engineer vs elementalist
1) probably ele, but engi is not bad
2) both
3) both
4) both
can you explain the difference between them ?
WEll, both require you to synergize the skills you have from swapping the weapon skills. Elementalist do this with attunements, engineers with Weapon kits. FInding a skill rotation and learning what skills are used when is the challenge of both professions.
ELementalist forces you in that play style, an Engineer could forego that style and focus on one weapon/kit and maximize that.
I play both, and I like both equally. Elementalist can be a traditional spell caster with Staff, but also a non-standard play style with Dagger. Engineer has higher surviability and can be both close combat, close range or extreme range, and still be effective.
Best way is to go and play them and experiment with different builds. THat way you figure out what suits you more. THere are Engineer build that are more effective, but I dont like playing so I dont. I like the Staff Ele playstyle, but perhaps D/D is your cup of tea. You wont know intill you try it out.
well played , wich is better ?
well played , wich is better ?
There is no better, it all depends on your player skill or abilities.
well played , wich is better ?
Depends on what you want to do. They are both top tier classes, they just have slightly different roles.
Ele tends to be more glass cannon, having very little health and armor. They pump out a lot of boons, do massive damage, and are capable of supplying great utility through heals, boons, and auras.
Engineers on the other hand are generally more tanky, having more armor and health. They also do massive damage, though they do it through a 50/50 mix of conditions and direct damage. They provide utility in the form of blast finishers and some unique heals, but not to the extent that an ele does.
Best bet is to try them both out and see which one you like better. However if you do that, you need to play them through level 80. Classes change in play style and feel a lot over the levels as you gain access to the high level traits. Just because you like one class better at level 40 might not mean you like it better at level 80, which is where you will spend 99% of your time.
ok , last question , i know guys u tell me they are both good but i’m not scared of elem , i kill them easy , why ? ( when i’m with engineer )
and what wearpons with elem ?
I play both. Just play both.
if you really wanted to use one and just one , wich would u take ?
ok , last question , i know guys u tell me they are both good but i’m not scared of elem , i kill them easy , why ? ( when i’m with engineer )
They both can be good. I don’t have statistics to back up the idea that Ele is a more popular class than Engi, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Popular classes are likely to have a lot of unskilled players using them, and that doesn’t tell you anything about their peak power level. (Rangers, for example.)
Don’t worry so much about which one is stronger. Even if you get a straight answer, that answer could change later on due to new strategies, balance patches, etc. Find the one that appeals to you and play it.
yeah okey i will try thanks guys !!! happy christmas
ok , last question , i know guys u tell me they are both good but i’m not scared of elem , i kill them easy , why ? ( when i’m with engineer )
Find the one that appeals to you and play it.
Good answer