"disappointed in the direction..."
Duplicate thread.
Might I ask why you are still here spamming your hatred on the forums if you don’t even have the game installed?
Why can’t people that dislike the game simply walk away and let us like it?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
uhm. no it’s not duplicate i think.
as i didn’t mention the main theme of the other existing threads, which were manifesto’s adherence and excess of grind.
i just ask people who no longer play gw2, why they did it and if it was for the same reasons i feel.
i just expressed my feeling about it, and address directly to those who think the same about.
I was a bit disappointed, then i realised i don’t need ascended to do anything i find fun, so i just log in and have fun like always.
I feel similarly, but really I only blame myself. I think constant progression is inherent with MMOs. The trick is to set your expectations at such a level so that you can progress while still having fun (assuming, of course, that the progression activities themselves are not fun).
I have too many characters, invested too much in them, and have no way to recoup any of that. (No 6s for an ascended amulet does not constitute recouping). This was my mistake. So I feel stuck.
Sometimes I think I should just pick a main and delete all the others. Or leave them at the end of some jumping puzzle. Right now they farm ore, but that’s boring.
Anyway, looking forward to the next big thing, I won’t make this mistake again.
Edit: but I still play, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here.
“i wanted a game without grinding AT ALL”
Then mmos are not for you. There is no such thing as a lack of grinding in an MMO. Your fault for actually believing the manifesto.
I have 6 lvl 80 and have not grinded once. I can see you are the kind of person who likes to be handed things with the least ammount of work possible. The game would have died its 2nd week if everyone was handed the best gear. I am personally glad you uninstalled the game because its people like you who do not see the positive parts of a game that make it bad for everyone else.
“i wanted a game without grinding AT ALL”
Then mmos are not for you. There is no such thing as a lack of grinding in an MMO. Your fault for actually believing the manifesto.
i don’t asked if it’s anet’s or my fault.
i just said i don’t like it, and why.
stop moralizing.
i just expressed my opinion. respect the others’ opinions.
and wanted to know if there is any other like me who hates this same things i hate in the recent evolution of gw2.
you’re off topic.
I have 6 lvl 80 and have not grinded once. I can see you are the kind of person who likes to be handed things with the least ammount of work possible. The game would have died its 2nd week if everyone was handed the best gear. I am personally glad you uninstalled the game because its people like you who do not see the positive parts of a game that make it bad for everyone else.
it’s already a lot of work in real life.
don’t need to get another work in my spare time, to get what i want.
yes, i prefer the easy way to get the best gear.
i wanted to enjoy gw2 just to obtain everything easy.
enjoy what the game has become, if you like it.
still, think and do and play what you like.
nobody’s hurting you.
i can say the same that people as you are making MY game worse.
it’s a matter of opinion.
and don’t judge who disagrees with you.
peace and love bro
Why can’t people that dislike the game simply walk away and let us like it?
If someone’s criticism of a video game negatively affects your ability to enjoy that video game then that’s a problem of your own creation.
I don’t really even play anymore. I just do dailys and try to get enough mats to craft time gated mats every day. After this is don’t usually have any motivation do anything fun in game. Game was ten times better before ascended gear.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
so…as someone like to underline that “manifesto” is no longer valid or etc etc etc (no talking about it here plz)
just about facts.
i think, as in the title, that the direction the game is evolving in is no longer what i’ve bought the game for.
i wanted a game without grinding AT ALL. and BiS to be acquired in a short time after lvl 80, and then just think about having fun.
(oh, it reminds me of something, but it’s difficult to understand what.)is there some of you who wanted gw2 for these same reasons?
and now struggle to login again.
i uninstalled it for this reason.
i’d like to know about people who feel the same.
You’ve already done the best thing you can do, and that’s not log in. Anet is all about metrics and not logging in shows up in their metrics. (Of course, how they interpret the metrics is a different matter, but that’s on them).
In any case, the good news is that you can re-install anytime you wish if the game begins to move in a direction that you’d like it to. The bad new is that that almost certainly won’t happen.
I have 6 lvl 80 and have not grinded once. I can see you are the kind of person who likes to be handed things with the least ammount of work possible. The game would have died its 2nd week if everyone was handed the best gear. I am personally glad you uninstalled the game because its people like you who do not see the positive parts of a game that make it bad for everyone else.
it’s already a lot of work in real life.
don’t need to get another work in my spare time, to get what i want.yes, i prefer the easy way to get the best gear.
i wanted to enjoy gw2 just to obtain everything easy.
enjoy what the game has become, if you like it.
still, think and do and play what you like.
nobody’s hurting you.
i can say the same that people as you are making MY game worse.
it’s a matter of opinion.and don’t judge who disagrees with you.
peace and love bro
Well I think what they are saying is. If you do not like the game, and you don’t even have it installed anymore. Why are you wasting your time on the forums of a game you don’t like. Asking people who play the game if they don’t like it as much as you do? If someone doesn’t like it as much as you hate the way the game is currently. They would not be on the forums posting about how they don’t like the game. They would be playing other games and trying to have fun. As for wanting things handed to you. If you level a character to 80, then you should have enough karma to buy full exotic gear for yourself. No extra work there. You want Ascended gear? You want a Legendary? There must be something for people to work for. Some people need goals. But the thing is is that in other MMO’s you usually need these things to do better in the game. In GW2 you don’t NEED these things. Anyways time is out for me I have to go. I hope you try the game again and give it another shot.
Why can’t people that dislike the game simply walk away and let us like it?
If someone’s criticism of a video game negatively affects your ability to enjoy that video game then that’s a problem of your own creation.
It’s not that, though. Posts like the one quoted are trying to shut up dissenting voices so that the game doesn’t get changed away from what the poster likes. It has already been demonstrated that if enough people complain, ANet will try to accommodate them. This is just another tactic to try to invalidate opinions a poster does not share.
While one may or may not agree with the OP, at least his criticism outlines what he does not like, and by assumption what it would take to bring him back. The response you quoted, for all that it is by a “game defender,” adds nothing to the discussion. A better response might have been, “I like the game as is, and don’t want to see it change back to what you want.”
As the opening post does not leave room for a constructive and friendly discussion, this thread is closed.