forum users are about 5% of gw2 community....
I think there was a survey done across the board for all MMOs forum users, I think the average is 2% of the community uses the forum. The 98% do not even know there is a forum.
alternativley, the other 95% might hate the new patch and be in for a surprise Just saying, it works both ways
I think there was a survey done across the board for all MMOs forum users, I think the average is 2% of the community uses the forum. The 98% do not even know there is a forum.
And about a half of that 2% doesn’t complain xD
Dungeon grinders are also, what, 5% of the GW2 community?
People who want more gear-grinding because they “already have their legendary” are, what, 0.2% of the GW community?
I think both of these are outnumbered by the volume of folks who got their exotics and were actually happy to be done with stressing about stats.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
Consider that it might be the reverse; that – gosh, I know, inconceivable – the forums are actually fairly representative of the overall sentiment of the players.
I would argue the forum users are just more vocal and aware of possible implications of upcoming changes – something the average player won’t express due to ignorance but rather experience ‘on his/her own body’ – and then possibly quit the game. With no fanfare.
Consider for one moment – if you’re capable of that – that the forum users are working for the community. That our best interest is to help promote a good game. That we are as vocal as we are because we seem to understand – contrary to you – that this change will have wide-ranging implications for not only us but for all future players. That this change will segregate the community. That it risks further diminishing WvW. That it further pushes people away from tPvP due to lack of proper work being done there.
Heighten your perspective before posting. Please.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
It probably is, but apparently they did this change based on feedback gathered.
Since they haven’t asked me anything in game since BWE surveys I gather they did so based on forum posts.
Were you asked if you wanted a new item tier?
I wasn’t.
I didn’t post in this forum until this development – my first post was giving Anet the benefit of doubt. (Check my posting history)
I’m looking forward for new content. I’m not looking forward for new item tiers.
keep in mind that forum users have a guild, and they talk to guild… usually only few members of a guild read the forum and then they refer to the whole guild.
So dont understimate that 5% that read and reply to the forum, because it can become a 50\60% of leavers or angry player.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
…and this is why I’d vote in favour of a month-long ingame poll on the Ascended-gear and carrot-on-a-stick issue, advertised on all available channels – that way, everyone should have the chance to make his/her opinion heard (and obviously doesn’t care either way when he/she doesn’t).
I know those things are tricky, but right now, a lot of us just feel like ArenaNet listened to an uninformed vocal minority (which can frankly chase their carrots elsewhere >_>).
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
His point is, 2700 negative replies to a thread do not equal the majority of the community’s opinion. Using it as a reason to go, “Hey ANet…this is gonna cause the game to fail, and you’re gonna lose the majority of your playerbase! Just look at this thread of negative opinions!! Most people hate it!!” is not true in the slightest.
You just said it yourself – you signed up to this forum to complain…as do a lot of people. Positive opinions are seldom found in a forum compared to negative ones because people are A LOT more vocal about complaining than they are about praising…unfortunately.
Swoo.. you are spot on with your point.
I posted something similar a while back when they claimed something was ‘based on player feedback’.
I’ve never been asked anything, and I get the picture that the feedback they mention is ‘he who shouts the loudest on the forums’
Such ‘feedback’ that destroys games….
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
The main thread had dozens of “this is my first posts and I had to come hear to express my disgust” posts. I hadn’t activated my forum account until yesterday. I had to say something even if it amounts to nothing.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Pulling numbers out of your behind is a bad habit but here is something else to consider; It’s not the angry voices on the forum that you should be worried about. It is silent masses that will simply pack up and go elsewhere if the game becomes not to their liking.
Considering the game was founded on such tenants of no gear progressions, resistance checks or grinds, I can safely guess which of the two camps here is likely the overwhelming majority in this train-wreck of a situation.
For every happy person that doesn’t use the forums there’s also an unhappy one that doesn’t use them.
So 90% of GW2 players are gold farmers or bot accounts, 5% of them are drones that have more than 1 level 80 and aren’t completely bored of the lack of things to do, and 5% of us bother to stick around on the forums in case GW2 stops sinking and floats back up the the surface?
Sounds about right to me:)
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012
speculation is speculation.
however it would be more logical to assume that the percentages would remain close to the same.
it is not logical to just assume that every person not posting on the forums automatically agrees with you.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
It probably is, but apparently they did this change based on feedback gathered.
Since they haven’t asked me anything in game since BWE surveys I gather they did so based on forum posts.
Were you asked if you wanted a new item tier?
I wasn’t.I didn’t post in this forum until this development – my first post was giving Anet the benefit of doubt. (Check my posting history)
I’m looking forward for new content. I’m not looking forward for new item tiers.
I think the drop off of players who reached end game was steeper than expected.
Looking at the forum there is a lot of sentiment to needing progression.
This was probably the cheap way to do it.
I would rather do exciting quests for skill slots, mounts, gold etc
You are basically saying that players that are on the forums think more negatively about gear grinding than people that are not on the forums.
On what do you base this assumption?!?
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
His point is, 2700 negative replies to a thread do not equal the majority of the community’s opinion. Using it as a reason to go, “Hey ANet…this is gonna cause the game to fail, and you’re gonna lose the majority of your playerbase! Just look at this thread of negative opinions!! Most people hate it!!” is not true in the slightest.
You just said it yourself – you signed up to this forum to complain…as do a lot of people. Positive opinions are seldom found in a forum compared to negative ones because people are A LOT more vocal about complaining than they are about praising…unfortunately.
I’m sure there will be significantly more posts than 2700. It’s early yet.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
pink elphants are flying over paris trust me….
Or else post proofs …..
Fact: a high number of players posting also on forum are unhappy…..
Baseless Speculation: the others are happy…..
More reliable speculation: others doesn t even know, and when they’ll know……
Its just betraying target audience no less for that you cannot hide what is quite clear.
MOST players choose gw2 for a reason that madegw2 unique…That reason is about to be deleted by a patch…..
P.S: also my signature….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I think there was a survey done across the board for all MMOs forum users, I think the average is 2% of the community uses the forum. The 98% do not even know there is a forum.
And just how many people actually fill out Surveys? and how many people read forums but don’t post?
Sorry to say those number mean nothing at all.
Just like the OP`s Figures.
Looking at the forum there is a lot of sentiment to needing progression.
This was probably the cheap way to do it.
I would rather do exciting quests for skill slots, mounts, gold etc
What I want to know is why did they take an awesome game like Guild Wars, and then turn it in to Diablo, and then add WoW treadmill (while the end game is still non-existent and the dungeons are bugged) and then hilariously increase the amount of grind required and diminishing returns. Hundreds of dungeon runs for cosmetic skins? I spit on ArenaNet now.
As for quests, yes they are overlooked, there’s hundreds of cool stuff you can do with quests to increase the game’s content and fun, especially with cool unique rewards.
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012
or 60% of the community has already left the game
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
yes, yes, i remember these same statements from the Mass Effect 3 desaster and the biggest fan-outcry in gaming history so far.
Everytime a company is messing up you will find these. Same Spin doctor ? Just check the metacritic scores in this example (industry, investor and generally stakeholder relevant) to get your full picture.
human warrior; asura thief
(edited by WoodstockTC.6150)
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
His point is, 2700 negative replies to a thread do not equal the majority of the community’s opinion. Using it as a reason to go, “Hey ANet…this is gonna cause the game to fail, and you’re gonna lose the majority of your playerbase! Just look at this thread of negative opinions!! Most people hate it!!” is not true in the slightest.
You just said it yourself – you signed up to this forum to complain…as do a lot of people. Positive opinions are seldom found in a forum compared to negative ones because people are A LOT more vocal about complaining than they are about praising…unfortunately.
I’m sure there will be significantly more posts than 2700. It’s early yet.
The number doesn’t matter. Also some of those responses are by the same people anyway. Whatever number it reaches, it will not represent the majority opinion, even if someone made a thread and it had 5000 positive responses, it still wouldn’t be enough to say “Actually, most people like the change, ’cause only 3000 people posted in the negative one!”.
As I mentioned in another thread, a lot of those opinions will be kneejerk reactions anyway. ANet, like any good developer today, will let it stay in the game for at least a couple of weeks before they consider making significant changes to the system. There are a lot of people that just hate change, regardless of what that change is and they kneejerk react to it. Letting players actually experience it for a couple of weeks gives them a more well-thought out opinion, and THAT is more valuable to ANet. If this is still a huge problem weeks down the line, then it wouldn’t surprise me if ANet change the way Ascended items work, or are obtained.
In every MMO I’ve played, some complaint comes up that the majority of players agree with regarding a present or planned feature.
People tell them on the forums “People on the forums are a minority, most people are busy playing!” (Seriously, every MMO forum for EVERY. SINGLE. GAME)
Undesirable thing stays or is added.
Game loses players steadily and fails. Only WoW seems to be immune to this.
Repeat with next game.
Here’s some examples of games that added something the majority of players on the forums hated, followed by a swift exodus by the general population:
UO, SWG, SWTOR, DAOC, Aion, WAR… actually I’m just going to stop because it’d be easier to list games where it DIDNT happen.
How many more games before the pattern is noticed? Remember, intelligence is generally measured by how well someone recognizes patterns, how they take the context of past situations into account when predicting the outcomes of future behavior.
(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)
85% of statistics are completely made up.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
His point is, 2700 negative replies to a thread do not equal the majority of the community’s opinion. Using it as a reason to go, “Hey ANet…this is gonna cause the game to fail, and you’re gonna lose the majority of your playerbase! Just look at this thread of negative opinions!! Most people hate it!!” is not true in the slightest.
You just said it yourself – you signed up to this forum to complain…as do a lot of people. Positive opinions are seldom found in a forum compared to negative ones because people are A LOT more vocal about complaining than they are about praising…unfortunately.
I’m sure there will be significantly more posts than 2700. It’s early yet.
The number doesn’t matter. Also some of those responses are by the same people anyway. Whatever number it reaches, it will not represent the majority opinion, even if someone made a thread and it had 5000 positive responses, it still wouldn’t be enough to say “Actually, most people like the change, ’cause only 3000 people posted in the negative one!”.
As I mentioned in another thread, a lot of those opinions will be kneejerk reactions anyway. ANet, like any good developer today, will let it stay in the game for at least a couple of weeks before they consider making significant changes to the system. There are a lot of people that just hate change, regardless of what that change is and they kneejerk react to it. Letting players actually experience it for a couple of weeks gives them a more well-thought out opinion, and THAT is more valuable to ANet. If this is still a huge problem weeks down the line, then it wouldn’t surprise me if ANet change the way Ascended items work, or are obtained.
Most of us don’t need to “experience” it, we’ve already “experienced” it in previous MMO’s, which is why we came here, so we didn’t have to “experience” it anymore. It’s a great game, I love it, I wanna play more of it. I don’t want to play WoW, or a watered down version of WoW, I don’t want to play with people who want this to be WoW. Ascended items are unnecessary, their one and only use is to garner players who enjoy a gear grind. The majority of players came here to get away from the gear grind. A gimmick introduced in a dungeon to promote gear grind is weak at best and patronizing at worst. If that makes me a MMO snob who doesn’t like Johnny Gear Grind, then so be it.
In every MMO I’ve played, some complaint comes up that the majority of players agree with regarding a present or planned feature.
People tell them on the forums “People on the forums are a minority, most people are busy playing!” (Seriously, every MMO forum for EVERY. SINGLE. GAME)
Undesirable thing stays or is added.
Game loses players steadily and fails. Only WoW seems to be immune to this.
Repeat with next game.
Here’s some examples of games that added something the majority of players on the forums hated, followed by a swift exodus by the general population:
UO, SWG, SWTOR, DAOC, Aion, WAR… actually I’m just going to stop because it’d be easier to list games where it DIDNT happen.
How many more games before the pattern is noticed? Remember, intelligence is generally measured by how well someone recognizes patterns, how they take the context of past situations into account when predicting the outcomes of future behavior.
Because WoW plays to the lowest common denominator. It’s the Facebook of MMO’s
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Every Lion’s Arch in every server is raging about this thing.
This is a lame argument either way when the game itself acts like a big forum.
(edited by chronus.1326)
I’ve read the forums once maybe twice just to find the thread on the HoM rewards. I’m only here now because I feel this this change bodes ill news. Am I still part of the overreacting 1% who troll forums? I think such a massive influx of negative response is a clear indication of things to come.
For people that think the forum response isn’t representative of the general populace, try mentioning this upcoming ascended feature in chat in Lion’s Arch or something, see what kind of responses you’ll hear about it. You’ll find the responses sound just like the forums. It’s ugly.
In every MMO I’ve played, some complaint comes up that the majority of players agree with regarding a present or planned feature.
what did they add?
Actually I loved Aion but the carebears left because there were getting killed by PvPers.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
His point is, 2700 negative replies to a thread do not equal the majority of the community’s opinion. Using it as a reason to go, “Hey ANet…this is gonna cause the game to fail, and you’re gonna lose the majority of your playerbase! Just look at this thread of negative opinions!! Most people hate it!!” is not true in the slightest.
You just said it yourself – you signed up to this forum to complain…as do a lot of people. Positive opinions are seldom found in a forum compared to negative ones because people are A LOT more vocal about complaining than they are about praising…unfortunately.
I’m sure there will be significantly more posts than 2700. It’s early yet.
The number doesn’t matter. Also some of those responses are by the same people anyway. Whatever number it reaches, it will not represent the majority opinion, even if someone made a thread and it had 5000 positive responses, it still wouldn’t be enough to say “Actually, most people like the change, ’cause only 3000 people posted in the negative one!”.
As I mentioned in another thread, a lot of those opinions will be kneejerk reactions anyway. ANet, like any good developer today, will let it stay in the game for at least a couple of weeks before they consider making significant changes to the system. There are a lot of people that just hate change, regardless of what that change is and they kneejerk react to it. Letting players actually experience it for a couple of weeks gives them a more well-thought out opinion, and THAT is more valuable to ANet. If this is still a huge problem weeks down the line, then it wouldn’t surprise me if ANet change the way Ascended items work, or are obtained.
Most of us don’t need to “experience” it, we’ve already “experienced” it in previous MMO’s, which is why we came here, so we didn’t have to “experience” it anymore. It’s a great game, I love it, I wanna play more of it. I don’t want to play WoW, or a watered down version of WoW, I don’t want to play with people who want this to be WoW. Ascended items are unnecessary, their one and only use is to garner players who enjoy a gear grind. The majority of players came here to get away from the gear grind. A gimmick introduced in a dungeon to promote gear grind is weak at best and patronizing at worst. If that makes me a MMO snob who doesn’t like Johnny Gear Grind, then so be it.
Except you’ve experienced it in a different MMO and assume it’ll be exactly the same in this one. If it turns out to actually be a ‘gear grind’ (a word that people seem to like throwing around at the moment without knowing if getting these items will in fact even involve a grind) then I’ll completely agree with your complaint, and I would imagine ANet will, too. They’re going to make legendaries more ‘fun’ to obtain, after all. Point is, no-one knows if it is a grind without having experienced how ANet will do it.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
and the vocal minority that Anet “listened” to in this case were the whiners who periodically pestered the boards. Many people were content in playing the game as it was and did not post.
You can see from the massive instant reaction, in this case, that people who normally do not post are willing to do so because this is something they vehemently disagree with.
When a topic gets 95 pages of “discussion” in a few hours on a board that normally supports topics to about 4 pages on average….it’s a really big deal.
5% of the community uses the forums.
10% of the 5% that use the forums wanted more gear progression.
When a topic gets 95 pages of “discussion” in a few hours on a board that normally supports topics to about 4 pages on average….it’s a really big deal.
not to mention pages of sometimes intelligent discussions that disappeared (not merged, just erased)
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
What you are seeing here though is from a lot of users who do not normally post in the forums and who are now only doing so because of recent developments (like me). So yes, previously all the whining about endgame, no progression grind, raiding came from your five percentile.
His point is, 2700 negative replies to a thread do not equal the majority of the community’s opinion. Using it as a reason to go, “Hey ANet…this is gonna cause the game to fail, and you’re gonna lose the majority of your playerbase! Just look at this thread of negative opinions!! Most people hate it!!” is not true in the slightest.
You just said it yourself – you signed up to this forum to complain…as do a lot of people. Positive opinions are seldom found in a forum compared to negative ones because people are A LOT more vocal about complaining than they are about praising…unfortunately.
I’m sure there will be significantly more posts than 2700. It’s early yet.
The number doesn’t matter. Also some of those responses are by the same people anyway. Whatever number it reaches, it will not represent the majority opinion, even if someone made a thread and it had 5000 positive responses, it still wouldn’t be enough to say “Actually, most people like the change, ’cause only 3000 people posted in the negative one!”.
As I mentioned in another thread, a lot of those opinions will be kneejerk reactions anyway. ANet, like any good developer today, will let it stay in the game for at least a couple of weeks before they consider making significant changes to the system. There are a lot of people that just hate change, regardless of what that change is and they kneejerk react to it. Letting players actually experience it for a couple of weeks gives them a more well-thought out opinion, and THAT is more valuable to ANet. If this is still a huge problem weeks down the line, then it wouldn’t surprise me if ANet change the way Ascended items work, or are obtained.
Most of us don’t need to “experience” it, we’ve already “experienced” it in previous MMO’s, which is why we came here, so we didn’t have to “experience” it anymore. It’s a great game, I love it, I wanna play more of it. I don’t want to play WoW, or a watered down version of WoW, I don’t want to play with people who want this to be WoW. Ascended items are unnecessary, their one and only use is to garner players who enjoy a gear grind. The majority of players came here to get away from the gear grind. A gimmick introduced in a dungeon to promote gear grind is weak at best and patronizing at worst. If that makes me a MMO snob who doesn’t like Johnny Gear Grind, then so be it.
Except you’ve experienced it in a different MMO and assume it’ll be exactly the same in this one. If it turns out to actually be a ‘gear grind’ (a word that people seem to like throwing around at the moment without knowing if getting these items will in fact even involve a grind) then I’ll completely agree with your complaint, and I would imagine ANet will, too. They’re going to make legendaries more ‘fun’ to obtain, after all. Point is, no-one knows if it is a grind without having experienced how ANet will do it.
Gear Grind isn’t composed of the fact of actual grinding an area or mobs or resources for gear. It’s composed of the carrot on the stick philosophy. Need item A to do activity B, Need item C from activity B to do activity D, so forth and so on. Or in PvP, need so much of stat A in order to be competitive. Again, Ascended items are an increased gear level you need in order to do an activity. If you do not have these items, then this activity will be harder, then eventually become impossible. Stated in Blog clearly. It is very clear to me, I do not need umpteen days to digest a clearly worded and written blog post. These items will then creep into other areas of the game due to their improved stats, such as WvW, normal dungeons. This is called Power Creep. This leads to Elitism, such as “Don’t have fully geared, kitted out Ascended, we don’t want you in Dungeon run/Guild/WvW que, etc” People advocate the " wait and see" approach. It’s unnecessary when you already have examples of the problem, and a plan laid out in an Official Blog Post.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Crystal Desert
82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Every Lion’s Arch in every server is raging about this thing.
This is a lame argument either way when the game itself acts like a big forum.
and your proof is? from my experience on SoS most of the response i got was “WTH with all the rages?”, " oh well the forum QQ about anything" or " Have they fixed Plinx yet? "
Blackgate Militia
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Only 57% of registered voters in the US actually voted in this presidential election. The other 43% probably wanted Romney, they just didn’t bother to say so.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Every Lion’s Arch in every server is raging about this thing.
This is a lame argument either way when the game itself acts like a big forum.
and your proof is? from my experience on SoS most of the response i got was “WTH with all the rages?”, " oh well the forum QQ about anything" or " Have they fixed Plinx yet? "
Most of my experience was “this sucks”, “I quit” and “Arah still bugged?”
Dungeon grinders are also, what, 5% of the GW2 community?
People who want more gear-grinding because they “already have their legendary” are, what, 0.2% of the GW community?
I think both of these are outnumbered by the volume of folks who got their exotics and were actually happy to be done with stressing about stats.
Some people want more content to strive for besides legendaries – not after legendaries. Not everyone wants to devote 1-2 months of nonstop grinding to get a weapon that lots of others will also have in a few months.
Considering /everyone/ in map chat in Lions arch was -freaking out- about the new tier of gear…I hardly think that it’s only forum users that are upset about this.
I think the precedent sucks, and they should have left well enough alone. They simply screwed up and made it WAY too easy to get lvl 80 exotics, and then had to overcompensate the OTHER way to fix it.
Dungeon grinders are also, what, 5% of the GW2 community?
People who want more gear-grinding because they “already have their legendary” are, what, 0.2% of the GW community?
I think both of these are outnumbered by the volume of folks who got their exotics and were actually happy to be done with stressing about stats.Some people want more content to strive for besides legendaries – not after legendaries. Not everyone wants to devote 1-2 months of nonstop grinding to get a weapon that lots of others will also have in a few months.
No one forces you to strive for legendaries, as they are – as of before Nov. 15 – just as “powerful” as any other exotic weapon. That is your perfonal choice! And there honestly is much more to do in the game…if you feel you’ve done everything you like, well, there are enough events and other content updates on the way – just chase your carrot elsewhere while you wait for them. No sub, remember? So you can easily play a carrot-on-a-stick MMO on the side.
forum users are about 5% of gw2 community and the other 95% are probably looking forward to the new patch as i am
just saying
Or they’re drones with no opinion and/or no idea what’s going on.
If I didn’t tell my guildies what was upcoming, they would have no idea there was even a patch coming. They are oblivious. They visit no forums, no game sites, never visit the official site, and definitely nobody I knows gives a rats backside about facebook or twitter for games.
82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Incorrect. It’s 85%.