instant trait reset
Nah, don’t worry, Anet is listening to us, the players. We asked for templates, we got this, I mean, it’s basically the same, right? Right?
Oh wait, no it’s not. It’s pretty useless and overpriced. I can see a niche use for solo dungeon runners that want to change their traits mid-dungeon, but that’s about it.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
So, we can buy an instant trait reset for 70 gems (~4g) at the traiding post, while it costs a few silver to reset trait points in LA. But the price is not what i want to discuss right now.
Since the start of gw2 i was hoping that some day we will have the possibilities to change and save our weapons, traits, skills.. wherever and whenever we want, just like in gw1 (Maybe with a few restrictions like dungeons or so). I think with this step my hopes that we could see this feature in the near future are shattered. You are always talking about how we can play what we want. Is this really a necessary money sink? We can already change weapons and skills at any time, so why keep this restriction on traits? Also i think people would be more likely to try out new builds and test them in different situations. with the upcoming balance update you said you want to encourage new builds. So why this useless restriction? i can see no harm in it and i’m sure it would make a lot of people very happy.
I have to agree. It’s disappointing, to say the least.
It’s particularly bizarre to put this in before putting in any ability to save templates or the like, because the only time I could ever foresee myself wanting to blow 4g to retrait would be when I was in a totally insane hurry, and I sure as heck wouldn’t have time to mess around with carefully re-spending all my trait-points if I was in that kind of hurry!
The way I see it build templates and the instant trait reset are completely different items.
Build Templates
Have exactly the same restrictions as changing your build manually. They don’t let you change your build outside of towns and outposts, they don’t let you use skills or attribute points you haven’t earned. All they do is save you having to remember all your builds and let you change it all in a couple of clicks instead of setting everything manually.
Instant Trait Reset
Does not save your builds. In spite of the name it still doesn’t swap them instantly, it just removes your current build and then you have to put the new one in manually. The only thing it does do is let you change your build outside of cities (and without finding one of the few trainers in an explorable area).
They could quite easily have both in the same game because there is no cross-over between the two. The only issue would be would you have to use a trait reset item/talk to a trainer and then use the template to load your new build, or would the cost be built into the template?
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
So, we can buy an instant trait reset for 70 gems (~4g) at the traiding post, while it costs a few silver to reset trait points in LA. But the price is not what i want to discuss right now.
Since the start of gw2 i was hoping that some day we will have the possibilities to change and save our weapons, traits, skills.. wherever and whenever we want, just like in gw1 (Maybe with a few restrictions like dungeons or so). I think with this step my hopes that we could see this feature in the near future are shattered. You are always talking about how we can play what we want. Is this really a necessary money sink? We can already change weapons and skills at any time, so why keep this restriction on traits? Also i think people would be more likely to try out new builds and test them in different situations. with the upcoming balance update you said you want to encourage new builds. So why this useless restriction? i can see no harm in it and i’m sure it would make a lot of people very happy.
i mean, srsly, anet, what’s the deal here?!
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
And to think they removed the 10 silver version (basic training manual) and now put it back for 4g? Lol.
Just when you thought Anet couldn’t put anything more ridiculous in the gem shop this happens.
Just when you thought Anet couldn’t put anything more ridiculous in the gem shop this happens.
Well you know there is the transmutation stone reset thingy…
Because you know, you buy a transmuted weapon and want to change it back to its original look.. Oh wait
I would actually buy it if it was an unlimited Account wide unlock. Pay 800 gems and be able to reset the traits anytime on any character on my account. Not this stupid 1 time use.