easter eggs and references?
In Slayer achievement screen there is Duke Nukem reference on the description from Minotaur Slayer: “Half man, half animal, all dead”. And Snakes on a Plane reference on Drake Slayer’s description: “Enough of these massive drakes on Tyria’s massive plains”.
Just helped a guildie Asurian with her personal story quest, and helped fight a golem named “OVR-9000”, so rad.
Rofl, all of these are so awesome. I’ll have to go find that Hunger Games headstone, for sure. Cried so hard in the movie theatre for Rue xD
Katalii (40ish Asuran Mesmer), Katalyn Galadheon (15ish Human Warrior)
I JUST GOT THIS (Sorry for caps)
If you go to the Durmand Priory, and go to the “central” area, you will see a Hall of Monuments style room.
there will be a huge thing on the center that glows and there will be 5 tablets surrounding the center.
The 5 tablets are placed almost exactly like the Guild Wars (1) Hall of Monuments, and the glowing center could be referencing the Scrying Pool.
Coincidence? I have no clue but it was VERY interesting to have just found out (sorry if someone else found out!)
I’m usually typing on my phone
in plains of ashford during the crush cubs event
“you got your moa jerky in my yak butter” “you got your yak butter on my moa jerky” or something along that line – ala the old reeses peanut butter cup commercial.
I can´t believe no one mentioned the reference to Diablo on the new random world events.
You find a chest in the open world, you open it, out comes a skritt with loads of bags on his back and starts running.
You chase after him and loot keeps fropping and you can’t let him escape to get a final chest.
That’s an obvious reference ofc and at the time I got that achievement I thought it was common but seems not many people saw that skritt yet :P
Another obvious are the way some chests open borderlands style.
Diablo is not the first one to have imps like that.
Goldenaxe comes to mind.
In Slayer achievement screen there is Duke Nukem reference on the description from Minotaur Slayer: “Half man, half animal, all dead”. And Snakes on a Plane reference on Drake Slayer’s description: “Enough of these massive drakes on Tyria’s massive plains”.
Technically speaking, it’s a reference to a quest in Nightfall which was itself a Snakes on a Plane reference.
The Grumble Cakes from Homestarrunner make an appearance, they even have the skin of the Cheat Cakes
Asura, Infinity Ball, one chapter of personal story is titled “Any Sufficiently Advanced Science”
Arthur C. Clarke once said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
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I found the Sword in the Stone from King Arthur legend. Also a ghost cat named Alfa that chases a frog, if that means anything idk.
Looked it up and turns out this is all mentioned on the wiki.
“Only Zuhl” is a jumping puzzle in Timberline Falls
I believe this is a reference to Ghost Busters: “There is no Dana, only Zuul!”
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I snapped this screenshot the other day.
Kind of sad he didn’t come onto the scene by bursting through the wall.
I snapped this screenshot the other day.
Kind of sad he didn’t come onto the scene by bursting through the wall.
That might have to be the best one yet.
Did he at least say Oh No/Yeah?
Please give us a keyring…
I’m guessing just about everyone who’s played this game knows what the Asura gates are designed from, but just in case there’s someone here who doesn’t, they’re all Stargates but have a purple event horizon instead of blue, only 6 chevrons instead of 9 and the ring constantly spins instead of just when someone dials another gate, they also don’t have consoles. It’s pretty obvious unless you haven’t seen Stargate.
Don’t forget about a room full of kittens in the BL’s jumping puzzles. They even have mini training dummies where the kittens learn to grow strong:
Strike Force [SF]
Found maps of Cantha and Elona hanging on a wall in a fort in Metrica Province.
Image provided.
P.S. Sorry, my character is enormous.
Ahh crap, if that’s a current map of Cantha, there goes my hopes of Kaineng being flooded because where it would be in that map looks like land still. Hopefully, for Cantha expansion, my other hopes will be there – FA in ruins and no afflicted, lol.
IAlso a ghost cat named Alfa that chases a frog, if that means anything idk.
Not sure if you saw this before but https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lore/Alfa-The-Cat/first#post570994. I was thinking the same thing but wanted to see if anyone else thought that too. Really neat if that is the case because Chrono Trigger is my favorite console RPG.
In Spearhead Bane, the grave of Kilroy Stonekin, “known for blindly charging into battle”. Reference to Leeroy Jenkins.
In Spearhead Bane, the grave of Kilroy Stonekin, “known for blindly charging into battle”. Reference to Leeroy Jenkins.
Kilroy Stoneskin was actually a character in GW:Prophecies that would run in to mobs in Sorrows Furnace (now Sorrow’s Embrace) screaming “Kiiiiiiiilllrroooooy”.
So the grave itself is more of a tribute to a character in the original game that was a reference to Leeroy Jenkins.
In the start zone of Metrica province there is a bridge, under the bridge is a troll with a human skeleton beside it.
Just started Mesmer and found the skill The Prestige where you vanish and return 3 seconds later. Look up the movie title The Prestige and you will find a movie staring Michael Cain, Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman about a pair of competing magicians one of whom has an act where they vanish and re-appear.
I forget the exact line but while fighting Toxx doesn’t it say “do not resist, I am Toxx … ‘hic’” Britney Spears’ Toxic reference? I don’t know the exact lyrics ‘cause I’m not a Spears fan.
In north west fireheart rise there is a rock which some players have labled pride rock because it looks just like the one in the lion king.
I saw a lot of these and either didn’t know the sorce or missed it. In LA there is a JP that ends in a pirate karma vendor that sells awesome pirate gear. The rifle is a shotgun called the boomstick, which most of us will recognize from Army of Darkness. Also, the legendary rifle is called Vera, which is from firefly. This here is my favoriate gun.
I’ll be in my bunk.
(edited by Erthrak.4039)
I just saw Vera last night. That was awesome.
“Shiny. Let’s be bad guys.”
“Icevine Dale” on norn starting area map ring a bell? :p
A few TF2 references for engineer.
When putting up a healing turret, the engineer calls it a “Dispenser.” Depending on the race. My human engineer goes “Dispenser is up…!”
Oh, and tool kit monkey wrench for smacking turrets. Makes me think of TF2 right away
At one point in Metrica I heard a NPC say he needed ‘1.21 gigawatts of power’ or something to that affect. That made me smile! Don’t get more classic then that.
“1.21 JIGAWATTS!!!” -Doc
“What the hell is a jigawatt” – Marty
I think i found a few.
- In Hoelbar are two norns called Skuld and Urd, referencing nordic mythology there
This could also be a reference to the anime Ah! My Goddess.
Also in Rata Sum, there is a trade merchant arguing with a golem with the line “my councilor will hear about this!” very similar to to a seance in the Mass Effect citadel.
I think i found a few.
- In Hoelbar are two norns called Skuld and Urd, referencing nordic mythology there
This could also be a reference to the anime Ah! My Goddess.
Also in Rata Sum, there is a trade merchant arguing with a golem with the line “my councilor will hear about this!” very similar to to a seance in the Mass Effect citadel.
yeah, however even they are just taken out of this mythology and if we look at the norn the anime reference is rather unlikely… i think i saw some other “famous” nordic tale names there too, might to check the npcs a bit more
The jumping puzzle “Fawcett’s Bounty” in Harathi Hinterlands has a scene straight out of the movie “Goonies”, complete with One-Eyed Willy
“I’ve beaten you, you just don’t know it yet.”
My asura ranger yells this a lot.
It’s a reference to “Searching for Bobby Fischer”
I guess this reflects my age.
The asura outpost of Desider Atum.
Desiderata. “you are a child… of the universe.”
Any new ones found recently?
There is a hidden turkey room in AC. Also there is a room full of kittens in bl jp. I’m pretty sure every dungeon has one or more eastern eggs in them.
did anyone else catch the Marvel avengers reference? there’s a bow in the game that looks just like Hawk eyes bow and its called ‘avengers longbow’ or ‘avengers shortbow’
I don’t know if anyone caught this at Metrica Province, but one of the golem quoted:
“Power-level-increased. Standing-by-to-kick-bottom-and-chew-bubble-gum” “Error: out-of-bubble-gum.”
The Charr barricade fort Steeleye Span is named after a British folk/rock music band formed in the 1970s.
Terminator Reference! Its hard to see until you click the picture.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
What happened to the other (even older) thread about this?
I found one the other day… on an event that I’ve probably done a dozen times before on three different characters. In Gendarran Fields, the escort event that starts at the Lionbridge WP has an extra member that you might not see: A Raccoon named Chief Cherpa. Chief Chirpa was the name of the Ewok chief in Return of the Jedi.
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele
Nicholas Sandford, aka Nick the traveler’s grave is in the graveyard in Ebonhawk, right next to a ring of small stones that mark the grave of Professor Yakkington!
Norn male level up shout “BY THE POWER OF ME!” Is a spoof of Prince Adam’s shout of “By the power of Greyskull!” From the original 1980s He-Man cartoon.
All the Asura technicians in the Fractal’s starting area look like star wars storm troopers! (very SMALL storm troopers, obviously)
Nicholas Sandford, aka Nick the traveler’s grave is in the graveyard in Ebonhawk, right next to a ring of small stones that mark the grave of Professor Yakkington!
Norn male level up shout “BY THE POWER OF ME!” Is a spoof of Prince Adam’s shout of “By the power of Greyskull!” From the original 1980s He-Man cartoon.
All the Asura technicians in the Fractal’s starting area look like star wars storm troopers! (very SMALL storm troopers, obviously)
Double bonus point time? Yakkingtons grave rocks glow at night because when he was alive he found that they helped him sleep better (as you are told by Nic in GW1)
One day i was just wandering around Queensdale and ended up at the graveyard and i noticed it was covered in fog so i went to check it out and i saw this ghost who was wearing a white dress asking you to take her home so you follow here and then when you get out of the grave yard she starts attacking you.
Thought it was cool as i am a Supernatural fan and they had a Woman in White in their first episode
Lots of myths about a female ghost wearing white
The design of the walls built by the Jotun in the shiverpeaks seems to be making a homage to the rebel shield generator from Star wars; The Emprie strikes back.
the giant in Kessex Hills
His name is Gort.
As in the one eyed robot from “The day the earth stood still”
The Benthic Kelp Beds in Mount Maelstrom are a nod to Benthic Petroleum from the movie “The Abyss”.
There’s also an NPC in Brisban Wildlands named “Isabeau Navarre”. Ladyhawke reference.
When you first rescue Demmi Beetlestone while disguised as pirates, the first thing she says when she sees you is “Aren’t you a little sober to be a pirate?”
Made me laugh as it is a reference to Star Wars: A New Hope when Luke and Han rescue Leia, “Aren’t you a little short to be a Storm Trooper?”
The Ettins, they just sound like Macho Man Randy Savage to me.
Could be considered Easter Egg I suppose.
Number 2 is PRICELESS