i love gw2-but not limited time events
I agree with OP. In a slightly related topic, I would like to know if GW2 is going to continue with one-time events. My issue with one-time events is similar to short time-limited events. I really disagree with limiting them to one-time or one-day. These events are generally buggy and time restrictions just exacerbate the issue of exclusion. I support this game and look forward to experiencing content. Having the GW2 Team tell me when I can play is unreasonable on its face and just mean when you add-in bugs, lag and d/c’ing.
I like limited timed events. In most mmo, limited time events are like those special occasions that excites and makes players feel anticipated. The anticipation feeling is like looking forward to watch solar eclipses or olympics.
The only issue I have is they should expand the time between each phases. Imo, 24 hours between each phases was too short to counter inevitable bugs and other problems. Halloween time length between phases was fine.
Limited events are …. well, okay but usually a big no-no in a MMO. Players in MMOs – especially one which were going to be like GW2 – want to experience content when they choose.
Limited events which provide huge rewards is just an insult to those who can’t play at a predetermined time dictated by ANet. It shows they’re not as valued customers as those who can give up real life to log in at a dictated time.
Instancing and account-bound entry …. a possibility to make such events and let them run a bit longer so people actually get to experience content.
Maybe I’ve just not played as many MMOs as I thought, but I’ve seen a lot of Limited time events. Where all the content, and drops, and prizes was only available for a limited time. But usually all the drops and prizes end up being available for everyone during the time frame. And the time frame is usually long enough gives people from everywhere (different timezones, important stuff to do) a chance at them as well – anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks.
The One-Time event that just happened for the Lost Shores is something I haven’t really seen much. Where to get the prizes, you have to be online at some very specific time or else miss out on them completely.
I appreciate the time and effort ANet puts into these events. I understand that ANet has chosen what they believe are best times to run one-shot/limited timed events; trying to accommodate as many players as possible. But these events are horrible as they exclude and alienate a lot of players like myself, who have real life obligations.
I’ve come to loathe the game every time a limited event is announced; because I know that I will most likely miss it, and would have to hear about all the stuff I missed out on when I do manage to get online. Bit by bit, these moments just makes me less interested in logging in again because I feel like I just got slapped in the face.
I didn’t like the Lost Shores limited event. It bugged out on my server and I wasn’t able to get past phase 1. I was also unable to do the final event because of RL obligations (work). Limited time events are fine if they stick around for a week or so. They’re also pretty cool when they actually work. Limiting them to a specific time on a specific day is also very, very stupid. Yes, I said stupid, because it is what it is. Stupid.
(edited by Kravick.4906)
One time events are fine if the event is over a weekend when everyone can participate, but holding it at a time thats terrible for a LOT of players (2-4am monday morning aussies etc) Is terrible.