end game?
Your endgame starts…now!
anyone else have anything to say or is this guy right? the game is the same?
1) There aren’t any structured raiding (as in 10 – 25 man groups). Most big fights take place out in the world. Instanced content is 5-man only.
2) Find your own group, either in-game or through GW2LFG. No queuing for Dungeons. Just exercise your social skills a bit. Finding a guild would be a good idea
3) There have been a lack of players in the higher level zones since the Fractal of the Mists come out. However, I haven’t had much trouble leveling.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
The endgame starts when you create your character. In other words your be doing that same things you’ve been doing from around level 1 or 30 up (dungeons, WvWvW, Dress up) at level 80.
No raids, the most team based or strategically based PVE content you can look forward to is a 5 man instance.
If you enjoy grinding instances for cosmetic reasons then you’ll enjoy this games “endgame”. There are also thinks like map exploration which some would consider end game, a bit like how in other mmos you get EXP for discovering new zones but instead you discover Vistas, Points of Interests, Skill points and Waypoints.
Endgame content is severely lacking if i’m going to be brutally honest.
there’s no end game. The only end game content i can think of is standing in a city like LA afk, that’s gw2’s end game.
1) There aren’t any structured raiding (as in 10 – 25 man groups). Most big fights take place out in the world. Instanced content is 5-man only.
2) Find your own group, either in-game or through GW2LFG. No queuing for Dungeons. Just exercise your social skills a bit. Finding a guild would be a good idea
3) There have been a lack of players in the higher level zones since the Fractal of the Mists come out. However, I haven’t had much trouble leveling.
There’s these problems AND lack of rewards for open world events that were supposed to be the major focus of the game. Do a dragon, get all blues and greens. I find it odd that they claimed it would be so much easier to make metas for open world then a new dungeons so dungeons would not be the focus of the game but then went back on that claim and made it worse for the players an for the design team. weird.
Anyways, I hope they fix these things soon.
Fractals would be the closest thing to “End-Game” as GW2 gets. Otherwise, I’d say going for legendaries is the main idea of end game. I found that getting into Roleplaying really helped my end-game as well. : )
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
There is no endgame unless you count grinding the same dungeon 24/7 end game.
You should really just stick to WoW and take GW2 as a facebook app you play when you’re bored cuz it’s hardly an MMO.
There are large amounts of endgame in GW2.
If you are a PvE player you can play any of the (at this point 40+?) dungeons or dynamic events around the world, along with completing the story, exploring all the world (map completion) or digging the rare skins.
As a PvP player you can do World vs World if you are more of a RvR type or sPvP if you are an arena type.
I have 800 hours in and still very satisfied, hope you have fun too.
I think one problem that people are having with end game is that they want to treat it like they do in WoW and want to play this game like WoW where you rush to end to get to the good stuff. I would tell people that they need to not think of this as a different flavor but WoW but it’s own game. However some games just aren’t for everyone.
Let me start off by saying this; asking about the game on the forums will net you a ton of complainers, I mean just look around, most of the threads are complaints but that does in no way provide a general consensus of the player’s thoughts of the game.
There are plenty of people playing and happy.
The best choice would be to try it for yourself, they have a return policy, if you are not enjoying the game, return it.
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
That about sums it up.
If you go into this game with the idea of end game in mind(WoW cancer), you’re going to have a bad time. There is no end game because the whole game is endgame. There is wvw spvp tpvp pve available at all levels.. the whole endgame mentality is the cancer that is killing mmos
There are large amounts of endgame in GW2.
If you are a PvE player you can play any of the (at this point 40+?) dungeons or dynamic events around the world, along with completing the story, exploring all the world (map completion) or digging the rare skins.
As a PvP player you can do World vs World if you are more of a RvR type or sPvP if you are an arena type.I have 800 hours in and still very satisfied, hope you have fun too.
40 dungeons huh, wish I was playing your version of GW2 lmao then again your sig has fanboy written all over it so I shouldn’t be surprised
having multiple paths in a dungeon does not make it an entirely new dungeon lol.
There are 9 dungeons in total I do believe.
I was thinking about this vocally in LA tonight (got reported by a racist for being one for my trouble. Kids). I miss doing dungeons in the GW1 way. Going to the Eye of the North outpost where there would always be players lfg for HotS. Or when Zaishen Bosses were up us helpy helpersons could go help the newbies while helping them build their heroes then come back and do them in Hard Mode with Guildies.
I’m having trouble staying logged in because even the Wintersday things. As fun as they are have zero longevity. No promise of a mini bear, etc. etc. My bank has quickly filled up with garbage and most of it I have no use for but keeping it just incase. I have a feeling this is to sell bank slots rather than an ongoing Christmasy thing!
Lets not fool ourselves guys. All of you endgame beggers, you must stop. Look around, after all the leveling, all the gear treadmill is over even for a short time in traditional MMOs, what sparkles afterwards is the PvP aspect. And in that department Guild Wars 2 is just perfect. As soon you create your toon, you can join in any type of pvp this game has to offer. Which in my opinion is great.
You want dungeons? Well, here’s a tip … you can actually join fractals at level 1, yes you are being upscaled to 80 with pretty decent stats. Sure you miss some skills but then again lets face it, this way you skip 99% of the game content, you should feel bad. When you get bored, at 30-35 you can start running ascalonian catacombs which is pretty amazing and fun IMO. Afterwards you build up. So far the greatest dungeon challenges are CoE, Arah and Fractals 20+. So yes, you basically have been an endgame the moment you step foot in the world of tyria. Stop complaining about it. Play the game and what you like about it.
For me, GW2’s endgame is executing high level strategies with 30-40 guild mates in WvW. That is, if you define endgame as activities requiring a high level of skill, coordination and theory-crafting that you do after achieving proficiency with a character.
I have nothing good to say about GW2’s supposed PvE endgame. FOTM has the gear grind cough I mean vertical progression that WOW players enjoy, but it’s a 5 man instance with none of the good qualities of WOW raids.
Minus the dungeon grind, you can pretty much enjoy all the same content you would at max level. It’s extremely fun to explore the entire world once. There is almost no vertical progression. The game is best suitable for the casual gamer, and pvp elitist. There is no need to ever farm. One week maximum should get you to level 80, and 10-20 dollars in the gem shop converted to gold should get the gear your only ever going to need for a long time.
If someone is asking for end game then I highly doubt they are going to care about running the same ezmode dungeons for just skins. The game does not change although it is very fun in the first 30 levels or so but once you get 80 you realize that that is it. You have pretty much been there done that and the game loses it flavor.
If you want a super ez game to pass 30 mins or an hour at a time then it is ok since it is free but after that, there is nothing to acquire to build your toon.
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.
Minus the dungeon grind, you can pretty much enjoy all the same content you would at max level. It’s extremely fun to explore the entire world once. There is almost no vertical progression. The game is best suitable for the casual gamer, and pvp elitist. There is no need to ever farm. One week maximum should get you to level 80, and 10-20 dollars in the gem shop converted to gold should get the gear your only ever going to need for a long time.
Scratch the pvp elitist part. Competitive sPvp in this game is dying at a rapid rate, with no rewards, leaderboards, progession very few people are playing sPvp. It’s the reason i’m taking a break until Fed (like many others) if it doesn’t improve i’ll find another game.
GW2 End Game = wait hours in LA to find a fractal group, play some fractals, wait hours to find a fractal group…
if you are lucky the game gives you or your groupmembers some random disconnect inside a fractal to break the monotonous grind up.
(edited by Pixelninja.6971)
Oh jeebus, it may already be too late but..
I’m not touching this one with a 10’ pole except to say, OP, you’ve touched a nerve here in this game’s forums and you’re gonna get feedback from all over the map here. Some considering this “variety” of end game a gift from God to some who will tell you endgame just plain doesn’t exist here. As with so many things in life and even more so in MMOs, you just won’t know what you’ve got or if you’ll like it until YOU give it a shot.
Good thing is having already bought the game you’re free to try it as much as you want and whenever you want.
Although i have had GW2 since the first beta i haven’t played much as i have a WoW subscription. Im looking to cancel WoW and using GW2 as my MMO and playing alot of other single player games.
What is the end game like here? from what i can see it is mainly PvP based as i havent heard of raids other than the world boss style of things.
Do you Queue for instances or is it finding your own group? as finding your own group sounds difficult.
Is the “lack of players” i heard about troubling or just people talking crap?
Finally i am mainly a pve player so does this game suit me or do i need to be a pvper?
sorry the the wall of text and questions.
This is a PvE game, the endgame is not PvP based, you have to find your own group and no its not even remotely difficult because everyone is doing the same thing.
The playerbase has dropped quite a lot since this game was marketed as a PvP game and PvPers came here only to find another generic PvE mmo. By how much is up for debate.
If you are a PvEer and don’t mind lategame being a fairly grindy while also being relatively easy from a difficulty perspective, then this game is for you. The art and music you will experience on your trip to 80 is quite good as well.
If you are after a finely tuned PvE MMO with lots of teamwork etc then no, this is not for you.
If you are after a finely tuned PvE MMO with lots of teamwork etc then no, this is not for you.
I’m pretty sure he’ll fail arah, or 20+ fractals. Maybe you would too. Because the game REQUIRES strong teamwork to pass it. Having max level and best gear means absolutely nothing in there
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
Can I have your stuff?
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
That about sums it up.
You’re playing it wrong. Don’t compare GW2 to MMOs like WoW for example. Think of it like an FPS/TPS game with multiplayer, and then compare it’s cost/worth ratio with those, since you payed about the same (or less, because we get “DLCs” for free). GW2 gives you an MMO playground, but frees you from the daily 4 hours grind you did in other MMOs. If you seek to play this game 4 hours a day, you’ll be disappointed. If you see it only for what it is, a nice multiplayer game, you won’t. If GW2 is not worth it’s price, nothing in the world is…
If you are after a finely tuned PvE MMO with lots of teamwork etc then no, this is not for you.
I’m pretty sure he’ll fail arah, or 20+ fractals. Maybe you would too. Because the game REQUIRES strong teamwork to pass it. Having max level and best gear means absolutely nothing in there
Ill agree on Lupi somewhat, but 20+ fractals are easily puggable without a lot of ‘i do this you do that and in case this happens bob here will do that other thing’. 1 or 2 challenging fights in the entire game… I wouldnt call that a finely tuned MMO with focus on teamwork.
I wouldnt call GW2 a waste of money tho. Its fun but it has its limitations. If you play 5-6h daily youll be out of things to do in 2-3 months (that includes getting a few alts to 80). You wont find complex, challenging boss encounters for more than 5 players here either.
(edited by Lorath.2504)
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
If you are looking for a WoW type of endgame of raiding and gear grind/progression, then yeah you did.
If you go into this game with the idea of end game in mind(WoW cancer), you’re going to have a bad time. There is no end game because the whole game is endgame. There is wvw spvp tpvp pve available at all levels.. the whole endgame mentality is the cancer that is killing mmos
The endgame mentality is what keeps enough other people online so that you can actually find other people to do what you want to do. The idea is that you don’t have an infinite stream of players progressing through every single point in the game 24/7. The only constant is that once they hit the level cap, they stop leveling. So by putting the focus on endgame content, rather than the journey getting there, you’ll always have something to do on your 80, someone to do it with, and when you run out of other people leveling, you’re not screwed because of the game not being designed for that.
There’s a reason why everyone else has an endgame. ANet is trying to reinvent the wheel with this game. While this design might eventually work, it’s probably going to take the next generation to actually have it somewhat viable as a game
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
That about sums it up.
You’re playing it wrong. Don’t compare GW2 to MMOs like WoW for example. Think of it like an FPS/TPS game with multiplayer, and then compare it’s cost/worth ratio with those, since you payed about the same (or less, because we get “DLCs” for free). GW2 gives you an MMO playground, but frees you from the daily 4 hours grind you did in other MMOs. If you seek to play this game 4 hours a day, you’ll be disappointed. If you see it only for what it is, a nice multiplayer game, you won’t. If GW2 is not worth it’s price, nothing in the world is…
Yeah man there is lack of endgame content therefore he is “playing the game wrong”
Do you realise what people think of you when you say that? They feel sorry for you.
Next white knight please.
It’s not about the ‘lack of end game content’. All content is end game content and unless you have done every heart and gotten full 100% exploration then you have a lot of content. Treating GW2 like people treat WoW is part of the problem. So when people rush to level 80 expecting something like other games end game they are playing it wrong. Then game is meant to be thoroughly enjoyed from 1-80 not just 80.
I’m not defending the game, I’m only saying you want it to be something it isn’t. And this keeps you from enjoying it for what it actually is: a good game, nothing more.
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
That about sums it up.
You’re playing it wrong. Don’t compare GW2 to MMOs like WoW for example. Think of it like an FPS/TPS game with multiplayer, and then compare it’s cost/worth ratio with those, since you payed about the same (or less, because we get “DLCs” for free). GW2 gives you an MMO playground, but frees you from the daily 4 hours grind you did in other MMOs. If you seek to play this game 4 hours a day, you’ll be disappointed. If you see it only for what it is, a nice multiplayer game, you won’t. If GW2 is not worth it’s price, nothing in the world is…
Yeah man there is lack of endgame content therefore he is “playing the game wrong”
Do you realise what people think of you when you say that? They feel sorry for you.
Next white knight please.
It’s not about the ‘lack of end game content’. All content is end game content and unless you have done every heart and gotten full 100% exploration then you have a lot of content. Treating GW2 like people treat WoW is part of the problem. So when people rush to level 80 expecting something like other games end game they are playing it wrong. Then game is meant to be thoroughly enjoyed from 1-80 not just 80.
Exploration as endgame? You’ve gotta be joking. Every MMO out there has a big world to explore, and in some cases, reward it. GW2 isn’t at all original in this regard, and in fact a step back from, say, Rift, because it dumbs down exploration to a checklist of points scattered on the map. The real problem is, none of the content in GW2 is meaningful. There is a big lack of depth in PvE. Once you’ve done a couple of dynamic events – you’ve done them all. Option A: stand in the red circle, kill all enemies inside it. Option B: collect sparkly objects inside the orange circle. Even the traditional quest system, famous for its repetitiveness, offers more variety than that if done right, not to mention the ability to tell a cohesive, complex story – something that the GW2 dynamic event system cannot do in its current state. The biggest problem is lack of challenge in the main game world. GW2 feels like 3ft deep pool: You want to go in the deep end? Sorry, this pool doesn’t have one. The only challenge in the game comes from Fractals, and thats precisely the reason why everyone is sitting inside them instead of in the world.
WvWvW and/or a legendary weapon is the endgame. I guess Fractals are too now.
this doesnt seem very good then, looks like i wasted £50
That about sums it up.
You’re playing it wrong. Don’t compare GW2 to MMOs like WoW for example. Think of it like an FPS/TPS game with multiplayer, and then compare it’s cost/worth ratio with those, since you payed about the same (or less, because we get “DLCs” for free). GW2 gives you an MMO playground, but frees you from the daily 4 hours grind you did in other MMOs. If you seek to play this game 4 hours a day, you’ll be disappointed. If you see it only for what it is, a nice multiplayer game, you won’t. If GW2 is not worth it’s price, nothing in the world is…
Yeah man there is lack of endgame content therefore he is “playing the game wrong”
Do you realise what people think of you when you say that? They feel sorry for you.
Next white knight please.
It’s not about the ‘lack of end game content’. All content is end game content and unless you have done every heart and gotten full 100% exploration then you have a lot of content. Treating GW2 like people treat WoW is part of the problem. So when people rush to level 80 expecting something like other games end game they are playing it wrong. Then game is meant to be thoroughly enjoyed from 1-80 not just 80.
Then why was this even marketed as an MMORPG? There really is a lack of endgame content.. You can explore while you level, what is there truely in this game for a level 80?
What has endgame on lvl80 have to do with the term RPG or MMORPG…?
All the trolls always come out for this one. Like any game that isn’t WoW or a ripoff thereof, the end-game is whatever you make of it (shy of crafting…I’m thoroughly disappointed by the end-game crafting potential).
You’ll need to decide whether you actually like playing or not. I haven’t played WoW since vanilla but I bailed as soon as AQ came out with better gear than MC. The gear treadmill to follow was pretty clear. I thought it was a little insulting to be required to keep doing busy work just to keep up (like…a treadmill) and didn’t think people would fall for it. Apparently my busy work was several other people’s ‘compelling content’.
/shrug. There’s definitely more WoW-like “end-game” here than in Planetside2 or Eve or SWG (rest in peace) but that’s not the expressed goal of the game. I decided that I was going to save Keg Brawl for the day I logged in and didn’t know what I wanted to do. Don’t know my playtime but I’ve got 3700+ achievement points and I’ve still never played Keg Brawl.
I’m always amazed by people that failed to do any research on the game before putting the money down. Everything was clearly advertised. If it’s lacking something you want, it’s your own fault for not opening your eyes.
I love gw2 because I bought it for what it is, not some fantasy.
But this is not quite that simple. They want to keep people playing the game. The question is – how many people are satisfied with what the game offers and how many finished the content and are ready to move on. And what AN is willing to do to make them stay (and its clear that they already started moving away from what was advertised initially).
(edited by Lorath.2504)
I’m always amazed by people that failed to do any research on the game before putting the money down. Everything was clearly advertised. If it’s lacking something you want, it’s your own fault for not opening your eyes.
I love gw2 because I bought it for what it is, not some fantasy.
Hard to tell if trolling or not given what the mid November patch did to the game’s direction given what we were advertised.
But this is not quite that simple. They want to keep people playing the game. The question is – how many people are satisfied with what the game offers and how many finished the content and are ready to move on. And what AN is willing to do to make them stay (and its clear that they already started moving away from what was advertised initially).
Im one of these people. Big fan of the game up to level 80 when the lack of raiding put me and my guild off for now. Lack of anything remotely challenging for a largish guild to do together pretty much kills the game for me as anything more than a single player experience. Still willing to come back if they do implement them though.
While its a solid game with a lot of content its very lacking in the MMO for the PVE side.
End game = grind your face off in fractals.
End game = grind your face off in fractals.
Or have some fun in WvW, or maybe grind around the world for legendaries. I don’t know, those are just few of the stuff that come in mind to me. If you really want a goal, try collecting 100g and get a commander to shine ^^
End game,well….before i started playing mmo’s i was playing rpg’s, my most favorite game back then was squaresoft’s ff10 before square enix started to kitten up the others that followed.For casuals there was the storyline and some minigames to do ingame and that was it,for the hardcore gamers there was much more, as it almost was disigned only for them.:)There endgame began at getting the calestical weapen’s(that was imo easy)But then it all just begon for me"the endgame"Farming dark matters,Getting break hp limit,Getting break damage limit,Fighting the dark aeons,Finding hidden bosses completing the monsterarena and so on…For all this ya needed a kittenload of time,some effort to read things,to use your brains.
In Gw2 i treuly hope i will experience the same like i did in the game that i talked about.But at the end its all what you make of it,If you like it stay, if ya don’t like it move on.
if I may share an observation…
It seems that those who say that there is nothing to do, have tunnel-visioned their play experience, and once they master their aspect, or simply tire from it, they are off to the forums to complain about lack of content.
An example would be a dungeon raider who completes all dungeons and masters fractals until he is tired of it, and then asks for more dungeons or better fractals.
Or a pvp player who tires of sub-avarage players in hotjoin and is an established pro in tournaments, and is asking for ladders (a fair request, btw)
I don’t want to flame anyones opinion here, just offer one of my own…
I believe that the one who gets the biggest chunk of the enjoyment pie, is the humble player who tries everything, and aims to conquer everything. When he has run a fractal and wants to not grind anymore, he goes to the mists and plays some pvp.
mr OP, you havent wasted any money. You must drop the endgame philosophy (as I am not the first to point out) and try to get the biggest chunk of the pie that you can! If you do, you will have a blast!
happy hollidays!
Dungeons – collect all dungeon sets, get Dungeon Master achievement
Fractals – see how high you can go, get Ascended gear
Level all crafting disciplines, you can learn all 8 on one character
Mini pets – collect them all
Build a legendary weapon
Jumping Puzzles
WvW – join your server’s Teamspeak, help your server win!
sPvP & tPvP
Exploring, finding/triggering obscure events, open all mini-dungeons
Find and collect all the toys and shapeshifter items in game
Organize or join a raid to take the Temple of Lyssa in Malchor’s Leap
Get a couple friends and try to control the Jump puzzle in Eternal Battlegrounds (I’ve spent many a fine evening doing that, fun skirmishes & mesmer portal play)
I hit 80 months ago, haven’t run out of stuff to do yet
(edited by Karizee.8076)
Ahoy! Da current end game be gettin gear at 80 ’den joining us salty dogs in WvW.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Seems like End game is dungeon grinding and PVE zergs (people actually ask where the zone zergs are). WvW zergs are common but there is fun to be had causing trouble with a small mobile group.
Give the game a month or two, Anet have advised there are huge updates coming. It’s not like you have to pay a subscription fee anyway.
Personally, I think the following would really help the ‘no endgame’ mentality:
- Another 5+ high level maps like Frostgorge Sound. No Risen, or atleast very little focus on Risen, Orr has enough of them to start your own Porous Bone vendor ship. Different maps for different races/areas, that are worthwhile – doing the events gives decent enough rewards to get players out of FOTM and into the world.
- Better loot drops all around. The idea of farming for better items with the current drops rates is horrible. Did Anet actually logically work out the amount of time required to farm for some of the new ascended items?!? Farming =/= end game content.
- Quests based around a series of goals, that can be done in groups or by a single player, that give specific rewards. For example a long event chain which would reward tokens towards a precursor or ascended gear, similar to FOTM. Quests that may require multiple maps, different objectives and a lot of work but have a sense of accomplishment attached to them. Get people out of instanced dungeons and a reason to work with others in the actual game world.
- Locations which have specific values and events to give them a unique sense. This partially exists already but needs work. For example, a gold mine controlled by Dredge. Similar to the Hithari back and forth chains, players can push further in to the map to get better rewards (more gold nodes and rich nodes) that are specific and unique to the location – but the events get far more difficult. Adding randomization to parts of these events to trigger sub-events within the events would be great.
- Make trophy drops more useful. For example being able to trade spider legs (or whatever they are called) for venom sacs. More like token rewards than gold placeholders. Makes it easier to obtain materials for crafting instead of the obsessive gold focus in the world.
- Less soulbound gear; make account bound if necessary. This removes the constant punishment involved in working towards gear but having that limited to a single character. The player earns the gear through their time invested, this should not be character specific, unless there is a good lore reason (faction, race etc).
Just a couple of thoughts. Most of these already exist in some form or another, Anet just needs to assess how things can be brought together to form a more intricate world. There have been plenty of hints regarding this so a little patience can go a long way.
Also, less risen please. We don’t need any more.
- John Smith
There are, of course, some recurring themes here. There are even some who are posting as though Lost Shores never happened, condemning WoWkids for wanting a treadmill—as though we don’t have one now in GW2. Maybe it was the WoWkids who gave us our treadmill, but it’s a little late to return to characterizing GW2 as anything different in that regard. And, we have dungeons to grind for higher stats, just like WoW. Soon we will have a LFG tool in-game to make the grind easier.
I’ve given endgame some thought. There is a lot to do in this game between PvE and PvP. The basic game in the game is awesome. They need to make crafting work for something beyond leveling. I know that I enjoy farming mats and crafting gear. As one who has spent countless hours farming/crafting in other MMO’s that just isn’t happening in GW2 right now. Currently, we have a loot wasteland whether you are talking about mats or actual gear. The endgame could use a little loot for those who enjoy finding it. This would also serve to de-emphasize the TP. Apparently, the TP Tycoon mini-game is working fine, but I’ve never liked it for anything beyond selling crafted gear or buying the mats I didn’t want to farm or the odd item I just had to have.
I really wish we didn’t have monthly events. I believe they have fashioned these to give people an endgame or “something to do”. I’ve never been one to line up for what someone wants you to do. I’d much rather have them work on actual new permanent content. I like exploring the world, finding new things, meeting different types of creatures. They really got the gameworld down, they should emphasize it. Adding something like Southsun would be a good thing if they had the time to think it through and make it a fun place to play. With the event schedule I don’t think they have time to think about the game at all. They’re probably stuck on an Agile treadmill and occasionally fed a free pizza. They need to slow down and think.
Most of all I would like them to return to their vision. Then we could truly say the endgame starts now without the nagging thought that sooner or later we’re going to have to start grinding out the tiers of gear vertical progression will bring. I would like it to be a game without an endgame. I would like the endgame promised in the manifesto.
Edit: Just read the post above mine. Great ideas! Yes, new maps please, with no Risen for thousands and thousands of game units. And, perhaps, less mob density than a botter would like. There you go, space the mobs out a bit and combat botters at the same time. But, have them drop actual loot, i.e., something that a player would desire or need for their crafting enterprise.
(edited by Raine.1394)