game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


i agree with this considering all the doooooom! threads

and all around kittengery on these forums…

i want arena net devs just to keep working on this amazing game.. and i will keep playing

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noxu.7203


That’s so true. The forums are generally where the most foul and angry people go to.
Go to just about any forum and all you’ll see is absolute hyperbole, and overboard comments and complete and utter disrespect for anyone and anything in their path.

Anonymity makes so many things worse, especially for game developers. You’ll have three people on the forums constantly talking about how “the game is terrible”, “everyone is quitting”, “there are bugs everywhere”, “the devs need to remake the entire game, because of my personal opinion” and that is just volatile to see. Can’t forget to add in the fact that anyone that enjoys said games, are fanboys to the utmost extent because they didn’t conform their opinion to the others’…

Basically, the forums of any game or the single most volatile thing for a game, because people go overboard. They can’t make constructive criticism because they feel free to become entirely insulting to everyone and everything due to anonymity.

Oh, just thought another one: When a thread gets locked down for trolling incessantly, and then the person goes into an outrage.

This game is amazing, and ArenaNet knows what they’re doing, there’s no doubt about that. The more control they have over the forums, and the more trolls they can get rid of, the better, because maybe then we can have more civilized discussions and suggestions without constant insults and demands.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zale.9645


Forums are filled with nasty comments because people who are content with the game don’t feel the need to express how content they are.

I never call McDonald’s to tell them how well they did, but sometimes I do to express how angry I am that they can’t even get an order of fries right. Same concept.

I will never play WvW until Map Completion there is removed.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


Forums are filled with nasty comments because people who are content with the game don’t feel the need to express how content they are.

I never call McDonald’s to tell them how well they did, but sometimes I do to express how angry I am that they can’t even get an order of fries right. Same concept.

you would be surprised if you called or wrote your favorite company’s.. the effect it will produce .

i wrote kelloggs when i was a kid , like 7 or so… because i loved this granola cereal they had …they phoned me.. then sent over a guy with a huge box of free products and thanked me for writing them.

so ya never know.. what some kind words will get ya

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


I want them to communicate more about player concerns. Fight the ignorance and paranoia with information and transparency, even when that information is going to be disappointing to the players (see: Peters on FoV).

Not saying it has to be shouted from rooftops, but if that sort of info could find its way to forums or dev blogs more often that’d be fantastic.

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game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


This forum was primarily made to get direct feedback from players. That’s why there isn’t any off-topic section. So if developers didn’t read this forum, there wouldn’t be any point in having it open, since there are already plenty of fan forums around. Also, I do believe it’s actually part of someone job description to read our comments, meaning that removing this forum could then make him/her obsolete, and possibly out of a job.

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“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


yea if you read the article i says hire community managers

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SideStep.1347


The forums is where you get your feedback from players.

On how they should approach it, is their jobs.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lani.1429


About the game itself i don’t understand the negative feedback neither. Performance and optimization is where the problem is.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyaochan.1756


The more control they have over the forums, and the more trolls they can get rid of, the better, because maybe then we can have more civilized discussions and suggestions without constant insults and demands.

Good luck with that. It seems every time someone tried to start a positive topic, the malcontents feel the need to come in and flood those with negativity as well. It’s pretty sad…saying you like the game in a topic title seems to be an open invitation for them to come in and try to bludgeon anything that’s wrong with it into people who are “unenlightened because they haven’t hit 80” or “don’t know what a good game is”.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


If you bother to look there is both positive and negative feedback. It isn’t all negative.

I have gone from a mostly positive feedback player to more negative over time because since launch the game has degenerated in many areas.

Many bugs have been fixed yes and the overpopulation issue has gone away. Instead we have an underpopulation issue in some zones. They did well to have overflow servers designed, but they never thought to create underflow servers.

If devs don’t read and get the feel of players opinions the game will not be properly fixed or it will be fixed too slowly to avoid a vicious downward spiral.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


would any dev motivated anymore if they would visit this forum daily?
the game would get a crappy, single, about 15GB big, pile of bugs if they would...

they probably got better things to do, than bother with this mess of a forum :P

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game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


(see: Peters on FoV).

So they should fight the real issues with their own ignorance and paranoia?

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


i agree totally i think that what you said was exactly what i meant.

kitten its creepy how much we think alike

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FurMaz.1645


I just hate how arenanet devs are so active that they INSTANTLY delete any post that doesn’t respect the game. If we have any complaint, deleted! If we give a certain opinion about the game, deleted! They should care less about the kitten forum and fix their game. It’s almost like it’s a bunch of 5 year olds on here, I can’t be one bit mature. 1. Reason WoW is better than Gw2: Playerbase is more mature and the support is A+

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


I think forums, when kept nice and tidy are a huge source of great feedback, the real talented devs know where to find it though and what to dismiss.
I’m horribly guilty of overreaction posts but once I get over initial shocks I tend to dial it back and focus on what’s REALLY wrong and what at first seemed wrong but is right after all

They make mistakes, we make mistakes and yet there does seem to be some horrendous amount of negativity about this game from it’s players who simply don’t want to adapt :S

Irony…. xD

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamescowhen.1562


stop listening to anyone else, but me -

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enzi.5496


Designers shouldn’t. And most of the time they also don’t read it. They get the constructive and filtered version from their community guys.

It’s probably for the best. With the things I’ve read on the D3 forums about Jay Wilson I’d never ever want to make a game again.

(edited by Enzi.5496)

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


Designers shouldn’t. And most of the time they also don’t read it. They get the constructive and filtered version from their community guys.

It’s probably for the best. With the things I’ve read on the D3 forums about Jay Wilson I’d never ever want to make a game again.

yea but who are “these” community guys?

i bet they do the masonic handshake to their handlers before work every day

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.