game focus

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Beau Brothers.4023

The Beau Brothers.4023

You really need to focus back on your core player base. The PvP tournament people are wonderful, and you hardcore players beating Vale Guardian and more now are wonderful players and add a lot to the game. However, your bread and butter are casual PvE players. You have abandoned them in this upgrade. The story was nice in some ways, but overall way too short and disappointing. The new maps are just grindy event chains. They are fun, but not enough. I have a guild that has survived GW1 and into GW2. We are not the same as we ever were, but we are dying with the recent changes. You are suffocating the core of your game. Whether you like to admit it or not your core is casual PvE, we love story and we love helping others meet goals. This high-level focus is killing your core. You will die if you do not feed us. You are doing good things trying to help hardcore players enjoy the game more, but if you forget your casual base you will die. The game is dying now. Please, do not let Guild Wars die!

(edited by The Beau Brothers.4023)

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zibbernopperroo.7916



Well said original poster.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Breaded Chicken.2537

Breaded Chicken.2537

Don’t become ESO. Thanks.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leohart.4610


Don’t become ESO. Thanks.

What happened with ESO? Just curious.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tapioca.9062


We don’t need the casuals, OP. We can solely pursue the hardcore audience and be as successful as Wildstar was when they tried to do this. It makes perfect sense to lock core content like the story arc leading into LS3 behind a raid that a fraction of the playerbase will clear.

Sarcasm toggled off, and I agree with you. Anet have been displaying particularly poor design decisions lately and I’m at a loss to explain why.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Breaded Chicken.2537

Breaded Chicken.2537

Don’t become ESO. Thanks.

What happened with ESO? Just curious.

All the end game is 100% group play. No solo. Therefore, no content for those that like to play mostly alone.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FOX.3582


I have always been so positive towards people, even tho they where not and it ended up in a big discussion about me defending this game. But now… Well, let’s just say that the reason for and and my wife to go play this game is gone, deleted, non existent. HOT really disappointed us both… I play less and less. Al because of (and this is the 17612th time I say this) a bunch of teenagers calling themselves developers that want to show of. For some reason they can not just swallow away their pride.

Sad, real sad…

What does the FOX say¿!

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zach.2618


Yeah they really need to stop funneling players into what they want them to do.. Bring back dungeons, bring back trains, bring back everything people loved to do in gw2. Why would a game remove content from itself? I don’t understand.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Please queue up behind the WvW players, thanks.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


You really need to focus back on your core player base. The PvP tournament people are wonderful, and you hardcore players beating Vale Guardian and more now are wonderful players and add a lot to the game. However, your bread and butter are casual PvE players. You have abandoned them in this upgrade. The story was nice in some ways, but overall way too short and disappointing. The new maps are just grindy event chains. They are fun, but not enough. I have a guild that has survived GW1 and into GW2 we are not the same as we ever were, but we are dying with the recent changes. You are suffocating the core of your game. Whether you like to admit it or not your core is casual PvE, we love story and we love helping others meet goals. This high level focus is killing your core. You will die if you do not feed us. You are doing good things trying to help hardcore players enjoy the game more, but if you forget your casual base you will die. The game is dying now. Please, do not let Guild Wars die!

100% what this person said, feels like we have been left behind in favour of hardcore players, PvP and massive Guilds. I have not given up on GW, but Arena Net are certainly not focused on the things I loved about the game back on release.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

(edited by Aedelric.1287)

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nythrilyn.2146


The game was fine when it first came out, now it is like.. a completely different game and I really don’t know where they intend to take it because their ‘focus’ seems all over the place. It just seems like a mess now. This is the second time that I have tried to get back into the game, but have ended up going back playing games I had played years ago, even the original GW. I log in now and again, but not as often as I had, which is sad that a game with such potential has ended up.. as this

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the problem is people assume they’re trying to focus. Pretty much the entire game was casual content. A portion fo the playerbase was screaming for harder content. Anet gave them that because it was their turn.

Now it’s WvW’s turn. Then the new living story will come out and it’ll be our turn again.

Sure it looks like the company has no focus. Because they don’t have the manpower to do everything all at once. Not while fixing bugs and planning future stuff. So they do what needs to be done most. They prioritize. People felt the game wasn’t challenging enough and Anet address this, but Fractals are actually easier now. You don’t need agony resistence at all till level 19 for example. That’s far more casual. Break bars have made it even easier.

At the end of the day, the focus is on trying to keep everyone happy, but everyone has different wants and desires.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

I think the problem is people assume they’re trying to focus. Pretty much the entire game was casual content. A portion fo the playerbase was screaming for harder content. Anet gave them that because it was their turn.

Now it’s WvW’s turn. Then the new living story will come out and it’ll be our turn again.

Sure it looks like the company has no focus. Because they don’t have the manpower to do everything all at once. Not while fixing bugs and planning future stuff. So they do what needs to be done most. They prioritize. People felt the game wasn’t challenging enough and Anet address this, but Fractals are actually easier now. You don’t need agony resistence at all till level 19 for example. That’s far more casual. Break bars have made it even easier.

At the end of the day, the focus is on trying to keep everyone happy, but everyone has different wants and desires.

That’s fine, let ANet feel free to introduce hard core content. Let them work on WvW and PvP too. That’s not the real issue. One issue is with ANet removing or killing existing content in an attempt to force us into playing the new content. What that leaves is people like me, a 10 year GW veteran who logs on every evening, reduced to just doing the PvE dailies then chatting with guildies.

Another issue is recent decisions and the direction changes made by ANet will cost them customers, they had to expect this and so must have a plan in mind for their replacement. What this tells me is ANet no longer cares about long term customer retention and therefore why should I continue to feel loyal and spend my money here?

“Judge a person’s character by how they behave when given anonymity.”

Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolbo Baggins.8594

Bolbo Baggins.8594

I must agree. There has been a shift from casual friendly content, gameplay and progression to the traditional gated grindy old school mmo systems. In my opinion this will scare of the casual players in time, who are the ones who bring in the money for the most. Look at how well other games fared with pleasing the ‘Hardcore’ crowd, remember Wildstar? Im all for optional hard content for the people who need a new challenge (just like gw 1 had). As long if it is accessible content. Not time investment heavy content, progression, loot etc (alias gating, grind). But effort friendly content (like quality single player games).

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fireflyry.7023


+1 OP

Anet seemingly struggle to realize that the casual majority actually have more import to the longevity of this game than the “hardcore play games all day every day” minority, many of who troll these forums daily. The shift to f2p so close to HoT release was hardly a coincidence.

Most casuals don’t complain…they just move on.

I dig HoT in many ways but tbh I’m still having WAY more fun in core…after 3 years.

If your having adventurer problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows till my knee took one.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

GW2 is dead. GrindWars2 is the new game. If you don’t like it, GTFO.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


I believe we are simply paying for Wildstar’s flop; NCsoft put their boot down and told anet to go nuts on micro transactions I bet. Now we have to PAY for rewards in the cash shop instead of earning them. GW2 is just another lame f2p game now and that sucks. The worst part about this is Anet is completely unapologetic about this, they seriously seem to think every things fine. Well, few months from now maybe this will finally bite them on the kitten. I hope they wake up soon; wildstar proved it is a BAD idea to focus only on hardcore players, infact those HCs were the very first to leave. GW2 used to be a haven for me as a drop in and do whatever mmo, now it’s like a dang bus schedule where everything costs an arm and a leg. Bah, this new anet is not cool.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Agreed 100%. The heart and soul of this game is the casual player.

There is no other MMO that offers the same amazing open world experience (in both PVE and PVP through WvW) through which both small and large groups of players can do things together.

While there is a place in the game for things like competitive pvp and elite raids, they can never become the primary focus of the game.

New Open World Maps, Living Story, Guild Support (including guild missions and more guild hall functionality), WvW, Festivals – these are the things that built this game in the past few years. Once they forget about that in some half kitten attempt at bringing in new types of players, the game will turn into something that tries to please everyone yet really doesnt do it for anyone (as weve seen in other failed MMOs that tried the same thing).

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mez Koo.9510

Mez Koo.9510

I thought f2p and esports was focus.

game focus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qugi.2653


Some person post a poll on reddit about how much people play since HoT. Interesting result.
