hints about mini-battles removed?
when ncsoft decides to stop harvesting players via rng boxes, then we might see mini battles in tyria.
stop trolling, please!
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
when ncsoft decides to stop harvesting players via rng boxes, then we might see mini battles in tyria.
What does RNG boxes have to do with this topic? Please don’t hi-jack threads to instigate a flame-fest.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
And this relates to this topic how?
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I definitely can’t wait for my Spooky Ghost or Karka to have mini battles!!
I’m usually typing on my phone
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
And this relates to this topic how?
Whats the point when the OP asks questions that can only ever be answered by speculation in the first place?
I find it hard to believe the thing will be any more fun than costume brawl where it’s go gemstore or go home.
at Op- I was listening to the dialogue at the mini arena just the other day- I think it was at the start of Dragon Bash, it was still there then, haven’t been back to check.
unless you are talking about something else?
The only place I know of is where there are ogres is at the jumping puzzle and I never made any connection with mini’s.
I hope we will see mini battles, it would be awesome.
What does RNG boxes have to do with this topic? Please don’t hi-jack threads to instigate a flame-fest.
And this relates to this topic how?
in my opinion, my perspective, it is related. somewhat related maybe. that is what i choose to believe in.
i am answering the question “Will we ever see Mini-battles in Tyria?” by the way. and i thought the mini-battles refers to mini-pets arena.
well, it has been 10 months already, and the only mini games we see are from limited time events, well, some may be annually events, i.e. mad king, wintersday, dragon bash. others seems one time, flame and frost, sky pirates.
i am guessing that the “mini pets” arena in lions arch is supposed to be one of the mini battles.
10 months have passed. why no progress? what we have been seeing more and more?
mad king event
- mad king weapons from RNG boxes via black lion chests
flame and frost event
- fused weapon tickets from RNG boxes via black lion chests
from this point onwards, no more RNG boxes via black lion chests, because black lion chest keys can be farmed via a free character slot. slowest is 50 minutes per key.
secret of southsun event
- organic weapon tickets from RNG boxes via south sun crates
dragon bash event
- dragon weapon tickets from RNG boxes via dragon coffers
what do i see here? RNG boxes! RNG boxes everywhere!
perhaps they got a very small team working on mini battles. i dunno. but within these 10 months, i see lots of RNG boxes. and to me, it feels like a lot of effort is put into marketing these RNG boxes. perhaps this is just me.
but anyway, i will continue to play, and wait for new content!
The mini-pet Arena is in Rata Sum, not LA, the Asura Gate “leading” there is under construction and has been under construction since release. With some clever jumping (and a Rez Orb) you can reach the actual Arena.
When they start dealing with more mini-games, like for example finish Bar Brawl, which already has achievements but no activity, we might see the mini pet arena as well.
Yup, Polymock is your best bet, the portal and the arena are already here, just the mechanics
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
Conspiracy theory does not make it fact. You’re stating delusions.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
Conspiracy theory does not make it fact. You’re stating delusions.
hmmm you got a good point.
but it has been 10 months, and i see more RNG boxes than mini battles.
can’t blame me for being delusional right?
anyway i’m still playing guild wars 2 everyday, though casually.
at Op- I was listening to the dialogue at the mini arena just the other day- I think it was at the start of Dragon Bash, it was still there then, haven’t been back to check.
unless you are talking about something else?
The only place I know of is where there are ogres is at the jumping puzzle and I never made any connection with mini’s.I hope we will see mini battles, it would be awesome.
That’s interesting, so this dialogue either pops up in certain intervalls or it has been removed with dragon bash… O_o.
Yes, I meant Urmaug’s Secret entrance… Those guys were talking about their minis if I remember correctly.
What do you think this removal means for us? Will we ever see Mini-battles in Tyria?
I wouldn’t hold my breath. Consider it all but dead. At the most, it may come in an expansion but since NCsoft is pouring it’s funds into WildStar atm…
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
Conspiracy theory does not make it fact. You’re stating delusions.
hmmm you got a good point.
but it has been 10 months, and i see more RNG boxes than mini battles.
can’t blame me for being delusional right?
anyway i’m still playing guild wars 2 everyday, though casually.
I also see a lot of content I like more than another minigame. I play GW2, not pokémon. A.net probably realized that minigames are not why people play MMOs.
Fact is, I played SAB once, didn’t play moa racing and play costume brawl only sporadically. As much as I like those minigames (and I love brawl), it’s not the game I want to play when I boot GW2.
PS, I’ve been playing GW2 casually for ten months, loving it. Loving it more than pokémon.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
What do you think this removal means for us? Will we ever see Mini-battles in Tyria?
I wouldn’t hold my breath. Consider it all but dead. At the most, it may come in an expansion but since NCsoft is pouring it’s funds into WildStar atm…
What is it with people and Wildstar, NCSoft and Dontain?
Don’t you guys get tired of all this conspiracy?
You realize he is just some random guy on you tube, right?
The sky is not falling
What do you think this removal means for us? Will we ever see Mini-battles in Tyria?
I wouldn’t hold my breath. Consider it all but dead. At the most, it may come in an expansion but since NCsoft is pouring it’s funds into WildStar atm…
What is it with people and Wildstar, NCSoft and Dontain?
Don’t you guys get tired of all this conspiracy?
You realize he is just some random guy on you tube, right?The sky is not falling
It’s not a difficult concept. The parent company can either split focus (GW2 Lineage, WildStar) or they can spend all of their efforts on attempting to make the most revenue by getting people to buy copies of their newest product. Eventually it will be anets turn again when it comes time for an expansion.
The mini-pet Arena is in Rata Sum, not LA, the Asura Gate “leading” there is under construction and has been under construction since release. With some clever jumping (and a Rez Orb) you can reach the actual Arena.
When they start dealing with more mini-games, like for example finish Bar Brawl, which already has achievements but no activity, we might see the mini pet arena as well.
South-east outside the fort, there is (was?) a clear circle with “pets” in it and the NPCs near talk of fighting them.
What do you think this removal means for us? Will we ever see Mini-battles in Tyria?
I wouldn’t hold my breath. Consider it all but dead. At the most, it may come in an expansion but since NCsoft is pouring it’s funds into WildStar atm…
What is it with people and Wildstar, NCSoft and Dontain?
Don’t you guys get tired of all this conspiracy?
You realize he is just some random guy on you tube, right?The sky is not falling
It’s not a difficult concept. The parent company can either split focus (GW2 Lineage, WildStar) or they can spend all of their efforts on attempting to make the most revenue by getting people to buy copies of their newest product. Eventually it will be anets turn again when it comes time for an expansion.
And I might as well say that in that case Aion funded the development of GW2.
I understand how companies work- but without facts all it is, is speculation.
This latest bout of speculation was brought on by a certain video as you well know.
NCSoft has always been parent company to Anet and GW didn’t seem to be having any problems getting funding- as long as the game is profitable it will be funded.
It is in everyone’s interest to keep on developing content for a successful game.
As far as I know GW2 payment model has exceeded expectations- but hey- I have no proof of that either.
BTW I have been following Wildstar and it seems to me to have a very different focus to GW2- being much more traditional, even though it shares some design elements.
What do you think this removal means for us? Will we ever see Mini-battles in Tyria?
I wouldn’t hold my breath. Consider it all but dead. At the most, it may come in an expansion but since NCsoft is pouring it’s funds into WildStar atm…
What is it with people and Wildstar, NCSoft and Dontain?
Don’t you guys get tired of all this conspiracy?
You realize he is just some random guy on you tube, right?The sky is not falling
It’s not a difficult concept. The parent company can either split focus (GW2 Lineage, WildStar) or they can spend all of their efforts on attempting to make the most revenue by getting people to buy copies of their newest product. Eventually it will be anets turn again when it comes time for an expansion.
You forgot the most correct option for a juggernaut like NCSoft:
Split focus (GW2, lineage, wildstar) and make the most revenue by releasing several successful products in 2014.
That’s not impossible for a company with over 3000 employees worldwide and a dedicated GW2 subsidiary with over 300 people. In fact, not splitting focus would be the bad option.
NCSoft isn’t one person. Neither is it one company.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
stop trolling, please!
what trolling? i am merely starting the facts.
at the moment, most of their man power are focused on living story content, which comes with rng boxes, which promotes gem sales.
And this relates to this topic how?
Whats the point when the OP asks questions that can only ever be answered by speculation in the first place?
I find it hard to believe the thing will be any more fun than costume brawl where it’s go gemstore or go home.
He’s got a point there, ANet claimed there would be no pay to win content in the gem store, but that apparently doesn’t extend to costume brawl, why should we think it will apply to mini-battles?
Mini battles would not be fair. I haz Rytlock. Although Kasmeer might be able to distract him … nah.
I would not hold my breath. Did A-net ever actually comment on that arena?
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”