im getting bored

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jihm.2315


what to do when you are bored?
i did dungeons i have to wait two more days to craft my celestial helmet.
wvw is getting smacked by a spanish blob.
spvp has no rewards at the moment.
when is new patch coming out?
im really starting to get bored….

action combat made mmos better lol

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


playing other games? doing something fun in life?
People have to understand that just because they play an MMO, they don’t need to be fully addicted to it. Man, try to enjoy different things, there will never be a game that will keep you statisfied.

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunchbox.6970


I know that a VERY small percentage of the people who play GW2 actually read the forums and then a very small percentage of those people actually post on the forums. With that said, it seems the majority of the people who do post on the forums have nothing good to say about the game…. SO WHY ARE THEY PLAYING IT?!? Go find a different game to play if you don’t like this one and stop being toxic and unhelpful on these forums! If ANet isn’t living up to your expectations, then leave, nobody will miss you, including ANet.

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Playing other games is, of course, an option. Another otion is to ask yourself: What have I not done yet (at least much)? Try something out of your box, you may like it, you may dislike it, but you will not be bored.

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jihm.2315


i dont like other games i played every mmo you can imagine, maybe i will do jumping puzzles till the wvw resets and i hope they add rewards to spvp soon..

action combat made mmos better lol

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vampirate.7054


The Everquest 2 are worst than GW2

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunchbox.6970


i dont like other games i played every mmo you can imagine, maybe i will do jumping puzzles till the wvw resets and i hope they add rewards to spvp soon..

Then perhaps you need to stop playing MMOs. Nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to play MMOs (are they?). Why would you continue to participate in an activity that you don’t enjoy? Not only that, but it sounds like you have spent tens of thousands of dollars buying games if you have tried every MMO out there. Seems like a big waste if you don’t enjoy ANY of them. The problem here is not that GW2 doesn’t have enough to do, the problem is you.

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


@ Lunchbox: I hope there’s no rule about crossposting. I saw your post verbatim elsewhere.

Boredom strikes people at different times, and for different reasons. There are lots of things to do in-game, but not everyone is happy with what there is.

If you find yourself standing around, and everything that you can think of is meh, then maybe it’s simply time for a break. Go outside, play another game, watch TV, interact with other humans, or knit tea cozies. It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s NOT playing Gw2. Come back in a couple weeks with the new feature patch and see if it’s still boring or if you’re excited about the game again.

Good luck to you.

Level 80 Elementalist

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


You could always listen to Iggy Pop. He’s the chairman of the Bored.

im getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


i dont like other games i played every mmo you can imagine, maybe i will do jumping puzzles till the wvw resets and i hope they add rewards to spvp soon..

You do realize that there are other genres of games besides MMOs right?

If I spent my spare time only playing one game day in and day out I would get bored pretty quick, regardless of what game it is. GW2 is no different.

“Man I’m so bored of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I eat them every day.”

“Well, then eat something else!”

“I’ve tried every other brand of peanut butter! JIF is the best, so I dunno, I guess I’ll just cut it into different shapes then eat it until they come out with a new style of JIF peanut butter.”

I mean….come on…

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….