how to acquire armor from the other orders

how to acquire armor from the other orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alastar.2863


So, I looked up and found a way to acquire armor from orders you DIDN’T join.

First, create another character to join another order,
buy the armor you want.
use a fine transmutation stone on the armor to get the stats of a WHITE/COMMON item, but the look of the order armor.
it becomes ACCOUNT BOUND instead of soul bound.
Place it in the bank.
switch to your other character, transmutate it again so that you get the look of the order armor and the stats of the armor you want.

From what I read, this USED to be possible with race cultural armor but anet fixed it, makes sense I could see some graphical errors being caused by, say, an Asura using Charr armor. I also read that it used to say “soul bound” still after the first transmutation until Anet fixed that.

From what I read it sounds like it IS allowed and Anet decided to keep it in, probably because you have to buy 2 fine transmutation stones to get it to work.

If this is NOT allowed I would like an Anet developer to let me know in a response to this.

Otherwise, enjoy!

how to acquire armor from the other orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


While this may/may not have been the intention of the developers, I can see no reason why this would NOT be allowed.
At the end of the day, these armor styles are just skins. They give no inherent bonuses to the players that are not obtainable from other order gear, or gear in general.

Also, the act of performing the above procedure requires Transmutation stones. The stones are obtained through personal story, BLC Chests, monthly, but this is rare. It would often require a player short on stones to: 1) Transfer gold to gems for the purpose of buying the appropriate stone(s), or 2) Use Real Life Cash to buy gems for stones.

Really at the end of the day, does anyone REALLY Care if a player who is Order of Whispers has a few Vigil skins on his toon? (outside of the roleplaying servers, of course).

Now if I’m wrong and the Developers change this and lock it down, it is my hope that anyone who has done this is ‘grandfathered’ in, and allowed to keep their gear in its current form.

how to acquire armor from the other orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenix.7845


If this is NOT allowed I would like an Anet developer to let me know in a response to this.

There is a thread in the forums where devs say that it’s okay to do this

how to acquire armor from the other orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Yeah, I asked this same question weeks ago, I didn’t get a dev response but apparently someone else in the thread wanted to know bad enough that they opened up a ticket. The moderator that responded to the ticket said it was not considered an exploit and was allowed.