forum security
Anet thanks you for the heads-up…lol
Anet should be careful who they trust with these forums. These forums contain emails addresses, account names and passwords, that if not careful, can get into the wrong hands. Just look at the some of the major security breaches that have happened in the gaming and business history recently and the damages occurring as a result. Caution and security measures should be taken if anet does not want that to occur. Just a word of warning as a security measure. And i’m sure players would not want that either.
Do you honestly believe that these precautions arent already there? Also, since you appear to not understand this: your account name doesnt really amount to much. You cant log in with it. Also, since there’s something else you dont understand, Anet could have the most lax security regarding account information and IT WOULD NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 2 step verification curbstomps that. If your account still gets breached, I have some bad news for you. Not anet’s fault. Only way they could bypass the verification is if your email was breached. No matter the amount of noise you make, that makes your account troubles your fault alone.
either way i wouldn’t want my account name, email address and password passed around…more breach possibilities are sure to follow. if i had some coffee, im sure i can point a thing or two out. just tired at the moment.
Anet has posted an eye opening topic about security and passwords. They talked about things that I have not seen used on much more secure boards. I feel they have a handle on this.
they are welcome vitus lol
Anet should be careful who they trust with these forums. These forums contain emails addresses, account names and passwords, that if not careful, can get into the wrong hands. Just look at the some of the major security breaches that have happened in the gaming and business history recently and the damages occurring as a result. Caution and security measures should be taken if anet does not want that to occur. Just a word of warning as a security measure. And i’m sure players would not want that either.
Do you honestly believe that these precautions arent already there? Also, since you appear to not understand this: your account name doesnt really amount to much. You cant log in with it. Also, since there’s something else you dont understand, Anet could have the most lax security regarding account information and IT WOULD NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 2 step verification curbstomps that. If your account still gets breached, I have some bad news for you. Not anet’s fault. Only way they could bypass the verification is if your email was breached. No matter the amount of noise you make, that makes your account troubles your fault alone.
Your account name does not amount to much? I disagree.
Everytime i make a post on forums, i get a whisper from a goldseller in-game within the next few hours. If i do not post at all for like over 3 weeks but keep playing GW2 normally, i dont get those whispers at all.
It seems my account name is displayed in full on forums.
I really cant tell where these goldsellers are getting my account name from to whisper me in-game…oh wait.
That’s like the government giving your email address to every single scam sites out there…except that there isnt an auto-junk filter in-game like in emails…you have to block each goldseller spamming you manually.
I have reported and blocked every single one of them, there’s nothing that can be done about it since I cannot change display name, or stop the forums from showing my display name to everyone, is there?
good example turtle. thanks.
Wow I get that with the gold sellers too, but only if im logged into game while posting, its clear that bots are scanning the forums, because someone at anet thought that having account names on a public forum would lead to no issues,
Anyway back at the OP, after the massive security issue that GW1 had, im fairly certain that these forums are secure enough, granted if some nasty person or persons wanted the info im sure they could get it, as well higher profile targets have been hit more recently.
Yes, because gold sellers pming you in the game compromises your account. Oh… wait. They dont force you to go to an obviously malicious site. Harassment in the game isnt on the same level of breaching account security. Case in point, I could just as easily discuss this with you via pm or mail ingame as I can on the forums. But that’s not going to make me able to breach your account. That’s the point of the verification, if it’s bypassed, that means fault of breach no longer lies with Anet because they dont manage or influence YOUR email account.
A far more appropriate analogy is me looking up people where I live on facebook (forums), then breaking out the yellow pages (the game) and calling them up about random bullkitten (WANNA BUY GOLD?).
Keep in mind any digital security measures in place are about as effective as a “beware of guard dog” signs on a fence and an alarm system. If someone really wanted what you had, they’d shoot the dog on the way in, disable the alarms or simply ignore them. Grab what they wanted, then leave, probably doing more damage on the way out just because they can. Not to mention people are stupid with passwords. They’ll use the same single, or set of passwords for everything. If you guess their email password, guess what you might be able to get into? Their bank account.
Anet should be careful who they trust with these forums. These forums contain emails addresses, account names and passwords, that if not careful, can get into the wrong hands. Just look at the some of the major security breaches that have happened in the gaming and business history recently and the damages occurring as a result. Caution and security measures should be taken if anet does not want that to occur. Just a word of warning as a security measure. And i’m sure players would not want that either.
Do you honestly believe that these precautions arent already there? Also, since you appear to not understand this: your account name doesnt really amount to much. You cant log in with it. Also, since there’s something else you dont understand, Anet could have the most lax security regarding account information and IT WOULD NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 2 step verification curbstomps that. If your account still gets breached, I have some bad news for you. Not anet’s fault. Only way they could bypass the verification is if your email was breached. No matter the amount of noise you make, that makes your account troubles your fault alone.
Your account name does not amount to much? I disagree.
Everytime i make a post on forums, i get a whisper from a goldseller in-game within the next few hours. If i do not post at all for like over 3 weeks but keep playing GW2 normally, i dont get those whispers at all.
It seems my account name is displayed in full on forums.
I really cant tell where these goldsellers are getting my account name from to whisper me in-game…oh wait.That’s like the government giving your email address to every single scam sites out there…except that there isnt an auto-junk filter in-game like in emails…you have to block each goldseller spamming you manually.
I have reported and blocked every single one of them, there’s nothing that can be done about it since I cannot change display name, or stop the forums from showing my display name to everyone, is there?
Very well said.