing. (Right click and walk to strafe)
I’ve been asking for these two things for year. I turned off auto-targeting a long time ago in order to avoid leaping towards moas and boars when all I wanted to do was to use Swoop for mobility. Currently, I still prefer using “select nearest enemy” but the problem remains that we a) cannot choose to filter yellow mobs and inanimate objects (I’m not overly afraid of harmless boxes, but I only speak for myself), and b) we cannot filter to remove targets that are not in LoS and/or otherwise cannot be attacked. As for invulnerable targets, I think any target that is invulnerable NOT because of a temporary skill such as a shield block or what have you should be off the target list. Invulnerability is a love child of ANet, and they use it CONSTANTLY when mobs spawn to run to certain locations, and bosses/p-story enemies flip between damageable and invulnerable frequently to further a scripted routine.
It’s possible the technical side of this is difficult, but I doubt it because they’ve changed the targeting rules several times over the years. It is, however, possible that having user selected options tied to the targeting systems would cause too much overhead. Just using a generic system is irritating for most people I’ve chatted with.
As for mouse-click targeting, don’t even get me started. It’s innaccurate and functionally impossible in a lot of situations. I make do, because everything else, to me, is an obnoxious mess…but I get more angry at the targeting systems than I do anything else in the game (and there are a number of fury-worthy things lurking about).
Turned mine off after 2 years, havn’t looked back.
The first thing I do, literally, and I learned this from others, is to disable auto-targeting in any game I play. With auto-targeting deselected, I now only acquire targets upon selection, usually via tab (target nearest enemy). Consequently, I have no problem with auto-targeting. BTW, auto-targeting is one of the ways hunters earned the distinction “kitten” in WoW dungeons. Having auto-targeting on is usually a prescription for unintended pulls.
Anyway, you might like to try this as well. In terms of targets with or without invulnerability, I would not want targeting to make a decision for me, I would want it to function consistently, i.e., target nearest enemy.
Tab isn’t any better for the mobs OP described. :/
Doing vw in silverwastes, you’re in one of the lanes, 20 mobs spawn, you use the skill to hit one of those mobs, game decides it makes more sense to target invulnerable VINE behind all those mobs. /facepalm
You can set a hotkey for auto target you know? Just toggle it on/off at will.
i run warrior with greatsword in wvsw. I have under options selected ‘g’ as my key for disabling auto targetin on key press. So when I press and hold G and hit my “5” it allows me to use my movement skills without them flying off in the direction of an enemy I wanna get away from. With skills like gs5 you can also choose a target halfway through the channelll…..and that allows you to get the jump on ur enemies with sudden turns etc.
I highly recommend setting this up. Its useful for all movement skills, allowing you to abuse ooc. Its an option you should implement if you choose to keep auto targetting on. I also use tab targetting and I binded “shift” to target nearest enemy. I find the combination of these 3 keys helps auto targetting immensely.
That said, its still horrible. very very horrible. If you don’t have a mouse with good tracking and aren’t able to easily click small moving targets…..ur stuck with keeping auto targetting on, and if ur stuck wiht auto targetting ur stuck with how broken it is.
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