dye of the ascension?
It’s not necessarily an armor dye. There’s still lots of unused colors out there and the devs don’t have to stick to the dye palate that they’ve given us.
ANet may give it to you.
I combine the ascension with Illumination Dye on my armor and it goes along pretty well so that would be my bet. I would attach kitten for you but I’m at the office right now.
I recommend the GW2 BLTC dye matcher. You can use a color palette to match what you see in game and find the closest in-game matches.
Caveat: your mileage can vary considerably — colors are produced using a 3d palette; the matcher identifies “closest” by combining all three to a single number. (Similar RL example: which is ‘closer’ to you? the peach that dropped 10m away or the one 7m up the tree you’re standing next to? depends on whether you can climb that high or not probably… and whether you like peaches on the ground.)