how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slayv.7146


Here is how you too can get proof nothing is being done about the botting problem.
Simply add bots to your friends list and set nickname to BOT. I have some on there i have reported 10-15 times in a 3 week period.

This is deeply disappointing and id enjoy to be wrong.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Need this really be explained again?

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slayv.7146


I wasn’t aware its been explained before? please fill me in?

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Need this really be explained again?

Yes. How long does it take to go the centaur bridge in Kessex and swing the banhammer?

30 seconds.

Relog an hour later and repeat. Do that 3x a night for a week. That’s one problem spot solved and probably a 1,000 RMT accounts.

It took me 5 minutes and 12s to kill all the bots there.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Oh, then I apologize for my brash reply.

Rather than banning bots manually, they’re working on ways to detect bot activity, so they can ban them more efficiently.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

There are a few things to consider before botting.

First of all, a vast majority of botting accounts are “hacked” or stolen accounts. ArenaNet could be trying to give the account back to the original owner.

Second of all, all report features are done via an ArenaNet employee. Players are innocent until proven guilty and there is a lot more than you’d realize that goes into if a player should be banned or not.

Lastly, there are rumors that ArenaNet is going to do a mass ban, to get all the bots out at once. If they just banned one account, a new one would sprout up and start botting again and its an endless war. A mass ban gets rid of all bots at once. Thus, if a single person is botting with multiple accounts, it’ll take them longer to get all bots up and going instead of just banning one, while the other is still up, and the other still being up continues to spam gold selling sites and what not and by the time that one gets banned, a new one is already up.

Who knows. But to improperly blame ArenaNet for getting nothing done is stupid. They’re working on it. They’ve told us this. You just have to be patient. It’s much more of a burden for them than it is to us.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slayv.7146


There are a few things to consider before botting.

First of all, a vast majority of botting accounts are “hacked” or stolen accounts. ArenaNet could be trying to give the account back to the original owner.

Second of all, all report features are done via an ArenaNet employee. Players are innocent until proven guilty and there is a lot more than you’d realize that goes into if a player should be banned or not.

Lastly, there are rumors that ArenaNet is going to do a mass ban, to get all the bots out at once. If they just banned one account, a new one would sprout up and start botting again and its an endless war. A mass ban gets rid of all bots at once. Thus, if a single person is botting with multiple accounts, it’ll take them longer to get all bots up and going instead of just banning one, while the other is still up, and the other still being up continues to spam gold selling sites and what not and by the time that one gets banned, a new one is already up.

Who knows. But to improperly blame ArenaNet for getting nothing done is stupid. They’re working on it. They’ve told us this. You just have to be patient. It’s much more of a burden for them than it is to us.

i considered this before making this post, some of the account names are clearly not hacked accounts, for example, defgs.1472 and then another character right next to him that is defgi.1298.

If what the post above says is true, i hope they work this out soon and get a system in place to ban these guys cause they are destroying the economy with inflation.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Oh worry not. I’m sure someone is watching their hair fall out over this.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Do you get paid to go around looking for Bots? why do you care its not like there ruining any economy getting Karma lol i don’t think the mass greys that sell for copper are really brining in the china income lol…

And because of this Botter QQ the poor company known as ANET went for the quick fix which was DR everything in the game now i just log out after an hour because im DR’d and go watch a movie didn’t think i would quit an MMO faster than SWTOR but it looks like its going down. Anet should concentrate on putting out some new content shouldn’t be bored 1 month in.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player.9621


the excuse of these being ‘hacked’ accounts is total rubbish
its too bad for them and the problem is live in game.
just like the gold sellers they are always there and never go away.
i do find irony that they banned so many for their mistake with the karma wep pricing, yet they let these clowns run free for weeks, and implement DR which punishes us all.
go figure

(edited by Player.9621)

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


the excuse of these being ‘hacked’ accounts is total rubbish
its too bad for them and the problem is live in game.
just like the gold sellers they are always there and never go away

The real gold sellers are playing Pandaland, Swtor, and Diablo you make 3-5x more money per hour irl currency wise.. This game is Anti Farmer everyone who played GW1 knew that coming in there is really no money to be made in this game the only people who are using bots are doing it probably because they dont want to level an alt to 80 or to lazy to farm karma? not really game breaking have yet to see any in WvWvW so i don’t really care.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sainguine.2870


Bots have always and will always be around to infest MMO’s. It is what it is and nothing can change that.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: franktheemt.4036


To be honest.. with how many things need attention in the game at this time I don’t think bots should even be looked at. The don’t affect me even the slightest and I would much rather see game improvements.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


You cannot prove a negative. You cannot prove they are doing “nothing” because you do not have access to their computer systems and employees.

Arenanet is not doing what you want them to do. That is very different, and people posting here have incredibly unrealistic opinions regarding their own importance. They are not going to do what you want them to do, and 10 or 1000 threads complaining about it is going to have exactly the same effect: nothing at all.

The bots will be banned, in time. On Arenanet’s schedule, not yours.

Please continue wasting your time.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HellHound.5480



the excuse of these being ‘hacked’ accounts is total rubbish
its too bad for them and the problem is live in game.
just like the gold sellers they are always there and never go away.
i do find irony that they banned so many for their mistake with the karma wep pricing, yet they let these clowns run free for weeks, and implement DR which punishes us all.
go figure

Unfortunately, its not rubbish. I can say that almost 100% of all bots, gold spammers, etc. are from hacked accounts. While I am not a GM for ANet, as a previous employee of Activision Blizzard, and working as an In-Game Customer Support (i.e. Game Master) for little over 2 years, every one of those botters or spammers we would come across from a report in WoW was a legitimate player’s account that was stolen.

As well, if you look into the logistics of it, why, as a gold selling company (yes, they are legitimate companies that utilize illegitimate means), why would I spend $60 per account when I know that they will eventually close it.. I would have to make a huge gold profit margin to offset the cost of continually purchasing new accounts.

But if I decide to just use stolen accounts, there is no margin needed. Even if I get $10 in sold gold that is stolen, its still a profit for me.

As long as there is a market of players out there who will purchase gold, then they will continue to have an incentive to steal accounts. And its not hard at all to steal anyone’s account really.

Between social engineering, simple keylogging, and mostly just utilizing passwords that you use on 3rd party sites, they are able to get into player’s accounts with ease. Gold sellers already know that a good majority of human beings use the same password for everything. If your on your 3rd party guild site, and you have to login there, all they need to do is just get the password lists from that site. There was a study that found, I think, around 80-85% of people who use a password to login to “Joe’s Guild Website”, are using that very same password to login to their favorite games.

The rest can be caught with fake emails, and a very small amount are caught with keyloggers.

Hey, as long as you have a market for players to want to buy gold, then they will be here to stay.

And honestly, I would be more harsh to the player who purchases said gold, then to the botters and spammers really. Whats the point punishing the people who really could care less (and to them, its a job). I would rather go after the players who perpetuate this and keep these gold sellers in business

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


The only thing this proves is that the OP has no idea what he’s talking about.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevens the lucky.2913

Sevens the lucky.2913

I should really open me a tin foil hat shop
I would make Bill Gates weep with all the mad bank I’d be pulling in
I tell you what

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


Banning bots one by one is kitten They will just make another one and Arenanet would just be banning bots forever without ever fixing the problem.
Bots have to be studied because along with spammer they are the only visible part of a RMT netwrok.

Were talking about a real industry of people who did this for decade in the majority of MMO now, not just a few nerds who bot while they are at school.

If they ever want to hurt and limit them, they have to ban all the bots, spammer and money holder associated to the same group at the same time and make sure that it become harder for them to just create new one. If they just ban bots and not the money holder, they still can sell gold and make new bots. This would never achieve anything other than wasting real money for Anet and make a player happy that the bot he reported is not online anymore.

But by the time he realize the bot he reported got banned, the RMT company have another one running.

how to get proof nothing is being done about botting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.1462



As I see has been already stated, bot discussion can be found here
Creating this topics serves no purpose nor does help, so in the future please refrain from making them.
Thanks for helping us keep the forums clean. THis thread is closed.