hows the high level game?

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darbok.3752


so I"m working on my archer to max level, I know the expac is coming out, when a character reaches max level I know there is alot of pvp things to do, but is there/will there be things for pve players to do, traditional raid style or other things? don’t get me wrong I like leveling in this game, i just wonder when one reaches max level what will there be for a pve player? thanks.

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyan.1593


- running dungeons to get gold and tokens for weapons and armor (or skins)
- achievements (which i personaly love to do)
- farming / buying skins
- crafting ascended armor and weapons
- crafting legendary weapons (takes a lot of time!)
- complete personal story (also season 2)
- playing living story content (i guess you have to wait for HoT release)
- fractals (higher levels require agony resistance, you buy or craft them, and with HoT fractals get an update!)
- map completion and exploring hidden places
- guild missions and bounty
- jumpingpuzzles
- playing as a ranger: getting all pets aviable
- beating all the world bosses (for triple trouble worm there is a TS-community, just look it up)
- maybe trying out other classes?
- raids not yet implemented, maybe with HoT?

doing the achievements is my favourite because it feels a bit like a random adventure.
btw with HoT comes a lot more and new content to expand and improve the endgame.

“Bagh Nakh! Bagh Nakh!”
– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrooksP.4318


Outside of level 80 zones like Silverwastes, Orr, and Drytop the GW2 “endgame” is nothing more than what you did when you are leveling. PVP isn’t even dependant on level cap since you are upscaled regardless of level.

In short GW2 endgame is the same as leveling but with more traits and not having to cycle armor.

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odyssey.6523


Dungeons are unlocked by leveling so in a sense I suppose a few of them are considered end game. Also a few map areas, southsun, silverwaste and dry top were added specifically for level 80. Living Story season 2 was built around being 80 if you purchase it and will probably give you up to 30 hours of story to play through not to mention achievements and some other extras.

Other than that not much content is level gated. That said, especially for a new player, there is a ton of content in this game. You will find new things to pursue all the time that you never even thought of on the way to 80. So don’t worry about things getting dry.

Now for those that have been around a while things are trending now a bit repetitive with no new content recently but that should ease with HoT soon.

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I"m working on my archer

I think there are some bits of my skull lodged in my desk…maybe I should go to the hospital…

On topic: Plenty of things to do. Map completion, living story, achievements, ascended gear, dungeons, fractals, pvp, wvw, etc.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darbok.3752


Whats wrong with having an archer as a first time character?

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odyssey.6523


Nothing, except there is no “archer” class. Typically you are a ranger, a warrior, or a thief, but not specifically an archer…

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: piano man.1672

piano man.1672

The devs tried creating GW2 so that most of the endgame content is available to all at every level. They’ve locked out new players from some of it, such as adding level requirements for PvP, WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, and Season Storylines, but aside from those (and up until you hit those level requirements), pretty much everything else that you do is what you do at endgame.

EDIT: Would like to add that the Heart of Thorns expansion is expanding on end-game content: adding a new storyline, mastery system, specializations, new boss battles, and “challenging group content” that has yet to be revealed.

Kharros 80 Warr | Dead on Revival 80 Necro | Yoxx 80 Guard | Khoton 80 Thief | Thera Majere 80 Ele

(edited by piano man.1672)

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darbok.3752


ok so I may have used the wrong term in saying archer, but you knew what I meant.

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrooksP.4318


ok so I may have used the wrong term in saying archer, but you knew what I meant.

Yes people like to nitpick and get defensive when you use general terms for things. Like calling a warrior or guardian a tank will cause an uproar or even calling a Ele a mage. While GW2 does diversify classes to some degree, they really aren’t unique enough to not be considered under normal generalizations. Saying an archer or hunter most will assume Ranger, others will rage

Welcome to GW2.

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odyssey.6523


I wasn’t offended so don’t worry about it. Anyway, if you need help in game feel free to message me. I like to help new players.

hows the high level game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


I see archer that would be a warrior then longbow and no pet
hunter that would be ranger since longbow and pet