hello need some begginer help

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jown.2314


well hello againe .. i just bought this game and i was wondering if u guys are kind enough to give me some tips about what class should i start playing that can be good in both pvp and pve cheers

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiennes.9568


If I would you, I’d find a class that you enjoy playing. You’ll get lots of posts about what is best in both scenarios and whilst there is some truth to it, I’d always pick a class I enjoyed to play, rather than the one that is “best”.

Try a few out, level each to 10 at least, perhaps beyond and get a feel for them. Perhaps you’ll prefer one over the other. I come across all different classes in PvP and PvE and if you’re not a “by the numbers” person, I honestly think you should play what you enjoy. From a PvE perspective it doesn’t matter that much, and all classes get kills in PvP. Some more than others, for sure – but it’s about your fun and enjoyment. Not about the numbers, right?

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: omerk.2709


Read about what the classes have to offer, and then, according to how you know yourself, choose.

I, for example, enjoy the melee range while being able to get hit a lot, which is why my main is a guardian. I also enjoy the occasional ranged combat while I have my personal support, which is the reason for my first alt being a ranger.

A friend of mine likes the magic type of ranged fighting, for which elementalist, mesmer or a necromancer get their spots.

As stated above, it’s about you, not the class.

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


there are a lot of novel builds which really break the RPG mold in this game. If you want novel, search the subforums for specific builds you might want to target.

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


Knowing that it’s the developer’s primary goal to make the classes all equal, I suggest you simply find one you like, not one someone tells you is “better” because they’re lying.

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


If I would you, I’d find a class that you enjoy playing.

The only acceptable answer that will ever be read here.

If you play to win, please leave and never return. There’s plenty of games for elitists that play to compensate.

On the other hand, if that’s how he enjoys playing, who are you to say otherwise? He paid his money just like you did, and from the sound of it I;d rather lose your attitude than his eagerness.

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Knowing that it’s the developer’s primary goal to make the classes all equal, I suggest you simply find one you like, not one someone tells you is “better” because they’re lying.

Better is indeed subjective.

Every class plays very differently, and has a completely different flow depending upon traits.

Don’t just rely on descriptions either. Try reading about and actually playing a couple levels on each toon.

I thought “oh god mesmer sounds unwieldy and fundamentally weak”, then I tried one and LOVED it.

hello need some begginer help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Hi and welcome!
As others have said try every class to get the feel and see what you like, what I have found is that each class can be played in various ways so it really is all about your own preferred play style.
Try them in PvE to see how they play in the world- if you want an idea of how a class will play at max level- take your character into the mists- there is a practice area were you can rest your skills on dummies and Npc’s and you will be leveled to 80.
Enjoy the game

Gunnar’s Hold