having problems playing with a friend

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tender Muffin.2306

Tender Muffin.2306

why is it that when we are grouped and around the same area, that one of us finishes the heart quest before the other? this is annoying, because sometimes there is a second part to it, which means my friend participates, but ultimately has to go back to complete the first quest. kind of defeats the purpose of grouping and sharing the rewards.

also, since i played a bit when the game first came out, apparently i’m able to collect the skill points in the starting areas and he is not, making me level faster and able to choose more skills than him. it’s pretty annoying for him. why can i do something that he can’t just because i have another character?

when we are joining each other’s living story quests, it’s annoying to also have to tell him exactly where i am porting to, wait for him to port to it, then walk over together, just so he gets the prompt to join my instance. is there a way around that?

anyways, my friend likes co-op games and he comments about how this game feels like even when grouped, you don’t feel the satisfaction of working together to complete anything, especially since our heart progress is often not synced even though we are close to each other

we do enjoy encountering skill point challenges and elite monsters, and actually do not enjoy other people joining. why? because with two of us, we are using all our skills and communicating with each other to bring him down. the minute other people (usually higher levels) join, it just becomes hit the guy until he hits you, then run away. boring

any recommendations to fixing these things? i haven’t leveled past 20 with all my characters, so maybe i missed something or it becomes more challenging for a 2 person team later on. i must say, i actually dont like the amount of players in the zones because it makes every possible hard encounter a steamroll

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


even in a party, you only get credit for mobs you tag, so if someone is killing faster than you, they will finish faster.

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You might see what weapon your friend is using and what weapon you are using. A ranger with a short bow won’t tag as many things as a guardian with a staff. However if the ranger changes to axes, then he’ll likely tag more things and finish events faster.

The rest of it sounds a whole lot like impatience to me. I run with guildies all the time and help them finish stuff.

Even if you finish a heart, you still get experience continuing to kill stuff in an area. You still get drops. The difference shouldn’t be so long.

As for skill points, that does only happen on your first character. It’s all nice that you want to rush your friend to keep up with you, but maybe he’s entitled to just experience that game too.

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3178


perhaps you could better do world explore. do 100% the city’s and the starter maps and your personal story, after that you are almost lvl 30
then you go roam with your friend in the world, but con’t forget to do personal and explore.

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


For the PS part, as long as your friend is in the same zone as you when you enter your PS instance, he will get the prompt to join you. This works for dungeons, fractals, LS, and the home instance in cities. So you don’t have to wait for him to get to your instance entrance, just for him to get in the map as a whole (for instance, if you are doing the Skritt research in Harathi, you have to get to the west side but he can just step inside Harathi from any direction). When you and he leave the instance, he’ll be back where he was.

This can be quite handy. If I have a friend starting the TA dungeon, I tend to wp to a fortress that has a merchant in it. I get the prompt, in I go, and when I exit I’m ready to repair and sell where I am.

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kartel.2561


That’s a thing I’ve never liked about hearts. It’s entirely a solo venture, everybody going at their own pace with no shared credit. Makes it a pain to run together with people and make sure everyone is caught up. This seems contrary to the entire philosophy of the rest of the game and I do not approve. Shared credit would make those things so much more enjoyable and less tedious.

As for story Instances, your party members just have to be in the same zone as you to get the Join prompt, not necessarily anywhere near you. I see no issue with this, though it would be nice if you could get the prompt from anywhere in the world.

Guild: Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Server: Tarnished Coast

having problems playing with a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


There are ways to speed up heart progress, even though they’re solo. For example, there are many hearts where you interact with something to spawn an enemy and each person can interact with the same thing separately but you can both then share the kill to progress those hearts.