at one time or another we all came into contact with the “your message has been suppressed due to excessive messaging” line, it ends alot of good conversatons in map chat early and i think it has had a bigger impact on this game than many of us have bothered to consider. most map chats are dead, the maps are full, but chat is quiet and i think thats a real missed opportunity. so i think we should do away with this map chat suppression anti spam thing and just let individual people handle their own chat
reasons why map chat suppression is bad
1. it fosters a culture of silence and less interesting gameplay
gw2 is much MUCH quieter than other mmo, you might think thats a good thing but i say that everything, the public banter, the outspoken confused noobs, and yes even the map chat arguments all add a spice and variety to my play time that helps me get lost in what im doing and make it feel less grindy, u all wonder why gw2 feels so grindy? what are you guys not doing in this mmo that you are usually doing in others? TALKING. it also encourages you to be quieter even when your not in map chat, party chat in this game is quieter than usual because gw2 has a culture of silence and we are all used to it.
2. it damages our ability to coordinate
sure you can say use vent or tell every1 to use /say chat but sometimes when your the only commander in wvw and its tournament season….u gata spam that chat, u gata spam it good, and the players WANT you to spam it, thats the sad thing nobody asked for this suppression, it hurts the listener and the talker
3. it encourages less patience and more kicking even when out of map chat
remember that culture of silence thing? well it carries over to party chat, so when your dungeoning and the group is used to not being free to banter as much as they want in map chat, that is a habit that carries over to party chat and they will choose actions over words because of that, our community is worse off for the suppression of a way to communicate.
1"but i dont want to hear trolls"
there shall always be trolls, and thats ok cuz u shall always have a block button, lets be honest most of you dont wait for spam filter to catch trolls anyways u block them first….so this is not a valid complaint since it wundt affect you anyways
2"have u heard of spamadan the jewel of istan? i dont want another one of those"
spamadan was full of chat for TRADING, we have a trading post that fixes this problem so that will never happen in gw2
3"what about bots? i dont want bots to fill up the game without the chat filter"
this in no way shape or form will incentivize bots, most bots spam your wisper chat anyways, even if they do it in map chat they will get reported by even more people and banned even faster…..again u still have a block button
4"what if alot of people are flaming at once and i cant block them all"
if your block list is full i think that speaks more to your failures as a person than whats wrong with everyone else…..i guess u can always turn off map chat for a little while?
1. just remove spam filter for everyone, quick easy and with only positive results…for most
2. add a spam filter option so we can turn it on and off ourselves, this puts the chat burden on the individual to choose rather than the server as a whole, that way i can talk to everyone and everyone can see me talk but for people who want to turn their spam filters up to maximum my chat will stop showing up after a while and they just wont see it, but everyone else still will.