is legendary armour a new tier or not ?
Legendary is the same as ascended but with the ability to change the stats when you want. Not a new tier
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
Nope, because it’s just convenience thing and does not cause power creep in any form.
no one consider legendary weapon a new tier. So I’m not sure why you think legendary armor is a new tier.
You might as well keep the infusion in the ascended armor and just use transmuation charge on it. You can’t change rune in legendary armor anyway.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality
it’s not a higher tier, it’s purely a convenience and bragging rights thing, much like legendary weapons being no better than ascended weapons.
it’s no different to switching gear sets, if anything it’s better, you make a legendary light armor set, boom, you now have an account bound set of light armor with any set of stats you want, and will never have to farm for any future higher tiers.
change character? you already have a set of ascended level gear for everything but rings, accessories, back, breather, and neck.
change build? just swap the stats and you’re good to go.
ANet release gear above exotics? legendary automatically updates to that new tier.
so my feelings: legendary gear is awesome, it is a long term goal with rewards that make it worthwhile getting, but not being mandatory in comparison to other gear.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality
Ascended WAS a new tier (and generated quite the backlash) but legendary won’t be. Legendary equipment merely equals the top available tier, but allows free stat reselection (and a unique skin with special effects)
ok im prety anoyed at legendary armour for a few reasons and this is proly the main reason why
Anet promised us there was not going ot be a new tier of armour many times on the run up to HoT release
now many of you are proly gona say legendary armour has no better stats than ascended and there for is not is a new tier of armour
myselff i dont agree with that, way i see it legendary armour will have the ability to switch stats and that alone makes it a higher quality therefor it is indeed a new tier of armour
and this anoys me because a couple months back i crafted good infusions with +5 power +5 AR and this cost me about 1k roughly to do so and now im looking at haveing to make legendary armour and pay roughly 300g on gems to remove the infusions from my current armour
for a long time i didnt wana add these to my armour knowing HoT was comeing and the chance there might be a new tier of armour so Anet keeps telling us not to worry there wont be a new tier and then they go and do thiswhats your feelings on this do you think legendary is a higher tier ?
it is just a stats switchable gear at ascended level, with probably awesome skin… that’s all… not any higher tier…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Infinite stat changing isn’t nearly as good as you think it is.
Well considering I switched my legendary to zerker and it has been there EVER since, I only think this is cosmetics?
Other then the skin It is the same as an ascended armor, Most characters are ALLWAYS the same build for me. BUT, very big but, if you cannot switch gear in RAIDS you will be able to switch stats? or not?
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality
Way to go.. you answered your own question and then argued with yourself over your own answer…
Do you do much debating in real life, maybe politics would be a good line for you
Its a cosmetics and convenience feature, it’s not a gear power creep .. in fact, as you rightly said you don’t even need to have it if you don’t feel you want it.. how much more simple can that be for you.
To be fair. Legendary is another tier of gear. Rare is yellow, Exotic is orange, Ascended is pink and Legendary is purple. Ascended is harder to get that Exotic and Legendary is harder to get that Ascended.
But a new tier of gear isn’t what people hate and that Anet promise to not add to the game. What we don’t want is power creep by adding more powerful tier of gear. Legendary isn’t more powerful, it’s just cosmetic and quality of life.
It’s just cosmetic. It’s not even a qol bump unless runes become swappable as well.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour qualityAscended WAS a new tier (and generated quite the backlash) but legendary won’t be. Legendary equipment merely equals the top available tier, but allows free stat reselection (and a unique skin with special effects)
It wasn’t the ascended armor itself that was the problem but the need for it and agony resistance in fractcals. The biggest problem is the vertical gating where a gimmicky mechanic, not lack of skill gets you killed in the higher (and even lower) levels. A major problem with ascended gear is it isn’t infused right out of the gate and to infuse it you need to run the fractals. This forces the player to find people actually willing to run lower levels to get the reward level higher and farm for infused mats. There’s agony resist infusions on the TP which is good, but they’re a tease since you can’t actually use them.
A simple fix would be as soon as ascended gear is crafted give it an infusion slot immediately and do away with reward levels, so if your first fractal is 40 you’ll still obtain level 40 rewards. If you’re good enough to clear it then don’t you deserve it anyway? Traditional gating and its problems breaks the base, you have people who’ll only do higher fractals and who can blame them? The rewards are better. Get rid of agony resistance and reward gating then everyone geared and researched appropriately can do the higher up fractals.
An even better fix would be getting rid of agony entirely, but that doesn’t seem on the books unfortunately. :(
OP The legendary armor is everything else but not a new tier of gear.New tier means it is stronger than the previous one.And that is not the case with the legendaries in GW2 they have the same stats as the ascended.
Nope, because it’s just convenience thing and does not cause power creep in any form.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
Legendary is not a new tier.
Legendary has been in the game since launch, the fact it was missing major parts of that tier don’t negate the fact that the “tier” Legendary existed.
Ascended did not and was added later, and in order not to negate the work people put into legendaries they were bumped up to equal the newly added ascended.
The cosmetic aspect is supposed to be the primary and only benefit from legendary.
So its about time the stat swapping was removed, as the problem it was added to get around has been resolved entirely. Even just that convenience is more than legendary should have.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
New tier? Legendary tier items have been in the game since launch. They’ve always been top stats and option to swap. They are just finally getting around to adding armor, whereas up until now it has only been weapons.
So I guess the answer is no, it’s not a new tier, it’s the same tier its been since the day the game came out…
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Considering the work that goes into legendaries the ability to stat swap should stay. If anything armor needs stat swapping abilities so you wouldn’t have to farm or buy more mats to craft yet another set of gear but with different stats. If you’re going into a situation where you need soldier’s swap to soldier’s, if you’re going into a situation where berzerker is optimal go with that. It maximizes flexibility solving many issues.
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Higher tier = higher stats
Legendary stats = Ascended stats
→ no higher tier
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.
The stats swap on Legendary was added because before each Legendary had one stats. So I remember when I crafted my Sunrise it was Soldier stats. This problem would still be there today if they remove the stats swap. My Sunrise would be Soldier stats and I would need to craft a Ascended and then transmute my legendary on that ascended.
Make no sense that you need to craft both an Ascended and a Legendary just to have the right stats on your Legendary. They could change the swap stats to a one time thing. Like you craft your legendary, you choose your stats once and then you can swap them to something else. I wouldn’t mind that, but is it that important?
I rather that they also include a sigil swapping system personally.
But will a reskinned ascended still give legendary footsteps?
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.
No that is not the reason why stat swapping was added. It was added with the launch of ascended weapons.
to explain the situation before ascended weapons. You had transmutation crystals. (so although there wasn’t a wardrobe, you could swap skins). Legendary weapons had exotic stats and you could simply acquire a new exotic weapon and use a crystal to merge the legendary with the new stats. So with crystals you could use whatever stat you want, for the cost of an exotic weapon and a crystal.
When ascended weapons where launched. it was needed to upgrade legendary to those stats, but cause ascended weapons where a lot harder to obtain, it would loose the ease of changing stats on legendary. So the stat swap function was added.
So your point is invalid cause before and after the wardrobe introduction it was possible to put the skin on any weapon. It was implemented cause creating an ascended weapon just to change the stats on a legendary was too high.
I respect your opinion that legendary weapons should be cosmetic only (though I disagree), but the wardrobe didn’t change anything bout that. They made this decission. I find it a good one, you a bad one.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
But will a reskinned ascended still give legendary footsteps?
Yes they do. I have a couple ascended with legendary skin for alts and alternative stats/sigil configuration.
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.The stats swap on Legendary was added because before each Legendary had one stats. So I remember when I crafted my Sunrise it was Soldier stats. This problem would still be there today if they remove the stats swap. My Sunrise would be Soldier stats and I would need to craft a Ascended and then transmute my legendary on that ascended.
Make no sense that you need to craft both an Ascended and a Legendary just to have the right stats on your Legendary. They could change the swap stats to a one time thing. Like you craft your legendary, you choose your stats once and then you can swap them to something else. I wouldn’t mind that, but is it that important?
I rather that they also include a sigil swapping system personally.
Yeah, should be a one time thing. Bam, problem solved.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.No that is not the reason why stat swapping was added. It was added with the launch of ascended weapons.
to explain the situation before ascended weapons. You had transmutation crystals. (so although there wasn’t a wardrobe, you could swap skins). Legendary weapons had exotic stats and you could simply acquire a new exotic weapon and use a crystal to merge the legendary with the new stats. So with crystals you could use whatever stat you want, for the cost of an exotic weapon and a crystal.When ascended weapons where launched. it was needed to upgrade legendary to those stats, but cause ascended weapons where a lot harder to obtain, it would loose the ease of changing stats on legendary. So the stat swap function was added.
So your point is invalid cause before and after the wardrobe introduction it was possible to put the skin on any weapon. It was implemented cause creating an ascended weapon just to change the stats on a legendary was too high.
I respect your opinion that legendary weapons should be cosmetic only (though I disagree), but the wardrobe didn’t change anything bout that. They made this decission. I find it a good one, you a bad one.
Yes, we’ve always been able to reskin it to another GS.
The problem was that when you did it in the old system you lost the old weapon.
Change from zerker to soldier? Zerker is now gone.
Not a huge deal with exotics but gets really expensive really fast with ascended.
Now, I want to switch from Zerker to Soldier I make a new GS, skin it with Sunrise.
Bam, I now have both swords skinned as Sunrise and can freely swap back and forth at no cost, which was the problem the swapping was meant to solve.
People didn’t think it was fair to sacrifice/destroy an ascended GS every time they wanted to swap stats, and it wasn’t, but now you no longer have to due solely to the wardrobe as I said, and it’s time for the stat swapping to go.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Yeah, should be a one time thing. Bam, problem solved.
I don’t see any problem.
not [lama finisher]
a new tier means there are stats changes, and this is not the case at all. Is it convineance to have it, yes of course, most of us run around with several set in our backpack, not having to do that would be great. But it does not change anything for the game play.
You then compare exotics and ascended as if this is the same thing when this is also not the case. Ascended gear which is the highest stats of gear in this game have better stats the exotics. If you have full set of ascended you will produce more dps/hps then if you have exotic. BUT the fact is that as long as you are not doing the highest fractals, ascended gear is not needed. You will manage with exotics and you can play all parts of the game with it. It still have less stats then ascended, but not enough to be game breaking. So comparing conveniance against higher stats is like mixing apples with pears. It just is not the same thing. Ascended and legendary are the same thing stat wise there for it is not a new tier.
a new tier means there are stats changes, and this is not the case at all. Is it convineance to have it, yes of course, most of us run around with several set in our backpack, not having to do that would be great. But it does not change anything for the game play.
Each of my sets have a different rune set. That is going to get very expensive if you try to replicate that with legendary armor.
It’s not a new tier.
ok im prety anoyed at legendary armour for a few reasons and this is proly the main reason why
Anet promised us there was not going ot be a new tier of armour many times on the run up to HoT release
now many of you are proly gona say legendary armour has no better stats than ascended and there for is not is a new tier of armour
myselff i dont agree with that, way i see it legendary armour will have the ability to switch stats and that alone makes it a higher quality therefor it is indeed a new tier of armour
and this anoys me because a couple months back i crafted good infusions with +5 power +5 AR and this cost me about 1k roughly to do so and now im looking at haveing to make legendary armour and pay roughly 300g on gems to remove the infusions from my current armour
for a long time i didnt wana add these to my armour knowing HoT was comeing and the chance there might be a new tier of armour so Anet keeps telling us not to worry there wont be a new tier and then they go and do thiswhats your feelings on this do you think legendary is a higher tier ?
Chill man… it will take you months to collect everything to craft full legendary set. Months. Many.
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.The stats swap on Legendary was added because before each Legendary had one stats. So I remember when I crafted my Sunrise it was Soldier stats. This problem would still be there today if they remove the stats swap. My Sunrise would be Soldier stats and I would need to craft a Ascended and then transmute my legendary on that ascended.
Make no sense that you need to craft both an Ascended and a Legendary just to have the right stats on your Legendary. They could change the swap stats to a one time thing. Like you craft your legendary, you choose your stats once and then you can swap them to something else. I wouldn’t mind that, but is it that important?
I rather that they also include a sigil swapping system personally.
Yeah, should be a one time thing. Bam, problem solved.
Are you * insane guys? This is the only thing why many people craft legendaries.
Am I the only person that is disappointed that the OP has stopped replying?
But to stay on topic, no not a new tier.
keep the infusion on the ascended armor.
If you really care about min maxing, you want different rune for different situation. Use a separate rune for your legendary armor. I would either use a wvw rune for legendary armor, or a defense rune on legendary armor for raiding.
And keep the ascended armor berserker and just apply the legendary skin on it.
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality
It’s immaterial how you look at it (or, for that matter, how I do). In GW2, gear tiers are entirely determined by stats. Since ascended and legendary armor will have identical stats, they belong to the same gear tier.
Legendary armor is still going to be more coveted than ascended. However, the fact that people have a preference for it doesn’t mean it’s higher quality.
The only reason they got weapon swap added (they didn’t launch with that) was from before the wardrobe. When you had to use a transmutation crystal to move the skin to another GS destroying the first set of stats in the process, which meant if you wanted to switch back it cost a 3rd GS, then a 4th, 5th, etc.
Expensive with exotics, just nuts with ascended.
Now that we have the wardrobe and the ability to apply the legendary skin to as many weapons as you want with no loss of gear it’s time for the stat swapping to go and legendaries restored to what they are supposed to be, and that is cosmetic ONLY.No that is not the reason why stat swapping was added. It was added with the launch of ascended weapons.
to explain the situation before ascended weapons. You had transmutation crystals. (so although there wasn’t a wardrobe, you could swap skins). Legendary weapons had exotic stats and you could simply acquire a new exotic weapon and use a crystal to merge the legendary with the new stats. So with crystals you could use whatever stat you want, for the cost of an exotic weapon and a crystal.When ascended weapons where launched. it was needed to upgrade legendary to those stats, but cause ascended weapons where a lot harder to obtain, it would loose the ease of changing stats on legendary. So the stat swap function was added.
So your point is invalid cause before and after the wardrobe introduction it was possible to put the skin on any weapon. It was implemented cause creating an ascended weapon just to change the stats on a legendary was too high.
I respect your opinion that legendary weapons should be cosmetic only (though I disagree), but the wardrobe didn’t change anything bout that. They made this decission. I find it a good one, you a bad one.Yes, we’ve always been able to reskin it to another GS.
The problem was that when you did it in the old system you lost the old weapon.
Change from zerker to soldier? Zerker is now gone.
Not a huge deal with exotics but gets really expensive really fast with ascended.
Now, I want to switch from Zerker to Soldier I make a new GS, skin it with Sunrise.
Bam, I now have both swords skinned as Sunrise and can freely swap back and forth at no cost, which was the problem the swapping was meant to solve.
People didn’t think it was fair to sacrifice/destroy an ascended GS every time they wanted to swap stats, and it wasn’t, but now you no longer have to due solely to the wardrobe as I said, and it’s time for the stat swapping to go.
The selectable stats where not implemented on our demand, so looking into the reasons is difficult. So I would ask you to stop saying where we are entitled too. We don’t know the exact reason the devs had. It can be your reason, it can be (and that is more likely) cause the task to create an ascended weapon is too steep to ask for people who could change fairly easy, to no longer be able to that and go through a long and harsh grind.
I rather look at the arguments behind the reasons the devs had.
Do I think there is something wrong with a legendary weapon that is more then just a skin? no. For example. I do not own a legendary weapon, but I did unlock sunrise and twilight in my wardrobe. The reason is that I had all the gifts for sunrise and twilight. someone gave me dusk and dawn, and I created eternity. This was then passed along again (it was one of the two eternity’s people could win during pink day in LA last year). Did I earn twilight and sunrise?? no. should I therefor get the same as people who do owe the legendary? nope. Just one personal reason.
But I also look at what would be beneficial to the game. I bet if they would take away the statswapping now, it would make a lot of people angry. Specially cause the current situation has been around for over a year now (wardrobe was added in april 2014). So doing as you say would be dissatrous for the community.
So there is no real issue, the advantage isn’t unfair and removing the option now would be very harsh to those who earned a legendary.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I think I may have a happy compromise for the original poster, thefinnster, and for ….well….the entire rest of the GW2 community. It’s not a new tier in terms of statistics, but it could be perceived as a new tier in terms of “convenience”, because that is all that legendary armour offers…..a more convenient way to change stats.
One reason why I love GW2 is that it is arguably one of the best MMO’s around to successfully control power creep within their game to create a “relatively” level playing field for all of its gamers (please understand the concept of “relative” before attempting to troll me on that last passage). While I imagine that making a set of legendary armour will be as time consuming (if not more so) than a legendary weapon, I am okay with this as legendary items are NOT something that a player has to have to enjoy the game or to even be competitive in either pve or pvp. Every MMO needs to create some form of enticement for players to continue playing the game. Creating more content is of course one means of doing so but this option is limited by extreme resource costs (financial and otherwise) which is why all MMO’s (that I have see) introduce things similar to legendary items which will keep players occupied with goals to achieve and thus, keep coming back and playing their game. Most MMO’s resort to using power creep to do this (as well as to make more money) but so far GW2 has managed well to control power creep. Instead of QQ’ing about legendary armour being introduced thefinnster, you should be giving prop’s to the GW2 development team.
So… You where willing to spend 1000 gold on 5 power and 5 AR and now you want us to wheep with you over this? I really hope people like you are stopping to play games where other people are involved… This greed and stupidity is unbelievable… Sorry.
(edited by FOX.3582)
My concern is that ascended armorsmithing/leatherworking/tailoring remain relevant in the game. Getting 500 in these crafts and crafting the ascended pieces is very expensive. If complete, ready to wear legendary armor pieces simply start dropping from the game, I won’t be happy about it. I would rather see the acquisition of legendary armor somehow tied both to the new high-end content and ascended crafting. By this I mean to get a legendary armor piece, you should have to start with the account-based ascended piece and some new legendary inputs and then craft it using 500 in the profession. The stat switching has limited practical use given the likelihood of needing to switch out runes. The primary use case as I see it would be the transition to and from WvW and PvE.
(edited by Phibes.4128)
This whole legendary armor feature is not sounding very appealing to me. Sure, you can change stats and switch to condi. But how do you switch the runes? Assuming you are in zerk with strength runes..then switch to dire/sinister, the strength run stays in the armor, correct? So at that point, you either eat 70gold and put a new condi rune over that str rune, or you buy upgrade extractors…which are just about the most ridiculously priced item on the gem store.
And if you switch often, the switching of these expensive runes will cost a fortune. Or am I missing something and runes can be switched too?
The only thing dropping is the armor precursers in the raid, at least so far.
Given old legendaries used a couple crafting professions at 400 each I’d wager the armor will as well, though I’d guess just the 3 armor related ones for the armor.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality
I don’t care how you look it , your opinion is irrelevant when the fact proves you are wrong.
a step up in armor quality means you got better stats with legendary armor aka power creep.
It is infact, no different than ascended armor, hence, no power creep.
Its purely a skin/quality of life benefit….. stat change is utterly meaningless when 100% of this games pve content can be completed in any type of gear/build , with exotics (minus high lvl fractals due to agony of course).
Not to mention even with stat change, you still gotta change out runes which can be an expensive endevour….most ppl already have different sets of armor for different builds…. legendary armor brings nothing new to the table outside a minor quality of life benefit and new skin. Its “tier” is still ascended, which is nothing new.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour quality
I wouldn’t personally say that 15% increase was insignificant but I guess to each their own.
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour qualityI wouldn’t personally say that 15% increase was insignificant but I guess to each their own.
I wouldn’t either if that number was true….
Math is already out there, its a 5-7% increase AT MOST, not even close to 15%
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour qualityI wouldn’t personally say that 15% increase was insignificant but I guess to each their own.
I wouldn’t either if that number was true….
Math is already out there, its a 5-7% increase AT MOST, not even close to 15%
It’s actually exactly a 5% increase. When stats were removed from traits, they were going to bump it to 10% but enough people didn’t like the change that they kept it at 5% instead.
When stats were removed from traits, they were going to bump it to 10% but enough people didn’t like the change that they kept it at 5% instead.
It’ll probably happen eventually anyways however. The original plan back when ascended and infusions were first revealed was to offer progression through infusions, allowing for ascended gear to improve over time. You can see how they started with that plan when they added stats, but stopped early on. With raiding, they might pick it up again and offer +7 or so stat infusions, or keep it limited to raiding and offer something like +1% damage while in that raid. If they actually want to appeal to raiders, they’re going to want vertical progression.
When stats were removed from traits, they were going to bump it to 10% but enough people didn’t like the change that they kept it at 5% instead.
It’ll probably happen eventually anyways however. The original plan back when ascended and infusions were first revealed was to offer progression through infusions, allowing for ascended gear to improve over time. You can see how they started with that plan when they added stats, but stopped early on. With raiding, they might pick it up again and offer +7 or so stat infusions, or keep it limited to raiding and offer something like +1% damage while in that raid. If they actually want to appeal to raiders, they’re going to want vertical progression.
That would be the masteries. Did you miss the bit where it said it would be guaranteed failure if you got to a certain part of the raid and you didn’t have someone with a particular mastery?
It’s something you want but don’t need. It’s not a new tier
many players would argue the same thing about ascended in fact i know quite a few players who haven’t even bothered to make ascended yet coz its stat gain benefit is so insignificant
so anyone who made it didn’t relay need it they wanted it coz i think we can all agree that you can manage just as well without it using exotic armours
i think too many players are hung up on the fact that theres no better stats on it and compleatly missing the fact that this armour IS better than ascended simply because of the option to change stats
no matter how i look at it i see this as an upgrade and the next step up on armour qualityI wouldn’t personally say that 15% increase was insignificant but I guess to each their own.
I wouldn’t either if that number was true….
Math is already out there, its a 5-7% increase AT MOST, not even close to 15%
No, it is definitely more than 5%. Higher weapon damage, higher power, precision, ferocity, higher everything. All of those things are multiplicative. The damage output doesn’t go up in a flat 5% it goes up to more like 12-15%. Math is math is math.