is ANET considering having SEA server?
Short answer, not that we know of.
Longer answer if they haven’t done it yet it’s unlikely they will now.
They did open chinese server recently so its not completely impossible, also SEA have 600+ million people and online gaming has been growing since 2003
It is completely impossible. They opened the Chinese server, because legally they couldn’t have copies in China without doing so, and China has 9 billion people.
Australia and New Zealand and SEA in general has always been able to buy Guild Wars 2 legally and use it here.
You think that 600 million people is a huge market, but it’s really not, since most of us who are going to play already bought the game.
It’s been out for 2.5 years.
China wasn’t just a server park it was a complete rewrite of the game to customize it for Chinese law and culture. It was a new market for Anet.
This is an existing market. There’s no reason for them to spend the money. And I’m in Australia, btw.
Ok nvm… Btw china has 1.4 billion people, while the world has around 6b few years ago… just saying
No idea where the 9 billion number came up, I knew it was high, but I just picked one at random. It wasn’t worth googling.
My point is it was a completely new market for Anet, and we’re not.
If they did I wouldn’t move there and I doubt any of my guildies would either. It’s way too late for some us. Plus they’d need three servers to accommodate WvW. It might make for smaller or less zergs but would divide the customer base a little too much.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Actually I think I know where I got the nine billion number from. It’s that Monty Python song I like Chinese where they said there’s 900,000,000 of them. Just stuck in my head, I suppose. Bad interpolation.
What Zenleto said is the other part that I forgot. This has been discussed multiple times since launch on the forums, which is why I responding with certainty.
I have chinese friends playing gw2 way before chinese server started so i think they cant be considered new market while SEA isn’t… Also I only learned about gw2 18 months ago, so i wasn’t sure if this was already discussed.
I think mod can close this now since it has already been discuss 2 years ago
Mounts, capes, and the trinity get talked about every couple of days so we might as well keep this open! Just because we’ve talked about it before doesn’t mean its not worth discussing now. Even if the answer is No.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I hope not, because I’ll miss you.
I would assume that they are considering all possibilities, but there simply isn’t enough demand for a SEA server for it to be worth investing in it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
As of right now, NA and Chinese clients are planned. When everything is set and the info is given they will make more clients. I think I heard Colin say this in an interview.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
Wouldn’t there then be a WvW issue. You would need a minimum of 3 Sea Servers to cover Red, Blue and Green in WvW and if you only had three you would constantly fight the same 2 servers all the time.
Would the the Sea servers be just added to the NA rotation? And then if so, wouldn’t there still be a lag issue?
The Sea. client would get a big list of it’s own servers, I am assuming translations of ours perhaps? And then it would/should work out just like NA/EU/Chinese (I don’t know what the abbreviation for Chinese is ;P)
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
China has 9 billion people.
Hahaha good one mate, more like 1.35 billion.