how to be the best

how to be the best

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Midgard.1235



ok my question is simple. HOW TO BE THE BEST IN GUILD WARS 2? other games have ranking systems and stuff but how to be the best in guild wars 2? pvp seems to have no reward at all. pve stuff is easy to farm even for casuals. how to become epic in guild wars 2? (lets put aside all that dungeon item crap because it is very easy to get)

Best Warrior US

how to be the best

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Say you have a 50cm kitten

how to be the best

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relentless.5678


You ARE the best. You play a hero!

how to be the best

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


Be the best at being an awesome player! Go out of your way to:

1) Revive fallen players
2) Help new players beat champion mobs
3) Be nice and answer questions in map chat
4) Run dungeons with noobs and show them how to win
5) Talk to everyone you meet as you explore
6) Be helpful in every way you can

Being the most awesome player around is a type of progression very few go for, so it is rare. It is the best end game ever devised and it never ends.

how to be the best

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivelakes.3985


Epic, hmm… would you settle for slightly above average? Actually that’s a lie, its just average. Well its actually below average, but here’s the good news, since no one can see what your contributing to any given event, no one will know… or care.

Have a precise, well thought out character build? Great!

Picked all your traits with your eyes closed? Also great!

Like standing in the back auto attacking? Guess what, that’s great too!

Seriously though, Its a mixed bag this. No status, means no one feels less than anyone else, but then no one has a reason to do more then the barest. And if you are trying harder even though no one will know, then your a better player then most, and your probably just in-game enjoying yourself and not rummaging around the internet trying to figure how to make others recognize your epicness.