focus MORE on the WORLD
Yes, please. Fill the areas with more DEs. More, more, more. I’d love to see world bosses that aren’t on timers that require a lot more coordination to kill.
I have a feeling they’re going to improve the DE’s this month.
Yea! They should work more on the DE’s. Its like almost Orr its worth being in for the events. The only place with events around every corner.
Don’t know how they could fix it, but maybe add more DE’s to every zone, and switch it up. So one week there is a escort event in gendarran fields, then the next week the same event is in kessex hills. So all the zones could experience the difference events, aswell as it would make it more interesting to explore. To see which event you will come across, because it is different every day/week
OMG this!!!!!!!
Don’t close this beatiful game in never ending series of dungeons. Implement more Jumping Puzzles, more Dynamic Events, more Hearts. Make DEs have harsher consenquences so people actually start caring about the EVENT and not the REWARD.
Please ANet, for the love of all things Holy, take a cue from EQ/EQ2/Vanguard/EvE/Ultima: Online and NOT from WoW/Rift/Aion/LoTR:O/such games. Former games are TRUE MMOs while the latter ones are OLGs(Online Lobby Games).
GW 2 as it stands is on the precipice and will it fall from it hinges only on Jan/Feb updates. You can take right Path(Path of MMO) or you can take wrong Path(OLG Path). Choose wisely ANet, for if you choose wrong Path of thought, you will fall of the ledge, never to return again. Then again you could choose correctly and build your own homestead on the nice plain on the cliff(figuratively said: have your own piece of MMO Space).
Now if ain’t I poetic today?
(edited by Gorwe.9672)
“The world is not in your maps and books (and dungeons), it’s out there”
We don’t need more DE’s we need better rewards and more reason for people to go out and explore.
I’m tired of playing MMOs that neglect the world in favour of instanced dungeons. Might as well have made GW2 like GW1 if all you intend to do is force players into instanced content.
We don’t need more DE’s we need better rewards and more reason for people to go out and explore.
Yup, there’s already a whole world out there, they just messed up badly at getting people wanting to go out there once they’ve out leveled it.
Until they figure out a way to keep people doing DE’s and going around the world I’ll bet they will just stick to making dungeons as content as they can more easily keep people wanting /needing to do them.
We don’t need more DE’s we need better rewards and more reason for people to go out and explore.
Yup, there’s already a whole world out there, they just messed up badly at getting people wanting to go out there once they’ve out leveled it.
Until they figure out a way to keep people doing DE’s and going around the world I’ll bet they will just stick to making dungeons as content as they can more easily keep people wanting /needing to do them.
Can we have both? I don’t want to have to spend 2-5 min running around looking for a DE, it happens frequently. More DE’s sprinkled in so that we don’t see the same events over and over and over would help a lot too.
We don’t need more DE’s we need better rewards and more reason for people to go out and explore.
Yup, there’s already a whole world out there, they just messed up badly at getting people wanting to go out there once they’ve out leveled it.
Until they figure out a way to keep people doing DE’s and going around the world I’ll bet they will just stick to making dungeons as content as they can more easily keep people wanting /needing to do them.
Can we have both? I don’t want to have to spend 2-5 min running around looking for a DE, it happens frequently. More DE’s sprinkled in so that we don’t see the same events over and over and over would help a lot too.
More would always be welcome, but it’s the fact that no ones really doing the ones they have in now, so why spend more time making DE’s when they can just fall back on the old gear grind dungeon route via fractals. At least until they find a way to get people wanting to do DE’s and explore etc.
The only thing I’ve noticed they added to PvE is the skritt burglar, which I’ve seen once. I missed the loot bags that apparently dropped because it was nighttime. But they are supposed to give junk items, just like everything else in the game so nothing to get excited about.
(edited by Clark Skinner.4902)
The mechanics are there to make a the entire world of Tyria the endgame. However, I don’t think it will happen. I’m convinced that GW2 will be a stepping stone game and another developer will come along to fill the niche.
I don’t think it will happen for a couple of reasons. Bots. It’s virtually impossible to eliminate them in the open world, just as it’s virtually impossible to have a group of bots run a dungeon. In a dungeon, you can detect bots by talking to them, aka the Turing Test. Bots exits because there is a grind. The grind exists because there is a economy. Get rid of the economy and it get’s rid of the grind which gets rid of the bots. This isn’t going to happen in GW2. For once I’d like to play an MMO without a economy. Virtual scarcity is insanity. The concept of “working/grinding” in a virtual world for a scarce virtual item is essentially insane. This would be an excellent study for a PhD candidate in psychology or economics.
Secondly, people are lazy. WoW did not start out as a lobby game. It evolved into what it was because people were just lazy. In vanilla WoW, everyone that wanted to do a dungeon had to travel to the dungeon. Then they put in summoning stones whereby two people had to be at the dungeon to summon their party. Then they did away with that and added the dungeon finder. You could log in, queue up for the dungeon, stand in one spot and go directly to the dungeon. In evolved into a lobby game. The consequence being that they had to drastically make the world easier to traverse.
Anet is smart. They put elements of different MMO’s into the game and will let the playerbase decide where to take it. They have an open world, dungeons, fractal progression, WvWvW, sPvP. The playerbase has spoken. They want fractals and dungeons. They want an pyramid economy. They want a lobby game. They want their gear grind.
I dunno about the skritt burglar. The one time I saw him was on Gendarran Fields and I got a yellow drop from him. Others aren’t so lucky it seems….
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Anet is smart. They put elements of different MMO’s into the game and will let the playerbase decide where to take it. They have an open world, dungeons, fractal progression, WvWvW, sPvP. The playerbase has spoken. They want fractals and dungeons. They want an pyramid economy. They want a lobby game. They want their gear grind.
Anet is smart or Nexon is greedy? I certainly don’t know the answer… I would suspect that the motivation is not what the player’s want… I’m not sure that the playerbase has spoken in favor of the things you mentioned above.
Certainly Arenanet has made the former areas of the game they advertised less rewarding and certainly Fractals are the most rewarding (in terms of in-game gear and coin etc). I don’t know if what the players are choosing to do now is what they would really choose to do if all the rewards were equal somehow.
I remember that the introduction of Ascended gear was said to be a “step” between Exotics and Legendaries to keep a specific group of players happy…
I don’t blame any company for wanting to be profitable. Anet is doing things that are not in line with my preferences. That’s okay, I certainly have been critical of them for it but I still like the game (just got my 3rd 80 during Winterdsay ). Right now I am just waiting to see what happens and what ANet decides to do next… I’m having fun playing in the open World. I like Tyria better than instanced dungeons =)
I can’t understand why a development studio would spend the better part of seven years making such a huge virtual world and then neglect it with future content updates by focusing on instanced fractals and dungeons.
I really want to see content continually added to mid level zones that attract mod and high level players. Something like Rifts zone events where invading monsters completely hijack Zones and establish footholds. The problem is that 80s are going to need that carrot on a stick to revisit old maps because currently all they do is fractals, a select few dungeons and farm Orr. Even if these zones provided comparable rewards, people will still only run the quickest and easiest, so are we doomed to fail from the beginning?
Anet is smart. They put elements of different MMO’s into the game and will let the playerbase decide where to take it. They have an open world, dungeons, fractal progression, WvWvW, sPvP. The playerbase has spoken. They want fractals and dungeons. They want an pyramid economy. They want a lobby game. They want their gear grind.
I agree with you about the economic aspects of mmos and the way it forces the hamster wheel style of OCD game design but players are only doing fractals and dungeons because of the loot not because its what they want. Make loot drops equal everywhere and see what happens.
I can’t understand why a development studio would spend the better part of seven years making such a huge virtual world and then neglect it with future content updates by focusing on instanced fractals and dungeons.
This. I understand the issues with bots but the open world is the selling point of the game and the aspect that is cl;early the most developed.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
(edited by morrolan.9608)
Last time I heard Nexon holds like 19% or 20% of the shares so I really doubt their calling any shots, but this is a new path ANet is taking only time will tell which path they’re truely taking with GW 2. as for adding more DE’s I’m all for it I still like doing the low lvl DE’s it make’s it easier to help new players when you know it by heart(like reading a book hundreds of times)same goes with dungeons, if I know the dungeon like the back of my hand I’ll help an show the young padawan’s what they need to know an do to take the bosses down, but I too would like more dungeons; but with more of a cryptic feel to them kinda like a survival horror type of feel where you got creatures crashing through walls scaring the crap out of you, dungeons to me I feel should be more in line with slow an quiet to not wake the witch or she’ll gank you with one hit but there is an unlimited amount of things that can be done with PvE content then there is for PvP, theres only one frontier left to do for PvP an thats Mass Battles I’m talking army scale warfare where you got hundreds of thousands of players on a battlefield dooking it out for control of some territory(which sounds pretty cool)so yeah PvE is where it’s at I’m just waiting like everyone else for the next elder dragon.
I really like the Balthazar DE, because that has a high chance of failure but going through it from start to end is quite rewarding (although yeah rewards are lottery odds).
Timers are a problem for quests like the dragons, and well dragons never win. How good would it be that you only beat them maybe 5% of the time and they razed the village after wiping you and then slowly the village rebuilds itself and the dragon comes back.
You’d have to bump up the rewards with such a low loot rate but that’d be sweet use of the amazing environment created.
“The world is not in your maps and books (and dungeons), it’s out there”
dont forget…. “…and game”… the real world it’s out there…
I mean “real life”…
Febrizzio Romeo, Human Guardian of [Pro Baddies]
Indonesia Player, Say Hello ^_^
Yes, please concentrate more on the world, each zone should have a big boss in it like the dragons (but not dragons…mostly), also look at the major events in the game already and change them so they spawn more often.
For example the swamp in Queensdale, why have it trigger so rarely? Its a waste, change it so it goes off hourly… Do this with all major events and add at least 1 major event to zones that currently have none.
To avoid farming make rewards lootable 1/day per account.
Yes, please! I’d much rather do things in the world than in a dungeon!
Especially in the cities— investigating that big hole in DR, maybe helping to train cubs or something in the Black Citadel, or pirate stuff in LA.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Sylv.5324)
I agree with OP and from what I understand they, at one point, added some 50 events to the game. I think a few were scattered in low lvl areas, but still. Do more to the existing world to keep people in it, rather than “sitting in stormwind queuing for dungeons”, like we did in cataclysm :p
I’ve said it before but with the current state of the game, I do not know why they bothered to make such a vast world and now just throw it aside basically.
I disagree. The problem I have with GW2 is that the event chains have no depth. I miss the long overarching stories from GW1.
The DEs need to have more of an impact on the world overall. As it stands you can come back to the game, notice that Gendarren is completely taken over by the centaurs, and solo the recovery process. They take the settlement or beatleton, but they don’t seem to do anything with it after that point. They lack any depth, or real consequences. You can lose an outpost and get it back within minutes. It doesn’t make things seem very dire, or even important.
I would love to see DEs which actually change the world. One week you have Ascalon Settlement, then it comes under seige by centaurs, then it is taken, razed, and a centaur camp is constructed. Each of these phases would have different associated DEs, such as making the centaur’s life difficult, etc. We should be able to see the world progress, not just have construction going on and then a month later the construction (which went unchanged for an entire month) is all of the sudden a new lion statue in LA (for example). Currently we are only seeing very very limited world changes, which aren’t exciting. So what, the lighthouse was destroyed? It doesn’t change anything I do; and it will be back at somepoint without me even caring that it was gone to start with.
I would also love to see cross-zone events. Instead of just having an event start in a zone (say an escort event) and go to somewhere else in the zone, have people need to change the zones (for instance, someone going from Ascalon Settlement to Divinity’s Reach. Sure, the zone levels would dictate how difficult things could be, but that has the potential to get people interested, it could even just be a series of escort events ending at the zone boundaries, it is something outside of what we see at the moment.
Also, events currently respawn entirely too quickly. I can be in a zone doing the daily and see the same event two or three times. That isn’t interesting, nor is it fun.
Events need to change the world in more drastic ways. They need to have longer respawn rates so we don’t continually see the same event in a zone. They should have visible impacts on the world and changes over time (such as construction of say the LA statue, instead of just changing large amounts with a patch).
I can’t understand why a development studio would spend the better part of seven years making such a huge virtual world and then neglect it with future content updates by focusing on instanced fractals and dungeons.
I really want to see content continually added to mid level zones that attract mod and high level players. Something like Rifts zone events where invading monsters completely hijack Zones and establish footholds. The problem is that 80s are going to need that carrot on a stick to revisit old maps because currently all they do is fractals, a select few dungeons and farm Orr. Even if these zones provided comparable rewards, people will still only run the quickest and easiest, so are we doomed to fail from the beginning?
Yes the events in Rift were far more entertaining. It brought everyone together, because questing would be put to a halt since the entire area was invaded. Community wise, it worked very well for the game. And the rewards were amazing, and at least useful.
The problem with GW2 events, you’re not notified unless it’s nearby, or someone has to tell everyone in /m. And they’re just defend this, escort that, collect this etc. Ofcourse champion mobs and temple fights bring everyone together, but the rewards are hugely disappointing for the time spent fighting them, and sometimes you never even get a chest at the end of it, followed by an angry mob of players, who just wasted 10-15 mins of their time for an average event reward.
In fact, I rarely run instances, simply because I enjoy walking around in the world doing random stuff I feel like at a particular moment, it’s clear from the wall of LFG/LFM I see in LA that others need more incentive. The DE’s that are there are nice and all, but at this point they ARE starting to looking like placeholders for much, much better things.
Comparing the state of GW2 five months in to other MMO’s I’ve played, what’s already there is absolutely gorgeous. But it could be so, so much more, and I have no doubt we will see it this year.
+1 this thread. Even if world is beautiful players don’t go there if you don’t give any reason (loot is usually main reason do something in mmo). I actually now enjoy leveling when i don’t have to hurry max level, but it just suck that loot is so bad. For example nobody won’t even try to kill all these champions because they always drop some useless item and fights aren’t that fun (bosses mainly have just huge amount hp).
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Yes, please! I’d much rather do things in the world than in a dungeon!
Especially in the cities— investigating that big hole in DR, maybe helping to train cubs or something in the Black Citadel, or pirate stuff in LA.
Imagine this:
You are in the city, training cubs. But, on a random chance, a black cub spawns. Now, this sets off a chain of events, that if done correctly, starts a SIEGE on the town youre in.
For instance, a typical cub training consists of interacting with a spawned cub, clicking an option, then having it follow you to a cage.
The black club allows the same interactions, (although a unique interaction appears to suggest to the player something is different), and you can bring it to the cage and it vanishes, just like the others.
However, lets assume that you found something out in the wilderness…a random spawn “pile” that lasts only 1 hour in that random area.
Now, rather than train this cub, you walk it over to an NPC in town who, if you take the time to talk to, says he is looking for the rare a mysterious ‘animal.’ If you give this NPC the hair, for 2 hours, he will ‘know’ that the animal in question is a black bear mama.
This leaves players 2 hours to find this black cub in that quest, and bring it over to him. If done correctly, it spawns a DE where you go hunting for the bear.
Then, whether you succeed or not depends on some other factors.
Success or defeat spawns different choices.
THIS is how a DE should behave….whatever the hell the current devs think of DEs is wrong, and imo, just plain stupid.
I agree larger DE would make the world more interesting. As suggested something like the take over of a human settlement would make things feel more alive. As for it actually being build that would be great to see and experience but as for feasibility that is something different. Creating a full action of actually building a city running for even an hour would take al lot of time.
Well if they decide to reward everyones time equally I would be very much for this.
But they dont- the give the best loot,best gear, and gold per hour and Karma per our in 1 place – Dungeons.
They have also nerfed every single drop in the open world to where I get nothing I mean porous bones 0. That is really fair isnt it Anet I get jack but if I run a dungeon exotics drop!
I just see it they want me to play 1 way and only 1 way. Stand in LA and LFG. The worst decision since Tor and Illum.
SO if I dont do what they want I must buy gems to keep up or do what I do now. Log in make my trades and log out. I dont play the way I want to that is for sure GG Anet.
Bring back open world fun and Loot no 5 blues for Jormag =/= good loot either nor does porous bones for 10 hours.
I disagree! Fractals being the only place anyone ever goes has been extremely healthy for the game. /s
I absolutely loathe the dungeons in this game!
I love the world though. Im always finding reasons to go back and visit areas I have completed. Sometimes I do not need a reason at all.
I totally agree that Anet should mix up the DE’s and/or add more! Maybe add new karma vendors with new armor skins and weps!
More DE’s would be a good thing but more VARIETY in DE’s would be even better.
From all I have read and due to their own statements. Expect DE changes in the next 2 months.
Also there are 1500+ DEs now that folks refuse to try and do.
Its not Anets fault it those playing the game
(edited by Krosslite.1950)
you guys created one of the most detailed and beautiful worlds out there..and yet you are intentionally pulling people from it and pushing them into dungeons.
Its all about exploration. Please implement RANDOM DE’s that spawn spontaneously and reward you with unique components for crafted gear.
Things like dragon events that happen in random places that occur after someone does a jumping puzzle at the right time of day and activates an item that has a 5-10 minute spawn window.
Start implementing things like this all over the map. This is the only thing that will save this game at this point…not fractals
Everything you are suggesting is already in game. (“Random Dragon Boss” – we have random champion events?)
People don’t do them because they get boring and are unrewarding, plus most areas are dead – so nobody to do the events with.
You are in that category.
i will only have about 50% map completion at the end of my story.
from then on, ill just grind dungeons (i already started).
so basically, a lot of their work ill never see unless i make an alt or decide to just go faceroll the area (which i wont).
they would need to make a kind of grind that requires you to do certain things in this or that map, to unlock certain stuff.
actually, it should have been there from the start;
certain runes/sigils available only if you completed certain task, and maybe other kind of gear or keys for dungeons/other parts of the map.
I’d like to support this thread. If you want lobby games, go play something else with no world and endless dungeons. Thank you, have fun!
Me and many other players wish to experience the world to the fullest!
I’d like to support this thread. If you want lobby games, go play something else with no world and endless dungeons. Thank you, have fun!
Me and many other players wish to experience the world to the fullest!
Endless dungeons like fractals?
you guys created one of the most detailed and beautiful worlds out there..and yet you are intentionally pulling people from it and pushing them into dungeons.
Its all about exploration. Please implement RANDOM DE’s that spawn spontaneously and reward you with unique components for crafted gear.
Things like dragon events that happen in random places that occur after someone does a jumping puzzle at the right time of day and activates an item that has a 5-10 minute spawn window.
Start implementing things like this all over the map. This is the only thing that will save this game at this point…not fractals
Everything you are suggesting is already in game. (“Random Dragon Boss” – we have random champion events?)
People don’t do them because they get boring and are unrewarding, plus most areas are dead – so nobody to do the events with.
You are in that category.
I think unrewarding is the key point here. As always players will take the path of least resistance for the most rewards. If anything can be said to he constant over the last two decades of MMOs this is it. This doesn’t mean people enjoy running the same fractals day in/day out, it just means they do it because of the time/reward ratio is better.
I’d like to support this thread. If you want lobby games, go play something else with no world and endless dungeons. Thank you, have fun!
Me and many other players wish to experience the world to the fullest!
can we have the best of both worlds ?
more instanced content; could be a dungeon or a “war event” (defend or storm a castle) or whatever else.
but as it is now, the open world replay value isnt good enough for the longterm.
This is where the magic of GW’s 2 is, this is what sets it apart. As one mentioned how do you plan for 7 years, then very quickly change direction with Fractals and Ascended gear? I saw from BWE -1 to BWE 1, I think it was. They actually changed how the entire skill/traits thing worked, that astonished me, again 7 years and over one weekend they put a new system in just like that. That is chaotic.
Amazingly it’s still fun, but it can be much funner (go along), perhaps someday even the funnest.
The best of both worlds only works with mega-servers and high player retention. They know it, they all now know it. The more you add it keeps segregating population where all the types become under populated. Be a master of one, then maybe someday a master of two things. They are trying to be a master of 4 right now. Two I can see, OW and WvWvW.
The problem with implementing random DE’s with unique component drops etc. is that even ANet will think that they’ve done something the community wanted, people will just start to complain about how they’re being “forced” to wait for events to spawn and they’ll complain about RNG.
People will always find some stupid kitten to cry about, and even if they expand the open world PvE, people still won’t be satisfied because there are some people who just cry for the sake of crying.
That being said, I would like this to happen. More standalone random DE’s and more jumping puzzles would be nice!
The problem with implementing random DE’s with unique component drops etc. is that even ANet will think that they’ve done something the community wanted, people will just start to complain about how they’re being “forced” to wait for events to spawn and they’ll complain about RNG.
People will always find some stupid kitten to cry about, and even if they expand the open world PvE, people still won’t be satisfied because there are some people who just cry for the sake of crying.
That being said, I would like this to happen. More standalone random DE’s and more jumping puzzles would be nice!
Yes, its a thin line they will need to walk, but its very doable.
The trick is pushing more and more DEs out whenever they can. Put all the development time behind unique, chain like DEs.
In the example I detailed above about the bear (obviously…it was JUST and example), the components needed to finish it, and the randomness, would mean it would take a week or longer for anyone to it out.
1. You would NEED to find the item.
2. you would NEED to figure out where to use the item regarding the NPC
3. after giving the item to the NPC, you would NEED to figure out what to do with the cub.
4. You would only have a 2 hour window to figure this out.
5. This would mean many people would have to constantly be contributing to the causes if the NPC is not “active”
6. When it is finally figured out, you move onto the next step, and continue the process.
If 10 of these things are happening at any given time, the game becomes about exploration and problem solving…something you simply don’t get in other MMOs.
To provide incentive towards the larger goal, introduce a new ‘DE contribution’ token that yields more rewards.
Did you find a tuft of bear hair? Did you hand it, but not figure out what to do? Heres 1 token anyway. Thanks!
The problem is not the game…the DE system is expansive. The problem is that the Devs have no clue where they want to take the game, and are essentially making every possible wrong decision.
Dont like the idea? Think out of the box and try and understand more about the concept:
Other possibilities…based on randomness or DE overlapping.
1. Item component is found at the end of a jumping puzzle at random time of day.
2. Following a DE completion, a secret passage opens temporarily (boulders blown up?), which allows players to set in motion another DE based on 3 choices (similar to dungeon paths).
3. Random NPC spawns in random area and walks around a little bit.
4. Bonus boss in Dungeons.
5. Utilize rare components to similar World contribution towards finishing/starting quests.
the trick is making it so a single player can not do all of the quest himself, or rather, that he will benefit much more so by working with the rest of the world.
(edited by frOst.2198)
Took them 5 years to build the world. 5 years. Your average person completed it in 1 month. Sea of Sorrows. A whole new level 80 zone. I don’t even see a single person in it.
Sometimes I wonder if these developers even know what they’re doing.
I couldn’t agree more. The best part of the game is the world itself. Why are they focusing their development effort on instances, I hate them.
here is a quote from a review made in May/2012:
“The dynamic event system, however, switches the order of things. Instead of these events leading the player to new areas, the events can only be found by exploring these new areas. This system, instead of leading the player around the world, becomes the reward for exploring the world. The good side of this is it makes the player feel more free and not restricted to specific areas. You don’t need to stay and do 2 hours of content in an area to be able to move on to the next zone and have it feel meaningful. The player has control. The bad side of this is because the player has so much freedom, there is less indication of the player being in an area he isn’t supposed to be. The only indication of the player being in too hard of an area is how badly beat he gets from the content, which can lead to frustraition and a lot of wasted time. There is also little indication of progression.”
here is a link to my thread on the topic:
per Colin:
“Orr will also have the most complex dynamic events in the game — the zone will have twice more dynamic events than any other zone in the game. The reason is that there are “branching” events: Instead of moving like a pendulum, going from the fail state to the success state and back (with player interaction, obviously), completing some events (or some step of it, from what I understood of what Colin was saying), it will actually start more than a single new event. So Orr will, ultimately, become a “web of events” triggering things all around the place. This “branching” will be introduced around the other zones, so players will feel comfortable with them once reaching Orr, Colin said.”
As I have said.
It is the players that need to get out there and do and look for this stuff.
They have gotten use to dungeons and pvp and thus lazy.
We all need to get out there and explore a little and we may get a big surprise once we do
(edited by Krosslite.1950)
Yes. The people are the problem. They always are. You simply can not please unwashed mass of people…
Tho, they have gotten lazy. But after 5+ years of “DUNGEON DUNGEON BATTLEFIELD DUNGEON BATTLEFIELD BATTLEFIELD RAID” it is simply nonsensical to Expect different from that same mass. Remember the Pavlovian experiments? How about BF Skinner’s? It all comes Down to psychollogy…
And let me tell you, the world is really positively insane today. But with all the financial ledges and financial recessions, you can’t Expect anything else but the despair and madness. Shame…
We don’t need more DE’s we need better rewards and more reason for people to go out and explore.
Yup, there’s already a whole world out there, they just messed up badly at getting people wanting to go out there once they’ve out leveled it.
Until they figure out a way to keep people doing DE’s and going around the world I’ll bet they will just stick to making dungeons as content as they can more easily keep people wanting /needing to do them.
Can we have both? I don’t want to have to spend 2-5 min running around looking for a DE, it happens frequently. More DE’s sprinkled in so that we don’t see the same events over and over and over would help a lot too.
More would always be welcome, but it’s the fact that no ones really doing the ones they have in now, so why spend more time making DE’s when they can just fall back on the old gear grind dungeon route via fractals. At least until they find a way to get people wanting to do DE’s and explore etc.
Yeah, you’re absolutely right. 1s50c or so per event doesn’t really cut it. Not to mention you get the same amount for doing group events. The Karma reward I feel is good enough, but there’s nothing to spend karma on, really. The temple events are really fun, but are plagued by all kinds of script and AI bugs, it’s unfortunate.
As I have said.
It is the players that need to get out there and do and look for this stuff.
They have gotten use to dungeons and pvp and thus lazy.
We all need to get out there and explore a little and we may get a big surprise once we do
What incentives are there to do that with a lvl 80 character, especially with the poor loot drops in the open world compared to dungeons and fractals? Simply exploring the world with any objective isn’t enough for most people.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro