got darn KEYSzzzz
It should be common knowledge. They are only good if you hope to get claim tickets out of them and statistics say you need to open 25 for one whole ticket.
Sorry i need to vent. Those darn Keys!!! What a total waste of money. Why nobody in the community warns each other to not buy keys? Waste of 50$ dude!!! Get so much junk from the trunk. Its not even funny.
Smh i want to SPvP with a Warrior using Greatsword,,, i am that mad!!!!
They do. They have. Numerous threads over the last 2 plus years have been made about the black lion chests and what’s in them.
ANet may give it to you.
It should be common knowledge. They are only good if you hope to get claim tickets out of them and statistics say you need to open 25 for one whole ticket.
if it only takes you 25 to get full ticket id say you was lucky. convert to gold buy item during its 1 ticket sale = win with gold leftover
But there is a chance that the carrot turns into a golden carrot, a 0.00000001% chance!
I should really flush my bank of all the junk from these moneybait things. I’m stockpiling boosters and all the rest of the junk I get from map completion keys. Seems my key drop rate has went down the pan too for map completion so Anet have no doubt fiddled with the drop rates again. You must pay for the junk you get now! YAY!
(edited by Paul.4081)
I wasn’t lucky, it’s statistics. A ticket has a drop chance of about 2 to 2.5%, and a ticket of about 25 to 30%. You need 10 scraps for a ticket, which means you get at least about 1 in 40 chests, which is at least 2.5 in 100. So now we combine these numbers to about 5% which means actually 1 in 20 is a whole ticket.
To check the numbers see here:
Last time I calculated it the numbers were a bit worse, which is why I came to 25 instead of 20 now, but it’s always between these two (check archive there too if you don’t believe it).
Why nobody in the community warns each other to not buy keys?
Uhm what? It’s common knowledge especially if you are active in the forums.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
If you ever bring up the subject of buying keys you’re guaranteed somebody will tell you they aren’t worth it, but if you don’t bring it up nobody can tell you that.
This is common knowledge to many players. It has been brought up time and time again how terrible this system is for players.
Spending gems to have a chance to get a ticket. And if you want something after its introduction period you need multiple tickets.
Or you get scraps which are also random. Which makes me believe they aren’t a back up incase of bad luck, if that was their purpose they’d be guarantee a drop. Then, even if you bought the cheapest option of 25keys for 2100 gems’, you are still paying 840gems to guarantee one ticket.
But no, the tickets are random. So I think they are just an other insidious system to bait people into buying more chests.
“Aw, poor you. You bought 25 keys and didn’t get a ticket. That’s rough buddy. But look, you got 8 scraps, that’s like almost a ticket. Why don’t you buy some more chests? You might get some more scraps, c’mon you’re soooo close!”
However people keep buying the keys, so arenanet isn’t going to change a thing. And then these players complain on the forums.
Smh i want to SPvP with a Warrior using Greatsword,,, i am that mad!!!!
You don’t like Booster’s?? btw. on the wiki there’s drop rate research being done on most containers in game.
Yep, useless to buy these keys. I would never ever buy this random generator behind a pay button.
I wasn’t lucky, it’s statistics. A ticket has a drop chance of about 2 to 2.5%, and a ticket of about 25 to 30%. You need 10 scraps for a ticket, which means you get at least about 1 in 40 chests,.
No, you dont get at least 1 in 40 chests. You get at least 0 in any number of chests.
On average a ticket might be generated for every 40 chests opened but an individual may see one in one, or zero in 100, etc.
I know OP will be upset but I never got the memo either, just recently started GW2, opened about 4 chests, on the 4th I got a Perma Hair Style kit.
Let me tell you what its like to be a fresh 80 with barely a clue how anything works got ahold of 1.5k gold.
I know OP will be upset but I never got the memo either, just recently started GW2, opened about 4 chests, on the 4th I got a Perma Hair Style kit.
You wouldn’t just upset the OP with that.
Rustling intensifies.
I did this too. I’m a very dumb kitten. I spent probably around $50 thinking it was going to be a great way to get back into the game after two years. I had no idea the drops were so bad. Anyway, no one to blame but me, but it stills sucks. Could have turned that $50 into a full set of bank tabs and tons of gold…
Luckily I did it during Lunar New Year, so I also got a ton of luck and some other stuff.
Sad thing is the ticket craps are…. ticket scraps are almost as rare as the tickets themselves. Typo’d that but I feel backspace isn’t necessary in this case. :P
If you aren’t interested in a random sampling of gem store boosters and items then don’t buy gems because that’s what the chests are.
Tickets and scraps are simply random “surprises” that you might find and if you find enough, by opening a massive amount of chests, then you can trade those for a ticket only weapon skin. Except every analysis shows that the number of keys needed, you would be better off trading those gems for gold to buy the skin you want directly.
So unless you get keys for free, or at a steep discount, it’s a fools errand to buy keys with gems if tickets (or the extremely rare contracts) are your sole goal.
RIP City of Heroes
Except every analysis shows that the number of keys needed, you would be better off trading those gems for gold to buy the skin you want directly.
Or you could join the many others who farm the keys off personal story, whom we probably have to thank for the skins being cheaper to buy off the TP in the first place.
Except every analysis shows that the number of keys needed, you would be better off trading those gems for gold to buy the skin you want directly.
Or you could join the many others who farm the keys off personal story, whom we probably have to thank for the skins being cheaper to buy off the TP in the first place.
Thank you for ignoring the next line in my post.
Except every analysis shows that the number of keys needed, you would be better off trading those gems for gold to buy the skin you want directly.
So unless you get keys for free, or at a steep discount, it’s a fools errand to buy keys with gems if tickets (or the extremely rare contracts) are your sole goal.
RIP City of Heroes