dodge roll on double W/A/S/D
Yes, under combat/movement.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
Hi, is there any way to turn off dodge roll on double pressing the movement buttons? I died like milion times because of that and I dont see any options in control menu.
Yeah there is an option in the options (of all places) that you can turn off to get rid of the double tap to roll.
Not only is there a way to do so DO IT IMMEDIATELY.
Died twice during a jumping puzzle on launch day because of that “feature,” never again!
So hard to decide whether it’s worse to die because of accidental double-taps or because your thumb was too slow to stretch over to the ‘v’ key? :/
I use both the dodge button and double tap personally. I rarely if ever accidentally dodge, and I prefer not to chord if I can avoid it. Sometimes I use the single button dodge if I want a single press backwards dodge.
After talking to a friend, i switched my dodge to mouse button 4…was the best thing i ever did. I never accidentally die from double tap, and im never to slow trying to find v(im terrible at it)
got it thanks a lot
Btw you turn off double tap to evade in the ‘general’ options tab towards the bottom, its a tick box. Then binding a key to dodge is in ‘controls’
After talking to a friend, i switched my dodge to mouse button 4…was the best thing i ever did. I never accidentally die from double tap, and im never to slow trying to find v(im terrible at it)
^ this
I did this a few months back after trying various keys and it’s the best one I’ve found. My finger rests naturally on that button anyway and it’s soooo simple to push that to dodge.
Alright, I gotta ask though. I always use the double-tap to dodge and have only accidently dodged a few times and always when spamming engi grenades (finger fatigue). I like the ability to dodge in the direction I want by double-tapping. Doesn’t the dodge button just dodge you backwards? I wanna be able to dodge strafe or dodge into my target to close the gap.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Alright, I gotta ask though. I always use the double-tap to dodge and have only accidently dodged a few times and always when spamming engi grenades (finger fatigue). I like the ability to dodge in the direction I want by double-tapping. Doesn’t the dodge button just dodge you backwards? I wanna be able to dodge strafe or dodge into my target to close the gap.
Hehe, you just hit the direction you want to go+dodge.
If you wanna have your mind blown a little further… for me, this input equals tilting the analog stick in said direction and pressing the right trigger.
this killed me at least 30 times before I found out it was turn-offable.
mouse button 4 is awesome for dodge! I also use mouse button 5 for primary attack (instead of number key 1). frees up the left hand for moving and specialty skills.
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